Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Lunchtime gratitude. Good to see you @maxwell I have missed you.

I’m grateful I fell asleep again after waking up way too early. Grateful I shook off a nightmare. They become more and more crazy, bäh pfui deibel.

I’m grateful for spending the morning at the office, ticking off the points on the to do list. Adulting on mondays will always feel like “where the fuck did my youth dissappear?” I think this is part of the midlife perimenopausal crisis approaching my 50th birthday … makes me giggle and shake my head feeling like a teenager in the wrong body. I’m grateful this too shall pass and I’m not moody about it. I’m grateful for my sometimes grim sense of humour.

I’m grateful I still stick to healthy eating after fasting. As I’m living alone and cooking only for myself it’s much easier. When I’m temped I spoil the cats with treats. I’m grateful for very little stress in my life atm. Helps to focus on selfcare and working on myself, getting my shit together by babysteps and smile more.
May I borrow from you Brian?

Don’t forget to: Smile! Even a fake smile releases endorphins and relaxes the muscles a little bit. Give yourself a smile today.


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober and not wanting to drink, knowing it would make everything so much worse.

I’m grateful for a safe, comfortable place to live, food in the fridge, and a reliable car. Too easy to take those things for granted.

I’m grateful for my cats, particularly Tessie who sleeps curled up next to me at night. She provides a lot of comfort.

I’m grateful today is a new day and I can try to leave yesterday’s pity party behind me. I need to remember to separate out what I can control from what I can’t control. And try to make progress, no matter how small, everyday on those that I can control. One of my favorite takeaways from my IOP was a fellow participant’s saying that you shouldn’t try to eat the elephant all in one bite.

I’m grateful for the support I have from family and friends, especially when I find it difficult to ask for help.

Grateful for OFDAAT.


I’m grateful for this.
You have no idea how much I need this RIGHT now. “Easy Does It.”
Thank you.


Grateful I made it to the bus on time and don’t have to drive to work in freezing rain, that’s too scary! I’m grateful for an easy commute, my grateful buddies, and all the beautiful murals and street art to watch pass by. I’m grateful that even though I was knocked off track on my cardio challenge when I was sick and slept and was weak for like 2 weeks, whole I did get disappointed and disheartened I am still trying to make my goal and I think I might actually succeed! Even if I don’t I’m grateful I was able to pick myself up and keep trying anyway. I’m grateful that my boyfriend is a kind and generous person, who offers his friends a place to stay when they need it, even if it’s two in the morning and the dogs freak out and there’s a bunch of chaos when I’m sleeping and the shy dog cries for an hour because there are interlopers.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 302 days without which i wouldnt have the positive forward progress in my life.
My hubby did the dishes
Quality time with my man
Boscoe cuddles
Boscoe didnt wake me up last night!
Insight timer guided sleep meditations
A new week
Dharma recovery tonight
A restful weekend
Spiritual growth
Healthy meals planned for the week
AA fellowship
TS fellowship
All of you

Weve got this!


How does Recovery Dharma and AA together for you? Gives you one of these something the other can’t?

I’m asking, because I’m in AA, too, but also think about Recovery Dharma.


Im new to Dharma Recovery. This will be my second meeting. I feel like i will grow more through meditation and mindfulness thru those meetings. Dont get me wrong, i still love aa but im just adding more sober tools to my toolbox.


I’m very grateful to have been woken up in bed, it’s 1:20am and all I can hear banging, toys, jumping and all sorts.
Such loud noises and bumps in the night all from tiny little Rita (who is our deaf kitten) all this noise and I’m grateful I’m in bed giggling at her making all this noise without a care in the world and when you see how little she is and the amount of noise she can make is just so cute, she’s un aware of it and I can imagine the more the noise the more of vibration she feels so did it more :joy: I’m so grateful she came to live with us, I’m so grateful for my patience and love that she can just be herself and not have a care in the world just because she can.
I’m grateful I know all the noises as what she is getting up to, I’m grateful that she sleeps through some nights… Slowly we will get there to sleeping until it’s light out im just so grateful for her, for all my pets I love them all so much.


Good evening all,
I’m grateful for a day off work. I’m grateful I got stuff done, little by little. I’m grateful for my kids. I’m grateful I quit drinking while I still have time with them at home. I’m grateful for a sunny, cool day. I’m grateful for exercise and that my body can do it. I’m grateful we have enough.
Everyone have a wonderful evening :heart:


Im greatful the worst thing that happened to me today was a cop on the interstate and i couldnt speed to work. Im fuckin blessed and greatful todays inconveniences are trivial.


Grateful to see you here, Maxine…welcome back :heart:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through this day clean and sober. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for…

I am grateful my sister made it to and from surgery today and it appears to have been successful. I am grateful for the twelve steps and the people who practice them. I am grateful for boundaries and the courage to respect them and not allow them to be crossed. I am grateful for feeling all the things lately and praying some growth follows. I am grateful to be working the steps. I am grateful to be working on recovery, not sobriety. I am grateful that I have cleared a fair bit of wreckage this past week. I am grateful I have Dr, Dentist, Counsellor, financial and psychiatrist appointments scheduled everyday this week and most of next. I am grateful there is a twelve step meeting everyday. I am grateful for humor and laughter . I am grateful for my God given gift of gab. It has gotten me into and out of alot of trouble. Coupled with faith, personality and the gift of a smile through my previous recovery efforts. I have been blessed with a chance to connect with so many people and grow a solid foundation for me as well as watching my fellowships thrive and grow. I am grateful I got asked out on a date by which seems to be a healthy woman that works at my bank. I am grateful she isn’t after my money becuase she has seen my bank accout Lol
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are killing it. Ya you!!


