Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Hi Friends!
It’s been awhile since I’ve been here and I know I needed to come back. I lost count of days a long time ago, and honestly I drank a few times a long the way. :cry:

Luckily I didn’t let it take hold of me but I know when I need help. So, I’m Back!! :partying_face:

I’m grateful for all of you, regulars, newbies, anyone who is here looking for help.
I’m grateful I found you early in 2022, not sure if I’d still be here if I didn’t.
I’m grateful for my dog Buddy and cat Riley, the unconditional love I receive is priceless.:dog2::smiley_cat:
I’m grateful for my home, I was able to buy a (almost) new car and finally trade in my 2004.

Stay sober my friends and never give up on yourself! :heart: :hugs:


Today I’m grateful for the lovely birthday party for my godson, he turns 25. He is a smart, handsome, kind young man. I’m grateful he happily spent the afternoon with us oldtimers and invited his friends over. They headed off to a club later in the evening and we had a nice chitchat until we fell in bed full & tired. I’m grateful I can stay at my friend’s over night and don’t have to drive home.
Her fig tree still produces and I took about 5 kg of figs home in the morning. I’m grateful she shares so generously, I love figs and they are terrible expensive here.

I’m grateful for a lazy sunday with lotsa naps and cats on me. I need rest. More than I thought.

I’m grateful next week is not packed. I can start it calm and easy :pray: I’m grateful I go to bed now, time change is taking it’s toll, I’m messed up like always. ODAAT :pray:

PS: Happy soberversary @LAB :birthday::sunflower:


Congratulations @LAB on 2 years. It’s amazing to hear you share how much better life is now :partying_face: and congratulations @Cjp on 90 days free from all your addictions :partying_face: I’m grateful to have people like you inspiring me on my journey.
I’m grateful for a relaxing weekend.
I’m grateful for pumpkin carving.
I’m grateful for the gift of time, daylight savings gave us an extra hour in the day today (I’ll be honest, I used it for a lazy cuppa and reading a book in bed, but still time well spent I think!)
I’m grateful for freshly showered dog cuddles.
I’m grateful my husband is back from a long driving job safely.
I’m grateful to be sober in such good company with all you guys.


I am grateful I feel serene and my inner tune is joyful. Grateful for the little birds coming to my balcony, harvesting what’s still left from the flowers and tomatoes I haven’t taken out of their pots yet. Grateful for the golden trees out there and for the visit at my grannys yesterday. She looks good enough and is up and running again. Well, maybe not running… :slight_smile: I am grateful for hope and tenderness, I am grateful for stories shared. I am grateful you checked in @maxwell Maxine. I was just thinking of you yesterday and wondering where you were at. There must be a greater power at work if you felt this through time and space :wink:


Morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, 90 days free
My home is heated
I may be able to take a half day from work


I’m grateful when I started this Gratitude Business almost 4 years ago I’m still doing it today. And almost ever morning of my life. I’m grateful it is such a powerful tool.
I’m grateful when I first started my gratitude work I was only grateful for 1 day sober and another day without a hangover.
Then I was grateful for 2 days sober and 2 days without a hangover and my 4 cats and 2 dogs.
The next day I was grateful for the same and I added my wife and my home. Then I added my children………
I’m grateful I read everyone else’s gratitude every day to see what they were grateful for and many times I was like. Oh ya…… :thinking: I’m grateful for that too.
I’m grateful I had no idea of the power of this gratitude practice and I just couldn’t wait to get here each day, (still do,) especially in the morning, to write and read gratitude and look at all I have when I’m sober. It’s a lot!

Today I’m grateful for my comfy chair and my morning indirect sunrise view and Benson who just chuffed at someone walking by outside. I’m grateful for chuffy dogs. I’m grateful my wife just got up and we are still saying “good morning I love you,” to each other. I’m grateful I didn’t start a counter for that one because I’d be looking it up. :crazy_face:

Today I can honestly say I’m grateful for the alcoholic in my life and how she figuratively drove me to Al-Anon, a broken lost, husband and father when my life became unmanageable because of her drinking. I’m grateful my wife didn’t drink yesterday and I don’t know if she’s drinking today. I’m grateful it doesn’t matter what she does. Of course I would prefer her not to drink but her drinking or not, is her business. I’m grateful I have my boundaries in place and can continue to not enable her and I can keep my serenity and more importantly my sobriety.

I’m grateful I’m getting my Beemer into the shop today for it’s annual check up. I’m grateful I’ve had it for 23 years and I just can’t seem to find a reason to part with it.

I’m grateful I got therapy again tomorrow and every Tuesday. I’m grateful I got a sponsor who wants to meet with me on Wednesday.
I’m grateful for all the support I get from TS and all the people here that look out for my well being. It’s fucking magical :man_mage: Thanks for having my back :pray:t2:

Oh almost forgot I’m grateful for my Stumptown French roast coffee beans this morning. I quit doing French roast because of the bitter aftertaste. I’m grateful Stumptown must have some kind of magic beans or something because there is no bitter aftertaste. I’m fucken wired :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :crazy_face: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: and grateful to get my day going.

When things look bleakest, it is within my power to brighten them with the light of understanding and gratitude.”
One Day At A Time In Al-Anon

And just a reminder if anyone is stopping by :point_down: Gratitude works if you let it :heart: @ImReady


Good morning my friends! I’m grateful to learn something new every day, and I’m even grateful for the things I have to re-learn all the dang time because my brain just wants to brain the way it wants. I’m grateful to see progress in learning to be aware of my thoughts and keep working on training myself to brain the way I want to brain. I’m grateful that I showed coworkers the pumpkin design I want to carve for our firm’s entry in the office building pumpkin carving contest because it helped relieve some anxiety. I’m glad that the Healthy Minds thing I listened to this morning on the bus seemed very apropos to my anxiety levels and feeling overwhelmed lately and helped me feel a lot better. I’m grateful for an optimistic attitude and a heart full of love, and I’m grateful for you all and the space here that we’ve each laid a brick to build. We are the best!


