Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Good morning all,
I feel a bad mood creeping up- gonna try to focus on gratitude to head it off.
I’m grateful I have a steady job, and I don’t have to worry about getting enough hours. I’m grateful I like my teammates. I’m grateful that I know we will be able to find humor throughout this day. I’m grateful for an extra coffee( from a teammate.) I’m grateful for Tran siberian Orchestra Christmas music. I’m grateful that it’s Friday! I’m grateful that the sun is coming up. I’m grateful that I don’t feel like crap from drinking, and I never have to again.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


I’m grateful my desire to be clean is greater than wanting to be loaded right now

I’m grateful I’ve remained clean all week while out of town for work with guys that get loaded everyday

I’m grateful for my support group in person and on this forum

I’m grateful to be alive, and feel like I’m living again :pray::blue_heart:


Grateful today is Friday! Reminding myself that I’m grateful to be the kind of person who enjoys participating and engaging with people, and that I’m the kind of person people like to talk to. Grateful I joined the events committee at work, so I can help and support my fellow co-workers organizing fun things for our office. Grateful the holiday event yesterday is over and that source of stress is done with. Very grateful for my sobriety and that the added anxiety of drinking and losing control was not a part of the equation in this whole thing, and grateful for the space here with you all to reflect and keep myself focused and positive. Very very grateful to finally have a holiday season where I feel the stress level is manageable, and I can actually enjoy it and not just “get through it”, and I’m grateful for my sobriety and the effort I’ve made to support my own mental health that have allowed me to make this progress.

  1. Im grateful it’s suppose to be sunny, no clouds all day, since it’s not going to get above freezing.
  2. Im grateful my friend Julie, in London, and I have been texting a bit.
  3. I’m grateful she won’t be alone for the Holidays, her husband will be home this year. First time since pre COVID.
  4. I’m grateful we went out to the movies yesterday. We saw a real tear jerker. “Spoiler Alert.” It was just what I needed. It was so well done. My mood and attitude improved :100: after that.
  5. I’m grateful I took the dogs out for a second walk after the movie.
  6. I’m grateful I asked my wife to come and she said No. And I still went anyway.
  7. I’m grateful I didn’t take her No personally. Just the facts. Her No meant she didn’t want to come for a second dog walk.
  8. I’m grateful for my strength and courage to wake up every day and live with a spouse in active addiction and when I celebrate little victories like a “No,” whether it’s me or her saying it. Is A Big Deal! And it makes me feel good to recognize this. Especially the part where I hit the pillow at night still sober.
  9. I’m grateful for my constant reminder.
  10. I’m grateful for the unconditional love of a pet or 6.
    :pray:t2: :cat2: :guide_dog: :christmas_tree: :heart:

Today I will take care of myself emotionally. I will be open to, and accepting of, the emotional part of myself and other people. I will strive for balance by combining emotions with reason, but I will not allow intellect to push the emotional part of myself away.
December 16
The Language Of Letting Go.
Melody Beattie


I’m grateful I’m safe. I’m grateful for a full stomach. I’m grateful for shelter. I’m grateful for the pond next to my house. I’m grateful for the clear sky last night and the shooting star I witnessed. I also saw a planet I think? I’m grateful for my family and my support. I’m grateful my worries are really about tomorrow and yesterday… if I can only stay in today. I’m grateful my God has my back. I’m grateful for YouTube and Netflix. I’m grateful I’m sober. I’m grateful for feeling even when it hurts. I’m grateful I’m ok . Just for today