Early morning gratitude. I’m grateful for meeting my counselor yesterday.

Our talk showed me that I have markedly changed in the last 1,5 months. My attitude, my lifestyle, my emotions, my focus, my self-esteem, healthy boundaries, living life at my pace. All the babysteps, therapy and work added up to shifting and changing. I feel content, there is minimal to no anger, aggression and grumpy in my life these days. Mostly concerning my ex but also on many other issues I had/have to deal with. Sometimes I feel jolly again. What a blessing :pray: I know this won’t last forever. I’m grateful for all moments, hours, days I feel calm, content, jolly, a bit wicked. I was a happy, joyful, energetic person before things went down the drain in our marriage and around and life squeezed out the last drop of bearing off me.

I’m grateful I woke up sober and well rested. First thing in the morning: Snuggling and playing with the big red furball in bed. I’m grateful for the love and joy my cats bring to my life.

I’m grateful I painted my fingernails yesterday. I paint them rarely, maybe once or twice per year.
There are lots of little changes I start to notice. I feel better to become myself again, to let go what is not me anymore or was only developed to cope with life :pray: Hard work and staying on track pays off in the long run. Nobody said it is easy but it is worth it :hugs: This saying applies not only on recovery but on every journey in life.


Im grateful that im feeling better after 21 days sober
Im grateful that i learned more about zoom aa meetings today.
Im grateful for my 3 sons
Im grateful for my dog jackson.


I’m grateful very often I get strong visions of when I was drinking so bad that I really didn’t want to be like that anymore but didn’t have the emotional or physical energy to even try.
This vision was me drunk on the sofa drinking straight out the bottle, which was often 2 big gulps and it was gone and on to the next… Well I was watching TV and had hardly any food in the house, no money (facing a big emotional loss so a big mess in my head) and the film had this man just cooking a nice meal on his own and he looked like he was enjoying it, I know it’s just a film but at that moment I felt so lost in darkness, so sad, I didn’t know who I was, and all I wished for was to feel like that man on the TV and just be happy to be able to cook a meal and just be at peace with that.
I imagined it I wanted it but it took a while still before I helped myself.
I’m grateful last week this vision flashed in my head, not just visions of that moment but I felt how I felt at the time and I’m so grateful that I got myself out of that hole, that dark emptiness.
I’m grateful that when this vision came I looked around and thought wow, I am so grateful that I am at peace and happy for so many small things in life that I took for granted. I’m so grateful I am no longer stuck in darkness or feel empty.
Life’s not perfect and I don’t have everything, I’m grateful I don’t want everything but Iv got everything needed to live a simple calm and peaceful life, and that’s enough.
I’m grateful today to be wiping my fridge down, I’m grateful for the Tesco shop that came this morning.
I’m grateful I have tears in my eyes that I am living that life that i had wished for when that film was on.
I’m so grateful that I’m scared to go back to that life.
I’m grateful when I’m have cravings this and many other bad visions remind me how lucky I am to have got out of that cycle.

I’m grateful for @Dazercat for posting his cat recently as this was also a heavy reminder that my addiction is worse then I can often let myself believe.
(This reminded me of a drunken time of my own-no pets involved but many years ago and proof my addiction has always been there)
I’m glad I could laugh at myself with humility.
I’m so grateful today I am happy and peaceful to just cook a nutritious meal and be happy really happy inside with who I am now.
I’m grateful I can accept my flaws.
I’m grateful I don’t ever have to live or feel like that day on the sofa watching that movie.

Have a lovely day everyone :slightly_smiling_face: I’m grateful for YOU :relaxed:


@Twizzlers this made my morning.

I’m listening to the audio book ‘The Subtle Art of Not Giving a f$@k’ and there’s a part in the early chapters where the author says, paraphrasing, save your Fs for what matters in your life, for what’s important; don’t waste them on things that don’t matter. Sounds like you are doing just that. :nerd_face:


Good morning grateful friends.

I’m grateful for another day sober free from cravings.

I’m grateful the sun is shining and it will be warm today. Spring is on the way. I always feel so much worse in winter so spring is even more welcome.

I’m grateful that I got a few more hours of sleep last night (even though I had crazy dreams).

I’m grateful for the reminders to take things ODAAT. Not just my sobriety, but also life in general while dealing with mental health issues. And that it’s okay if all I did for the day was survive to make it to the next day.

I’m grateful that my transition back to work is going okay now. I’m free to take frequent breaks and work at my own pace, so that really helps. I’m grateful I have a supportive boss and coworkers who can help out if needed. Concentration and focus are still a major issue, but I’ve at least stopped one of the meds adding to the brain fog.

I’m grateful for all of you here.


Congratulations :confetti_ball:


I love this! I’m so happy for you! This brightened my morning, thank you for sharing this.


I’m most grateful for me today! I’m grateful that I worked hard and I’m going to finish my mileage goal for the cardio challenge I’m in. I didn’t think I’d be able to do it, and I told myself maybe it wasn’t worth it but I’m happy and proud now that I stuck with it even though I had to work extra hard to make up for days I missed when I was sick. Also, I’ve hated broccoli for years and years, but I bought some and roasted it with garlic as a side for dinner last night and it was actually really good (I mean, pretty much everything is good when you cover it in garlic and oil and roast the shit out of it). So I’m proud of myself for that, and grateful I was willing to give it a go. I’m grateful to have another veggie in my repertoire. Im grateful my puppies current destructive rampage hasn’t damaged anything that can’t be replaced, and don’t think I’ll ever stop being surprised at how quickly and quietly they can cause havoc. I’m grateful to wake up feeling good in the morning, and grateful to feel like it is possible for me to do and achieve the things I want to do, and to take care of myself, the people that are important to me, and our home.