Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #4

Morning friends,

I’m struggling to feel grateful because I feel like shit. Pain and bad depression. Crying as soon as I got up. :cry:

I’m grateful for another day sober. Drinking would only make things worse.

I’m grateful for Beans curled up in my lap while I drink my coffee.

I’m grateful I have therapy this afternoon. Lots to talk about.

I’m grateful for the hot shower I’m about to take.

I’m grateful for the roof over my head and food in my belly.

I’m grateful for this community.



Thanks Bill for the virtual hug. :hugs: It helps having support here.


Early afternoon gratitude. I’m grateful today is a holiday and I decided to make it a day of reading and relaxing. I’m grateful for weird dreams. Not nightmares! Even some silly stuff to giggle about.
I’m grateful I was completely dead yesterday. Tuesday was too intense. That’s life, some days are like this. I’m grateful I pause after it. Long enough to recover and regain energy, to sort my mind and emotions. I’m grateful I’m kind to myself. And to others. I’m grateful I let go. I’m grateful I respond, not react.

I’m grateful for my lovely furballs. They are my sunshine and spread purring love. We have fun. We enjoy each other’s company.

I’m grateful for friends and pals, nice texts, good chats, funny memes, snarky comments, good humour. I’m grateful for trust and caring, for concern and honesty. I’m grateful I’m still chewing on some personal questions …

I’m grateful I must take the weather as it is. Today it’s dry and no, I won’t do work in the garden, it’s me-time today. I need me-time. I need my books. They help me to get better. To deal with life on life terms. To understand myself. I’m grateful for healthy boundaries within me.


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 403.24 days free
Hubby calls me just to tell me he loves me
Boscoe cuddles
Talks with my folks
Hubbys grilling steaks for dinner
Im sore from my workout makes me feel like im making progress
Ability to pay bills and save
Progress not perfection
I love my work
I like my coworkers
Strength to share my concerns with my boss
My couch
My bed
My mobility
My health
Looking forward to my favorite ladies AA meeting

Peace and love.


I so hear you on this one—I never thought I would be pleased to wake up the sound of lawn mowers knowing I didn’t have to get up and join the fun.

@dazercat I am so glad that you were able to lighten yourself at your meeting- what a great way to start off your family vacation in Cali. Have a great sober trip :airplane:
@erntedank I do hope you enjoy your well deserved me time today!

This was beautiful to read!

Thursday morning Gratitude my sober friends…
I am so grateful for waking up to organized and clean house – took longer than anticipated but I did manage to get it done yesterday. My mind really can’t function right in a mess (it really wasn’t messy to look at but still in my mind i knew the bathrooms needed scrubbing and I hadn’t hoovered in a week)…I wish my mind would chill sometimes
I am so grateful that the weather is beautiful and will not hit over 75 today so I should be somewhat comfortable.
I am so grateful that i am planning another productive day and even though it takes longer than it used to I will accomplish my goals. (I will not beat myself up if I don’t)
I am so grateful that I don’t recall falling asleep last night and woke up at 6 so I think a solid 4 hours (this is fuc**in amazing - I started the day with a cup of almond yogurt instead of coffee – enjoying my hot cup of coffee now :wink: :yum:
I am so grateful that although I will have to work double time next week as my brother is going to Vegas I will have the house to myself.
I am so grateful that I am no longer on the fence of talking to my brother about his GF - after the airport runs next week I do not plan on being in the same room /car with her. He can see who he wants but my life is too short for that kinda of toxicity. She is not welcome on any of the outings I plan with my siblings. I just took a big gulp as I’m writing this - I do hope I stay strong with this. Every time we get together she spins stories and makes me and some of his other friends feel like shit. :person_facepalming:
I am so grateful i’m not masking the pain but not letting it control me either. I am doing my very best to keep moving forward
I am so grateful that I am finding a new love for life - i’ve known that I’ve always worked too much but now realizing that the work may be an addiction and I don’t know how to relax properly or do things for me if not on a time line… WORKING on this now.-- learning that I need to work to live not live to work.
I am so grateful for my loving family. They really go out of their way to make sure to understand where I’m coming from and I am doing the same for them.
I am so grateful for my meditations / prayers (they really do go to the sidelines a bit when my pain is intense but i know this is when i need to buckle down even more)…so many reminders :open_mouth: have to buy more post its… :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I am so grateful for my HP - I don’t always feel that i deserve “his” love but I know that is my addict mind trying to put me down. I am forever grateful for guidance and support
I am so grateful for this community. Each day I am learning so much from each and every one of you. I never knew such lovely support and love could exist let alone on the internet. Love you all to pieces and Thank you!!! :people_hugging:
Have a fantastic Thursday my sober friends - sending much love :heart:


I’m grateful :innocent:


Gratitude update. You are so nice and caring @JazzyS :hugs:
I’m grateful I haven’t left the house today, read in 3 books, had a noodle salad with leftover veggies and ham, reached a friend after we’ve been trying for a week to catch each other on the phone. It was a fine me-day and I’m grateful my emotions are calm and my mind is chewing comfortably on my issues. Good night :sleeping:


For the moment at the pool I looked over and saw my daughter eating chips. Idk just had a happy moment.
Then I had some frustrated moments because I am only human, I suppose. But I am grateful that I learned how to breathe (sometime in my early 30s, how did it take me that long to learn to breathe🧘‍♀️ )
Grateful for deep, soothing breaths.
Grateful for sandwiches when I am hangry.
Grateful for resting instead of stressing.
Grateful that I will one day in the future have it in me to get this house clean but not right now.
Grateful for the gratitudes, sunny days, flowing conversations.
Grateful for my TS friends I’m gonna do some gratitude catching up right now, hope you’re all having a fabulous day. :sunny:


I am grateful for mid-workday power naps with world’s warmest, softest, handsomest cuddler - Chief the dog.