Today I’m grateful for my cozy bed. For caring friends. For my therapist. For a full fridge. For my reliable car.
I’m depressed today, crying a lot, feeling lonely, abandoned and betrayed. I feel trapped in this shitshow of my husband and the only thing that makes sense is: shut up and wait, everything will fall into place when the time comes. For me this is a horror, I’m impatient and want to change, do something, act! I’m grateful for all my friends and therapists who constantly tell me: keep calm, let go, don’t react, focus on yourself, don’t let them provoke you :pray: They are pure gold and saving my life and sanity on days like today.
I’m grateful Missi purred away the dark thoughts in the morning, she is an angel with fur :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Im really checking into my gratitude right now. I’m feeling so frustrated that I haven’t been able to get my license yet and I need to step back and count my blessings. I am grateful that I graduated from IOP last night. I’m grateful for the time and mental space this will clear up for me. I’m grateful to be on the eve of my 9 month milestone. I’m grateful I have a home, with a room that is MINE, that I have rights and a key to. I am grateful that im headed down to pick up my kids for the fourth weekend in a row. I’m grateful I get to be excited about being WITH them Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, for all the time that we get to have. I’m grateful for the lights on my house. I did that. I’m grateful we’re going to the Nutcracker tomorrow. I’m grateful I was able to buy a dress and shoes for it. I’m grateful I can afford the transportation to and from. I’ve gotten to a point where I feel like things should (dangerous word) be better, I should be further along…but I stop and think that 9 months ago I had NOTHING. Not a dollar, and I was fucking miserable and addicted and hopeless.
So where I’m sitting right now, smoking my fancy little vape under my Christmas lights at MY HOUSE, i am reminding myself just how far I’ve come. :christmas_tree::heart::christmas_tree::heart:


Congratulations Darcy. On so many levels.
So much to be grateful for!!
Enjoy the show with your children.
It sounds like your going to have a very grateful Christmas with them.


Good morning all! It is Saturday and for that I am grateful.

I’m grateful to be over 400 days sober. Every week still brings a bit of growth and adjustment. I’m grateful to be alive and growing and changing, even though it is tough sometimes.

I’m grateful to have a warm and safe home. I read of the struggles of another person in our TS community who does not have a place to live. This made me sad and reflect in how difficult life really is for so many people.

I’m grateful for a job that I mostly enjoy. My students are working hard and are learning and that brings me joy.

I’m grateful that the winter break is nearly here and I get to travel to a favorite place for a week of vacation. With the hubby and I both being sober, it will be nice to do things together without having to drag the booze along to impact the mood.

I’m grateful that my grown sons are happy and healthy. Whew!

I’m grateful to find that I am in love with my husband. We’ve been together for 17 years and I am so pleased with the life we have made for ourselves. I have read that sometimes couples have troubles when they change their addictive behaviors. We have been lucky to find ourselves coming together over this.

I wish you all a peaceful and beautiful weekend. It is a hard time if year for many of us. Take care of yourself.


Goodmorning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, 230 days free
My hubby
All those blessings, big and small, that i dont always see but get to experience
My family
Health insurance that pays for my meds and therapy
A cute reddit song i found and posted on the checkin thread…its catchy

Inserting here bc im obsessed
I was able to pay off my credit card and put some money in savings
Non alcoholic drinks, surprising they are so plenty lol
This thread
This platform
Everyone fighting addiction one day at a time

Light and love to you all

  1. I’m grateful how Minnie comes out of nowhere, to check on me again, this morning when I’m reading some kind of deep, feely recovery thing that’s making me cry. How the fuck does she know? She wasn’t even in view. And I wasn’t making any noise.
  2. I’m grateful for the mystery of dogs and what they sense. Higher Power :thinking: Dog spelled backwards :thinking::pray:t2:
  3. I’m grateful when we did try to control addiction 10-12 years ago it left us alone, 500 miles away from one kid starting a family. And 1000 miles away from another kid starting a family. And I can feel sad about it currently.
  4. I’m grateful that move was a huge sacrifice at the time and worth it to save my children.
  5. I’m grateful to realize it came with a price.
  6. I’m grateful for the conversation on the phone with my sister yesterday and her 3 kids will all be home for the Holidays and I’m truly happy for her and can admit I’m jealous of that.
  7. I’m grateful I had to rearrange my morning schedule to talk to her on the phone yesterday and it was totally worth it.
  8. I’m grateful for the 3 years away from a life of living with Alzheimer’s, as my sister gave me a stark reminder about her mother-in-law. Definitely not jealous of that shit.
  9. I’m grateful we all have, and live our own stories, and we can share the good and the not so good and get something from both.
  10. I’m grateful for movies. They might just have to be in that “Higher Power,” category. Watching “As Good As It Gets,” kinda restored me to sanity last night. Or maybe it was just a booze replacement. It was either that, or “Fried Green Tomatoes.” And I didn’t want to cry that hard. Either way it was a nice escape, scrolling on the tv guide, into a great movie that I’ve seen a few times before and can appreciate it even more so.
    :pray:t2: :movie_camera: :popcorn::christmas_tree: :heart:

“Don’t ask. I’m tired of my own complaints. I need to get some new thoughts.”


