Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Afternoon gratitude.
I’m grateful for it!
I’m grateful for the 7 Mantras To Unblock Your Chakras 10 day course I stumble upon on Insight Timer on my walk with the Ol Burner this morning.
I’m grateful I going to try and make that my morning recovery routine for awhile.
I’m grateful I can have gratitude anytime and all the time.
I’m grateful for that amazing sunset I saw this morning first thing when I woke up. I’m grateful I noticed it put a big smile on my face.
I’m grateful for my afternoon meditation :pray:t2: nap :zzz: I’m grateful for the Nescafé after it.
I’m grateful we signed our closing docs today.
I’m grateful for my ice pack.
I’m grateful I’m going to the chiropractor in a bit.
I’m grateful we are going out to celebrate and neither one of us is drinking :scream:.
I’m grateful we both talk about recovery now b
I’m grateful I got this in and I gotta run.
Grateful for gratitude and gratidudes.

“Strive to find things to be thankful for, and just look for the good in who you are.” Bethany Hamilton


I’m grateful for another sober day.
I’m grateful for good food.
I’m grateful I’ve been busy today so am only now squeezing a gratitude in.
I’m grateful I gave gratitude throughout the day.
I’m grateful I’m dropping into bed now.
I’m grateful for you all.


Im greatful i made it thru the workday


i’m extremely grateful to be going to bed sober and to wake up tomorrow morning without a hangover. i’m grateful for my bandmate he is such an amazing friend and i have healed a lot thru our relationship. i am grateful for music & technology. i am grateful to be aware of the way the smell of beer made me feel tonight upon instant sensing - i felt nauseated. it was only slight and passed just as soon as it came, but it was a clear feeling. that’s my body as my guide telling me that she really don’t want the stuff. my brain and heart agree. i am grateful that my systems are becoming more harmonized and i am more deeply embodied now that i have 11 days of sobriety behind me. i am so very grateful to already be feeling more clarity and focus, and a sense of deep confidence and knowing blossoming. so grateful for this community, you guys!! :heart::heart:


I’m grateful for today for friendships that have weathered time and all kinds of life events. For reconnecting after lulls. For accepting the ebb and flow of some relationships, and not blaming myself or others for these. I’m grateful for my family of friends.

I’m grateful for some interesting projects on the horizon with work. And currently. I’m grateful I get quite a lot of satisfaction from my work, and that it gives me plenty of fodder for personal growth :smile:

I’m grateful for brave newcomers to my online dharma meetings. And here. I’m grateful when they share the raw stuff of trying to get sober. I’m grateful to be reminded of it, and to remind myself that all I need is one drink and before long, I would be right back there too.

I’m grateful to learn to be compassionate to myself for who I was, and to hold myself accountable for who I am now and in the future.

I’m grateful for the dog girl, snoring away. For the migrating geese and their honking. For the fall colours. For fresh local produce.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Ah, I’m grateful you shared this. Hugs to you, friend. None of this comes across in the photos of beautiful you and your delightful boys. I wish this wasn’t part of your story :pensive: :orange_heart:

Alas, I have no magic wand to wave this situation or any pain it causes away, but we do have a good thread on this topic. I’m grateful to our Gratidude Dazercat for getting it started. :point_down:


Checking in with some extra early morning gratitude.

I’m grateful we had an active shooter presentation at work Tues done by an FBI agent. Sad that this has become our reality in the US. Grateful to learn the run, hide, fight survival tactics. Grateful to work in a building with plenty of security.

I’m grateful for the meditation class at work yesterday. Grateful I felt the zen in the middle of a hectic day even though it was short lived. Grateful to arrive very early and stay a little later working on lightening my load just a little bit. Grateful to have a husband that shops and cooks for our daughter. Grateful he let me fall asleep early after a stressful day, hence why I’m up at 3:30am posting gratitude.

Grateful Eric signed his closing docs. That entire process went super fast.

Grateful for this gift from my sister who had no clue it was my soberversary and it’s very fitting. Grateful for the laugh we had about it. Grateful for the DUI accident that gave me the push I needed to start my journey.

