Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #3

Continuing the discussion from Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2 - #2525 by erntedank.

Previous discussions:


Iā€™m grateful I can start this Daily Gratitude Thread with a reminder for all about gratitude.

Iā€™ve always considered gratitude to be a pointless, touchy feely exercise, but as it turns out, itā€™s actually an incredibly effective tool against anxiety too.


In recovery, we either learn to be grateful, or we donā€™t last. Gratitude is the air of recovery. Gratitude is what makes the lungs of recovery fill, the heart beat, and the life flow. The attitude of gratitude focuses on what we have rather than what we donā€™t. With gratitude, there is such a thing as enough. People filled with gratitude arenā€™t good consumers because they donā€™t heed the message ā€œYou need more stuff. Stuff will make you whole.ā€ Gratitude makes us whole, not stuff. It allows us to make the abundant blessings we already have in our life not only count, but be enough. And not just enough, but more than we could have imagined. Gratitude allows us to understand that there is enough for everyone so we donā€™t have to hoard whatever it is we think we need. There is plenty. In a culture addicted to the belief that ā€œI need more,ā€ people with an attitude of gratitude stand out. They are like roses growing out of cracks in a ghetto neighborhood. People watch. They see. And in being seen, we give some small measure of the bread of life to the world.
:pray: :heart:

Iā€™ve posted this :point_up: before to start the Gratidude Thread. But now I am living proof that actively working a gratitude list for all 3 years of my sobriety has completely retrained my brain. I now look forward to Our, gratitude thread Every. Single. Day. Especially the days I donā€™t feel all that grateful.

You know what they say. It works if you work it and we are definitely worth it.


I am grateful for the friendships I have formed on here.


Morning check-in. Iā€™m grateful for good sleep. Iā€™m not grateful for nightmares. I really wish this exhausting bullshit would go away, itā€™s like a never ending soap opera in my mental cinema. Iā€™m grateful purring Missi woke me up with tamping and snuggling. She wants breakfast and is nibbling my fingers, chewing on my phone cover and giving me heavy acupuncture with her sharp claws while tamping. Iā€™m grateful I am loved on a sunday morning. Iā€™m grateful I smile about it. Iā€™m grateful a friend reached out for me to ask how Iā€™m doing. Iā€™m grateful I had an intuition about something extremely important that is not completed on the farm and how I can start to deal with this issue! My ex will not be amused, could become uncomfortable for him if he didnā€™t care and didnā€™t continue with the necessary work. Iā€™m pretty sure he didnā€™t. Iā€™m grateful at least this nightmares today produced helpful inspirations.


Today, as we were driving back from dinner, we got rear ended by a drunk driver. Nobody was hurt thankfully.
The relief I felt, watching the other couple stumble around and fight between themselves, it was palpable. I was sober. I am sober. I could feel my gratitude nearly knock me off my feet. I didnā€™t have to worry about any of that stupid shit you have to worry about when youā€™re stupid drunk and do something horrible. I AM SOBER.


Today Iā€™m grateful for good sleep, by far the best thing about being sober, it just affects your whole day - whether it be good sleep or bad sleep. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m getting good sleep.
Iā€™m grateful to read otherā€™s gratitude - I read and say to myself, ā€˜oh yea, Iā€™m grateful for that tooā€™ and by time I come to write it, Iā€™ve forgotten it!!
Iā€™m grateful for a day cooking and cleaning today, washing and tidying. Maybe a bit of Columbo mixed in.
Iā€™m grateful my life is nice and relaxed, no stress, no dramas, just a happy little existence doing my own little thing.
Iā€™m grateful :sparkling_heart:


Oh how awful, Iā€™m glad everyone is OK, that couldā€™ve been such a different outcome. :sparkling_heart:


I am greatful today for the strength I received to get through yesterday without a hiccup! Yesterday was a positive day in every sense for me personally. Overcame a couple of obstacles with relative ease in all honesty. I am greatful for feeling a new sense of positivity and motivation on this daily journey! I am greatful for the brain fog I once felt, now lifting more as the days go by!
I am greatful for the mental strength I received to endure 2 minute cold shower this morning also.
Another blessed day ahead watching my son play football/soccer and I am greatful to be in a position to be able to afford to drive him to these places :grin:


Iā€™m so grateful to came across this forum. Just browsing it gave me so much hope I havenā€™t had for ages to become a sober person. Im grateful for all the amazing people who are contributing to the forum. Thank you!


I really need to work on my gratitude. (Thanks for the prompt @LeeHawk )

Iā€™m grateful to be enrolled in an IOP
Iā€™m grateful for the support of the therapists and other participants
Iā€™m grateful to feel less alone in my struggles
Iā€™m grateful work is understanding and supportive of me taking time off.
Iā€™m grateful for my friend (maybe boyfriend) even though our relationship is in a weird place
Iā€™m grateful he told me he loved me just the way I am and held me while I cried
Iā€™m grateful for a quiet morning alone with my cats and a cup of coffee
Iā€™m grateful for playoff football on TV today to distract me
Iā€™m grateful for this community and their support.

Have a peaceful Sunday all!


Good Morning!

I am grateful for waking up at 5:30am, after sleeping OK. I didnā€™t have to try to force myself to go back to sleep because I was hungover.

I am grateful both of my kids are here. Though, if we donā€™t figure out how to get the oldest a replacement car, itā€™s going to be a drag once school starts.

I am grateful that I had a great time at a one-year oldā€™s birthday party yesterday and wasnā€™t one of those drinking beer there.

I am grateful that I get a 47-degree farm clean up day. I donā€™t like doing it in the freezing cold.