Today I’m grateful Eric mentioned “Fried Green Tomatoes”. I love that film, havn’t seen it in years. As I slowly learn to navigate my smart TV I might find it on amazon prime :thinking::blush: I’ll try. I’m grateful I realized that a good film can lift my mood. I watch so little, I seldom thought of deliberately picking one.

I’m grateful for a long talk with my lawyer today. I came up with some fundamental decisions. It’s time to stand up and advocate for myself and my property. Though times awaiting me. No idea how this will end. Good thing: It will. Thank you again @Matt for your words, helped me to come to decisions.

I’m grateful I fell asleep on the couch right after late lunch following the above mentioned appointment. Grateful for rest, I’m still exhausted.
Grateful for Schimanski playing so hard, the living room is chaotic :smile_cat: Grateful for Tiglat and Missi sleeping on me. They feel that times are emotionally draining for me at the moment. I’m grateful today is better than yesterday.




I’m grateful I finished my last week at my current job. I’m grateful I’m moving on for the next chapter. I’m grateful I navigated a week of goodbyes - at work and with friends - with gratitude and grace.

I’m grateful I traveled safely across the pond with my boys. I’m grateful that even though I was beyond exhausted and emotionally spent, I did not ask for a drink on the flight.

I’m grateful I saw my mom and dad and my mom said my skin looks beautiful - did I do any treatments? I didn’t do anything. I didn’t realize that 8+ months without a drink can actually make skin look better than any facials :smile:

I’m grateful I got a real Christmas tree and am helping my mom set it up.

I’m grateful for so much. Family. Good health. Mom’s cooking. Dad’s wise words. Kids playing football together. Hubby joining us in a week.

Truly blessed, truly grateful.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. :heart:


Waking up Grateful and happy. Thanks, Eric. And fried green tomatoes has been one of my all time favorites for a long time. I totally had a crush on Mary Stuart Masterson as a kid. Shes just so cool.

Man im really grateful to be back on the upswing, I’m grateful to have been succesfully coping with anxiety but I’m really glad its gone today. Im really, really, grateful that today…today i can say i have been clean for 9 months. Im really excited to get that yellow key tag :yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart::yellow_heart:.

Im grateful for this crazy ass journey of recovery. Im so, so, so, grateful im getting an opportunity to get my shit right. Ive been thinking a lot lately of my best friend that passed away 3 years ago from overdose and it makes me so very grateful that my life can end in recovery. Today is for you, Jamie.


@Bluekoolaid im really glad you’re still here. I’ve noticed a correlation with anxiety and my not checking in here. Im trying to get back to my daily check in. :blue_heart:
Im glad to see you here, too.


. I am grateful that im headed down to pick up my kids for the fourth weekend in a row. I’m grateful I get to be excited about being WITH them Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, for all the time that we get to have

I’M SMILING. Happy for you and for your achievements.


Way to go!!


Congrats on 9 months @Dakotahjae keep up the good fight!


9 months! Congratulations that is a feat! I am proud of you Darcy. I have a lot to be grateful for. Grateful for the 20 minute mindful meditation I stumbled onto. Grateful for the guided meditation in my meeting. Equanimity. Grateful for Hungry Ghosts. Grateful for my mentor. He texted me a really nice Zen prayer this morning. I’m grateful for Jane Campion and The Power of the Dog. Grateful for subtle behavior. Grateful for my breakfast with three veteran AA guys. Grateful at the ability to be totally honest in recovery. Grateful af Bianca and I were able to converse today. Very grateful for my family. Heading over to my sister’s house shortly and my nephew is here too,visiting from the Pacific Northwest. Grateful my mom just got hearing aids. She may end up regretting that she can hear us now. Grateful for gratidudes and dudettes. Metta to all. :pray: Namaste

God guru and Self are One