I’m grateful a lovely friend sent me a new book for my soberversary. I just shared at a meeting that I needed some new recovery material to incorporate into my routine. I’m grateful to have this friend to celebrate with me from afar.

I’m grateful for all of you here on TS. :two_hearts:


Good morning guys
Waking up and I’m grateful for this coffee.

I’m grateful for the Ot my boss has given me this week.
I’m grateful to have the means to fix my cracked windshield.
I’m grateful to be getting back to my workout routine.
I’m grateful for @Lisa07 and her soberversary and and her helpful writings these past few years. Happy 4 years!!!


Thank you @Runningfree! I’m so grateful to have you along for the ride. Grateful to share my experience, strength and hope.


A cup of Meh. In the morning makes it all good Jennifer. I am grateful I’m a goofball. I am greatful for @Cjp. And @Juli1 and her 19 days! I’m grateful for my program. It is a perfect fit. I’m grateful for my new neighbor, we have a great soul connection. Grateful for fried potatoes. Grateful for impermenance. Grateful for gratidudes. For TS. What a phenomenal experience :heart_eyes: Y’all have a day of happiness and ease and free from suffering. Oh almost forgot,grateful for @Mno and his great pics. Felt like I was about to coast down that hill into the horizon.

“Happiness cannot be traveled to owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.” – Denis Waitley


I am grateful for this thread.
I am grateful for this community
I am grateful for recovery
I am grateful for life
I am grateful for my three children


Hi, friends! Wanna express gratitude today for…
The Indian grocery store, went there yesterday, the owners are wonderful! So fun to be immersed in a different cultural experience. In addition to I Dian food, They carry essential ingredients for Japanese , Chinese, middle eastern, southeast Asian, as well! Ended up buying a crazy number of ingredients, looking forward to using all of them! Including the vegan coconut milk kefir! And they even had Bonita flakes so now I can make dashi for Ramen and miso soups. I’m in heaven!

The orthopedist I saw yesterday. Got reassurance to keep active, tips on what to add to workouts, he was very helpful!


Good morning sober fam,

Late start today so i’ll get right to it.

Im greatful for…

My sobriety. Even through my sickness and craving comfort of vaping i have not picked up.
@JazzyS @Soberbilly awesome cheerleaders
Got a good deal on a gym membership! Like a class is $4!
Hubbys comfort
Boscoe cuddles
Meds mgmt
Healthy lifestyle choices


I am grateful knowing I have an AA MEETING this morning.

I am grateful Honey coming home for the weekend (I pray to God harmony fills the time)

I am grateful to 67 days no alcohol.

Have a super sober day!


I love this quote and hanging on to it for today.
Thank you!


Good morning family. :sparkles:

You are a part of my choosen family because I love you and I feel safe here. I am grateful for that.

I am grateful for words, all different types of words. Powerful words that can stand alone and make a big statement. Words that are commonly clumped together in familiar phrases. I am grateful for words that get written down on scrap papper in the middle of the night which develop into beautiful song lyrics. I am grateful for the words that tumble out onto a keyboard when emotions are raw and blossom into the most heart twisting poetry. I am grateful for the gift of speaking them and for the ability to read and write. I am grateful that its words that land with me, that stick in my head. I am grateful for Dr’s
who use visual explainations and write simple things such as happy≠safe .

I am grateful that my body and mind take care of each other, or at least they try. I am grateful for the awareness that I am disossociating way more than I thought I was.

I am grateful for my soul and that she is usually the one making the moves these days. I am grateful that I kind of remembered stashing the amphetamines my kiddo isnt taking. It felt like I had dreamt it, I am grateful that I checked anyways. I am grateful that when I handed the two bottles of pills over to my therapist she didnt make a big deal of it, she didnt ask any questions, she just said “Good idea.” I am grateful that my soul is very happy right now and I am also grateful that I am very aware that just because I feel happy it doesnt mean I am safe.

:heart: :sparkles:


Today I’m grateful to see coffemugs here - like them :blush:
I’m grateful to read about lots of life being fine, signing closing docs, helpful spouses, yummi food …

Today I’m grateful for another good day. I’m grateful for a foggy, chill morning and beautiful warm sunshine now in the evening. This is my heart & soul weather, I’m enjoying it so much. I’m grateful for the tea varieties in the cupboard, so much to choose from. I’m grateful for cat love.

I’m grateful I mounted pictures today, the living room looks nice. I’m grateful for leftovers and a nap after lunch. The autmn energy is relaxing me, giving me peace and makes me clearheaded :pray:
I’m grateful the plumber came over to drop an ordered item and to discuss some renovation needed at a flat I own and want to rent out again. One step after another. I’m grateful it’s time to tackle this part of my life. I’m grateful I live at my pace. I’m grateful life feels manageable these days. I’m grateful I trust the process. One day at a time :pray:


@dazercat Grateful that the closing of this house went so smoothly.
@lisa07 such a beautiful gift and to be able to keep with you always. I love how it happened to fall on your soberversary – The universe knew what SHE was doing. :wink:
@pattycake ah man that sounds like a one stop shop in heaven – grateful that you have such a store in your area – looking forward to hearing about what you create :yum: Hope you did get a samosa while you were there.
@Runningfree @Soberbillylove the Meh Mugs! Drink up my silly sober friends.

Grateful for this post and I feel a lot of untangling going on. Grateful that you do feel happy – I do hope you find that “safe” feeling soon as well. :hugs:

A lovely day to be alive and grateful – Happy Thursday you beautiful sober souls :people_hugging:
I am so grateful that today marks 9 months of sobriety for me. I am so grateful that I felt comfortable enough on this forum to open up my own thread to celebrate this date (not sure why 9 seems to huge but it just feel like a lot).
I am so grateful that my 9 month gift that I ordered (thank you so much Stella – you are so talented) arrived last night (talk about timing). It is gorgeous and I am looking forward to wearing my new necklace and showing if off.
I am so grateful for figuring out my ringtone downloads and setting the Halloween Theme as my ringtone. I’ve already scared myself twice today – completely worth it!
I am grateful that my brother brought me 10 horror movies to watch from the library (grateful that with horror movies I can watch them sped up and it doesn’t mess up the quality as most are so damn slow).
I am so grateful that i found a delicious Espresso flavored dark chocolate. Good lord this is heavenly. I have a small square in the evening and it is so mouth watering good. I do hope that this does not disappear on me (hate when that happens).
I am so grateful that my mom called and said she was sitting down for coffee and i should join her - we had a lovely morning together. I am so grateful that i did go to see her last night. When i feel like utter shit i try not to look in the mirror - she was able to see the rash on my face / back and head…so i was not imagining it. Grateful for her to give me things to help me cool my insides and calm down the burning sensations. She is a gem. I had to give her a big hug as i did get cross with her the day before. I was not doing well and she was asking too many questions (all about my health and diet and for my well being) but still - it was too much! I apologized to her and she actually understood where i was coming from. I LOVE MY MOMMY and forever grateful for her and the rest of my family.
I am so grateful that i did not get sleep last night - spent a lot of time watching comedy and laughing out the negativity. Grateful that the coffee is keeping me upright now. May try to do a baking soda / salt bath later - it is supposed to help with inflammation (:crossed_fingers: )
I am so grateful that i have self care routines now and try to focus on them daily - i have started to work on me and also learning to take a breather (its ok to take a rest and its ok to not be ok – thank you CJ)
I am so grateful for my HP - grateful that i know i have to put in extra effort to connect on days when i feel like shit - grateful that He will always be there for me.
I am so grateful for this loving community and all the support i receive from each of you! :pray:
I do hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day. Sending you so much love :heart: :heart:


Happy 9 months sweet friend :heart::partying_face::heart::partying_face: Such a beautiful necklace! I hope you have a lovely thursday


Thank you Jennifer :hugs:
I am in love with the necklace-- been trying to figure out a outfit now :wink:.
Stella does amazing work and has a great eye.