I am grateful my olive eggers are laying. The eggs are so pretty!

I am grateful for quit lit.

I am grateful for coffee and an adjustable bed. Maybe I will just stay here all day. :slight_smile:

I am grateful for you.


Hi George and welcome.
Thatā€™s s how I felt too when I found this place.
Good luck on your journey :sparkling_heart:


Good morning all,
Iā€™m grateful for a clean, safe, and loving home. Iā€™m grateful to have kids who enjoy Barnes and Noble as much as I do. Iā€™m grateful to be able to set goals for myself, and know I will reach them if I stick to the plan. Iā€™m grateful I can stick to a plan now, because Iā€™m not constantly getting derailed by alcohol. Iā€™m grateful we had a beautiful sunny Saturday, and thereā€™s rain in the forecast for today (we will see if it actually does rain). Iā€™m grateful to be happy with a quiet and simple life. I donā€™t need to keep up with the Jonesā€™s, or create drama for entertainment. Iā€™m grateful for my family, and for this thread.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Iā€™m grateful I saw the old gratitude thread close yesterday and I got to post the first post on this new thread.

Iā€™m very grateful for Richard B who turned me on to gratitude and glad to be here sober like him. Minus about 23 years. Iā€™m grateful I finally got what he has.

Iā€™m grateful for mornings with Maverick.
Iā€™m grateful for the rain.
Iā€™m grateful no leaks yet.
Iā€™m grateful the handyman, that was recommended to me, called me back yesterday and is coming today.

Iā€™m grateful my veggie lasagna experiment was a success yesterday.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not a petty hateful bitch of a drunk.
Iā€™m grateful when I donā€™t react.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m sober.
Iā€™m grateful I got a walk in yesterday. I havenā€™t felt motivated to exercise lately.
Iā€™m grateful I got a meeting tonight.

Iā€™m grateful I can be there for Minnie too, like she is here for me, when she looks lost and confused with her doggie dementia, and doesnā€™t know what to do next. I feel ya girl. I can relate. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m very in-tuned to my old girl.

Iā€™m grateful for my coffee.
Iā€™m grateful for my hot tea currently.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m in the rainy desert and not in the mountain blizzard.
Iā€™m grateful I feel truly blessed sometimes.
Iā€™m grateful for my problems.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m healing. And I know itā€™s a slow process and thatā€™s ok. Iā€™m grateful when I recognize my healing. And catch myself when the old stinking thinking comes around. And boy does it come around.
:pray:t2: :umbrella: :cactus: :black_heart:


Perky Bird :bird:


Iā€™m grateful you found us George.
The lights are always on. Pull up a chair. :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety, day 259 free from weed and alcohol
@Dazercat for instigating my daily gratitudes
My weight loss progress - total loss of 7lbs
Keeping up with healthy eating
A sober sister joining me at a new to us AA mtg this morning
Hubby who loves putting me to bed so i dont sleep on the couch
Boscoe and how much joy he gets from walks
This forum
My familys safety
Our home
Being able to make bills
Hot coffee
New healthy recipes
Clean water
All of you!

Light and love for you along your journey


Good morning.

Yesterday was a heavy, heavy day. After the arguement that G and I had before Xmas he has really been trying to get himself sorted out. I am grateful for his willingness and his courage to finally face his demons. I am grateful to be witness to someone who can have that much clean time and have not done any work on themselves. I cant imagine being that sick still today let alone in 6 years from now. I am grateful I have worked so damn hard to heal these last 3 years and I am grateful for my growth. I am grateful that he has been with me for the last year to see how much work I have done, to get to where I am. We were talking about self love and I was trying to think about how I got from the absolute self loathing I had to the complete love I hold for myself today, I couldnt remember. He said, ā€œI know what I have to do, I have been watching you.ā€ I am grateful that I recover loud.

I am grateful for laughter, and its power to drag sadness from dark caves. I am grateful for words and the power they have, in songs, poetry, stories and conversations. I am grateful for boundaries. I am grateful for vulnerability, and tonglen meditations. I am grateful for my meditation practice and that I can drop into a meditative state so quickly now no matter where I am. Meditation has changed my life, I am grateful for my life today.

I am grateful for creativity and passion. I am grateful for the things in my life that I can lose myself in, not through avoidance but through love. I am grateful that I spend most of my minutes in love today and most of my other minutes are moving back into love so thats not too bad. I am grateful for a positive outlook.



Back with more gratitude!

Im greatful a sober sister met me at a new to us AA mtg
Im greatful it was a packed house
Im greatful there was someone celebrating 25yrs and 60 days.
Im greatful for the hope milestones give me and others.
Im greatful for the share that opened the meeting.
Im greatful for the topic of alcoholism and the changes in mental, physical, and spiritual in recovery.
Im greatful i shared and wasnt too intimidated by the microphone
Im greatful to be so hopeful, joyous, and full of gratitude.
Im greatful the guy who led the lords prayer at the end said ā€œwho sees us naked in the showerā€¦ā€ gave me a chuckle
Im greatful its gonna be 48 today
Im greatful to feel productive
Im greatful for quick healthy leftovers


I am grateful for another sober Sunday with a soft blanket, a good book, and a silky robe.


Today Iā€™m grateful I donā€™t have any ailments or health issues. Iā€™m 38 this year and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been physically or mentally fitter.

Without getting sober I can only imagine where my physical and mental health would be now. If I wasnā€™t already dead.

It has given me a design for life, friends I can rely on, and has enabled me to built levels of trust in people I donā€™t think non addicts can even attain.

Today, I am grateful to be an alcoholic and an addict.