I am grateful to be clean today.
Its enough.


Here I go, I am going to begin the daily gratitude. Today I am grateful that my husband even though he is still drinking doesn’t say anything to me about my not drinking or ask me if I want a drink.


Even 2600 years ago

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. " ~ Buddha

I keep it simple simply because I’m a simpleton


Thanks @Dazercat for starting this thread. I don’t always get here every day. I definitely do not read all the posts. It’s not malicious. I got people to do things to see. Wait,what? After my actions and surviving them I wake up in gratitude. This moment I am grateful for the vegan meal I prepared. It was pretty plain but tasty and healthy. Brb…shoot. I gotta fly. Drive to my Refuge Recovery in-person meeting that I am secretary of. Trust me. I am extremely grateful for all I have. It’s enough.


I’m grateful for good, nutritious food.
I’m grateful for supply teaching while I wait (still) for the paperwork for my new job to be finalised.
I’m grateful I have learnt strategies to stop me worrying too much about this. I would have been catastrophizng about this in the before times.
I’m grateful for my family. I love them so so much.
I’m grateful for a warm coat for my dog walks.


I’m pretty much grateful everyday. I taught my son when he was in HS/College, to come up with 5 good things that happened that day, to try to always look for a positive.

I still do this almost every night. He probably doesn’t, lol. I’m grateful I didn’t drink, and didn’t think about it. I’m grateful my work day went well. I know it will be a busy week, but that’s ok, I can handle it.

I’m grateful I can leave here for weeks, months, and always come back to find a friend. I’m very grateful for all my friends still here and the ones that have left.

I’m grateful for my dog Buddy :dog2: he blew out his knee in the summer, and surgery was Aug 15th to repair it. He turned 11 on Aug 30th. By the end of September, you wouldn’t even know his knee was repaired, it took about 6 weeks, but I’m so happy to see him get around so well.

I’m grateful for my girl Riley :smiley_cat: she will be 14 tomorrow, she has a medical condition, takes meds 2 x a day, and struggles to keep weight on. She’s barely 5lbs. Her vet check last week, is she’s doing great, doesn’t have to be retested for 4-6 months. I’m grateful Buddy and Riley get along so well.

I’m also grateful for my home, car, job etc. Sorry to ramble on everything else. :hugs:


OOH I love Stumptown for getting you back to French Roast – Magical huh – YUM :yum:



As I fell asleep again yesterday here is some morning gratitude.
I’m grateful the cats ignore the time change and I’ve been up way too early. I’m grateful for my lovely old boy who can be a demanding pain in the ass when he wants breakfast. I’m grateful the bigfoot can be a pain i the ass with his ideas of what is a scratching furniture. Nope, this is my couch and you fuck off with your claws :rofl: I’m grateful Missi is not sad when I stop her giving me the purring, tamping acupuncture. Too much ouch sometimes.
I’m grateful for the lovely christmas decoration I started yesterday.
I’m grateful I ordered roses this morning. I’ve been thinking of planting different roses for years. Now I go for it. It’s my form of lasting rememberance for All Saints’ Day this year. I’m grateful I will put up candles and flower arrangements later. I’m grateful I don’t have to visit the cemetary if I don’t feel like it. Normally I love it but this year something is different. I want to cocoon at home at the farm and celebrate in silence. Maybe because I don’t know if this is the only opportunity to do so as I’m still waiting for the valuation to see if I can and will pay out the ex.
I’m grateful I settle in and down here so well, I really enjoy it every day. I’m grateful I have faith that everything will work out like it’s supposed to be and I have no control over it nor do I wish for anything in particular. I pray that whatever will be is right for me and I will handle it. No hoping, no wishing, just presence and patience. ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful to have had a good talk with my co worker about an argument we had last week.

I’m grateful my son succeed his drivers test yesterday :confetti_ball:

I’m grateful to have the day off today


Today I am grateful for my family, who has forgiven me dozens of time for the rotten things I say when I am drunk.


Today im greatful for my sobriety


@JazzyS Your costume is great! Thanks for sharing!
@maxwell Good to see you back!
@LAB Two years is awesome!

I’m grateful to understand what is within my power to change and influence, and what is not. I’m grateful to understand that at a certain point I can only do so much for my old, yet still kickin’, cat. I’m also grateful I accepted the HOA position this year when one of the members died, and have been able to bring a logical voice of reason with me–no our new neighbor’s over abundance of Halloween decorations are not in violation of the CC&Rs and my willingness to speak up meant this lady will not be getting a visit by someone on the Board or a warning letter.

Lastly, I’m grateful I will have a quiet evening at home tonight instead of the bar hopping I’ve done in the past. There will be no great expense, no hang-overs, no bad feelings from drunken misunderstandings (which was often a thing with my now ex, and she was not a ‘fun’ drunk), and no post drinking regret. I’m also grateful that I bought candy I don’t much like to give out if I decide not to pretend I’m not home :laughing: So no post Halloween candy regret either.


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for a day off of work. I’m grateful the weather is beautiful and I can go for a walk later. I’m grateful we have enough to eat, a safe place to live, and love. I’m grateful that feelings don’t last forever, good or bad. I’m grateful everything is manageable OFDAAT. I’m grateful for you all.:heart: