I’m grateful for the weekend I had. Feeling reflective…
When I moved to this northern working town, over 5 years ago, I didn’t think I’d stay that long. Bought a 500 sq ft condo on the edge of town, facing a forest. I thought it’d be easier to rent out if I needed to when I left, and didn’t want to buy my “forever home” here. Grateful I chuckle at how much I love this wee home! Feels like a cabin. Feels like how I’m supposed to live. Finally.
Grateful that freed up some cash. Grateful that not spending $$$ on wine has freed up a lot more cash. Grateful that sobriety and recovery actually create space to – as “exciting scary” as it is – pursue my dreams, including finding some land.
Grateful for time on Saturday to keep mucking around on M-land, finding the narrow game trails. Here’s some pics, @Soberbilly. I have no place to live on it as yet, and not for some time, but maybe these mushrooms will grow big enough to hunker under til then.
Grateful my land is close to my pal’s cabin, on the shores of a large lake. She and her husband also own a swath of land on the lake, where we camp out. Like our @Bootz, they plan to donate it to a conservancy. It is important bird habitat, and I am helping document the bird life there. I’m grateful I camped by myself on Saturday night, fell asleep under the stars and saw pelicans take off the lake in the early morning. Here I am in my happily unshowered state.
Grateful my pal and I and another pal went back out picking blueberries yesterday. Buckets full! Not so grateful that the mosquitos fed on my face in a short span of time (I’m susceptible). I bet they’re grateful? 20-30 bites later, and my ears, face, and neck look a bit like raw hamburger (sorry vegans) today. Grateful for home remedies.
Grateful that through all of it – time off work, camping, unpacking at home, when I would have uncracked or uncorked something in the before time – I rarely thought of it. More just realized how much I don’t think about it.
I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful for another day.