Grateful I actually do naps now. Used to never do it.

Grateful to work from home full-time and to not be micromanaged, so a 20-30min nap is doable as long as I get my stuff done.


Love your “me” day – so happy for you… seems like you are taking the time to get to know you and love you! This makes me smile :slight_smile:


Middle of the night gratitute. I’m grateful I still comfortably and calm chew on my issues.
Thanks @Clarity for

As I’m not a native speaker I tend to forget about such beautiful words. Oh lord, can I be hangry. I’m grateful for HALT :blush:

I’m grateful we are a lot of people like you

IRL I minimize talking about how comfy me & cats are in daily life to not bore people. I’m grateful we can celebrate it here, it’s a gift :pray:

I’m grateful I had some hours of self-talk and working on me. Turned out it was necessary to come clear with letting go of expectations and resentment. Now I’m tired like a rock and have three snorring cats around me. I’m utmost grateful to be able to live like I live my life and that I put a lot of work into emotionally uncomfortable issues. There’s no shortcut and I’m grateful I have time, peace and help to work through it :pray:


I’m grateful to God for guiding me through another day clean and sober. I’m grateful for my family friends TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for the Dr’s who fixed my back and my smile. I’m grateful for prayer and meditation.
God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. I believe in you. Ya you!!


Grateful to put my sober head on the pillow, time to recharge , please Lordy lots of recharge for all our efforts.
Grateful for another 24.
Love Absolute will see us through :person_in_lotus_position::+1::heart::pray:


I’m grateful to read everyone’s gratitude, it helps me to remember that I’m grateful for those things too.
Grateful for another sober day, grateful drinking doesn’t enter my thoughts.
Grateful to be going home tomorrow evening, dog sitting can be exhausting.
Grateful to be thinking about my future, I’ve no plan or financial security in place, I need to work on this.
Grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


I am truly grateful for today as I have reached my 1 year Clean and Sober mark today and All Praise And Glory Goes to GOD Because He Did for me what I couldn’t do for myself I never in a million years would have believed that I would be able to say any of these words and I Thank The Living GOD For Being A GOD Of Chances!!! And I thank my Sober time Friends as well Have A Blessed Day And Do Something Nice For A Stranger :100::heart::heart::heart:


Good morning grateful friends :sunny:

I’m grateful for another day sober.

I’m grateful for a good therapy session yesterday. My mood is a bit better. I’m glad I’m going once a week.

I’m grateful it’s Friday.

I’m grateful I have an appointment with the eye doctor this afternoon. My near vision is starting to get blurry. I’m at that age.

I’m grateful I found a couple nice outfits at the thrift store yesterday. I’ve gained a fair amount of weight the last couple years and didn’t have dressy work clothes that fit. I generally hate clothes shopping now but felt good about what I found.

I’m grateful for all of you! Yes you!

Depression lies.
Baby steps.


Happy 1 year soberversary!!!


Good morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 404.26 days free
My mom
My hubby
Boscoe and his personality
A productive day at work yesterday
Restful sleep
Its friday!
AA meetings
This community
Progress not perfection
The 12 steps and the promises
Our safe home
Amazon delivery
Gym classes
My love for cooking
All of you!

Keep trudging the road to happy destiny


Yippeee it’s Friday!!! All these years of working 7 days and I still get excited for Friday’s – now more so cause I think I will actually start seeing days off starting hopefully this Sunday (regardless it won’t be long now) :blush:
I am so grateful that I received a rather large order from one of the grocery stores (but knowing that it will be my last makes it easier to tackle)
I am so grateful a for a breezy Friday (I do hope that I will eventually be able to enjoy the heat again but for now I know it is not my friend)
I am so grateful for my lovely mother who is going out of her way to make sure I am getting my correct nutrients and trying to create an atmosphere that I am not super uncomfortable in… I hate being doted on but I know if temps and all are not just right I get highly irritated and unfortunately I take it out on those unfortunate to be near me.
I am so grateful that I am moving around with little effort and have already planned to sit down and take breaks today so that I don’t stress out my back
I am so grateful that the therapy sessions helped your mood @Karenkw and delighted that you were able to find nice outfits at the thrift store
I am so grateful that my cousin from Exeter England is coming in 1 month to visit with her youngest. I am doing what I can to get better enough to be able to enjoy their time here. I am grateful that I am planning a weekend getaway with them to Chicago.
I am so grateful for my meditation / prayer for allowing me to stay positive. Grateful for my breathing techniques and positive affirmations. Grateful for my HP – Oh so grateful!!
I am so grateful for this site and its beautiful community. Love how we are able to keep each other uplifted and with support and sometimes tough love we are all moving forward together.
Sending much love my lovely sober friends :heart:


Today I’m grateful I took it easy and took a long nap. I’m grateful I’m still chewing on my questions and issues and it gets less uncomfortable. Babysteps and honesty.

I’m grateful that my cats are loudly demanding love and pets. They are my sunshine.

I’m grateful for my cozy bed. Tiglat is joining me. He missed dinner an hour ago, he slept in the office chair. I think he is a bit deaf already.

I’m grateful tomorrow is a new day. I’m tired of and from all this thinking, reading, meditating, sorting out feelings, working on me. I need a break. I plan to do a lot of chores tomorrow, maybe some garden work. Doing the minimum for 4 days in a row makes me feel uncomfortable. The house needs vakuuming and mopping from roof to ground floor, there are 3 machines laundry to put away and another 3 to wash, the bathroom needs deep cleaning and now that I type this out I want to run away screaming instead of adulting. This too shall pass … :blush: