Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful I like winter. :grimacing: Little bit o’ the white stuff on the ground this morning. Temps of -7C (around 19-20 F). I’m grateful it’s supposed to warm up again.

I’m grateful it’s Canadian Thanksgiving this weekend. Monday is off and I need a long weekend. I’m grateful a long weekend is the delight! Not the anticipation of filling it with booze. Grateful I won’t lose a day of it, or more, to hangover-ville.

I’m grateful for the fine company of the dog girl.

I’m grateful for scented soy candles. Raspberry Tomato Leaf burning right now. Smells fresh (and wee bit less like winter) in my cozy little home.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

@erntedank Oh friend! I will confess that a Gratidudes field trip to Austria to come and decorate your wall into a Gratitude wall crossed my mind! :sweat_smile:

@Sabrina80 I’m so grateful you posted. You often write something that makes me feel seen and heard when I haven’t even made a peep! Grateful we are learning to be grateful for the way we are. :pray:

@Mischa84 I’m grateful for the flashback giggles I’ve had this week about you lovingly referring to your kiddos as Lucifers. :joy: I don’t have kids of my own, but my own sweet Mama would give you a Motherhood Award for that!


Beautiful video! :orange_heart:


I’m grateful for late night gratitude. Late for me anyway. Grateful we made it home yesterday. Grateful we had a good run. Grateful I got to spill it at my Al-Anon meeting. I’m grateful for Al-Anon. I’m grateful my pets are so forgiving after we pick them up from the vet. I’m grateful Alice did good at the vet. Grateful we only have 3 more trips this year. I hope. Grateful I get to travel a lot. I’m grateful they all seem pretty well taken care of. I’m grateful I got my walk in with the Ol Burner. I’m grateful for the basically useless talk with my wife about her drinking. I’m grateful it’s ok not to feel ok. I’m grateful my toe is getting better and it doesn’t look as hideous as it did the other day. Wink :wink: I’m grateful for the meme thread because frankly I’d just be going dark. I’m grateful that’s ok. I’m grateful it feels good to do that once and awhile. Grateful for the selfie thread. I’m grateful for the new people on TS. I’m grateful I’m getting by. Fake it till you make it. One day at a time. Why am I talking.


Grateful for THINK. Grateful to Let God Let God. Grateful I know I got to work on that one. I’m grateful, sometimes it just doesn’t matter.
Grateful for my beautiful house in the desert. My cars. Running water. Trash pick up. A/C still much needed down here. Grateful there’s no winter in sight. Grateful for pics of autumn and snow sober leg selfies with the old dog girl. Grateful tomorrow will be another day.
Grateful for Om Shanti Om

Learn to face things as they come,
and when they come, with calm deliberation. We may not be able to control events, but
we can control our attitudes toward them.



Grateful to have been stuck in traffic on my way home from work earlier. I wouldnt have caught this amazing scene as the blue angels flew passed at&t park.


Love Goodnight GIF - Love Goodnight Sweet Dreams GIFs


Happy Friday my sober companions!!!

I am so grateful for the Fake it till you make it! We got your back here Eric - you do whatever you need to do to get yourself grounded again.
I am so grateful that i was able to wake up on time and make my brother a vegetable juice. I am grateful that today was the last day for my 1/2 oz lemon, 1/2 oz olive oil and pinch cayenne pepper shot (i do hope it did the cleaning it was meant to do).
I am so grateful that i have my coffee now by my side giving me the comfort and energy needed to start the day.
I am so grateful for autocorrect as i can’t seem to think straight today (i keep jumping over the letters)
I am so grateful that i will make time to enjoy a cup of coffee with my mom this morning before heading over to the house to do some deep cleaning. I will go slow and take my time so that i don’t burn myself out.
I am so grateful for a nice breezy day so that it’s not too hot and muggy for my landscaper to work in.
I am so grateful that my old neighbors want to do a quick get together while i am at the house - hoping to have enough energy this evening to do so.
I am so grateful that the support provided here as yesterday i did think i needed a drink and more so a few cigarettes and surprised at how strong the sensations were - even more surprised at how long the urges lasted. I was able to read around here and get my mind right. I know this is going to be a lifelong battle and I am grateful to know that i will always have this site to turn to when I need the most support.
I am so grateful for the lovely meditative prayer that i was able to put on a loop last night. I slept so peacefully listening to it.
Happy Friday you beautiful souls! Hope you all have a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Wasn’t sure where to put this and thought this would be perfect – bring you back to the gratitude thread on your Birthday

Happy Birthday Doris!! I do hope you are doing well - know you are missed around here.



Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for the support we can offer one another day and night. This community is such a blessing for so many and me!

Im greatful for…
My sobriety. I dont have that desire to drink like before. Im free from the obsession. Im not tormented by the thoughts of when/where/how i’d get my next fix.

My hubbys sobriety and the convo before bed last night when he brought up that hes glad hes sober and im sober and we went thru how our lovely night together would have played out if we were still drinking and drugging. It wouldnt be nearly as sweet to put it simply.

Its friday!
Its pay day!
Got a good workout in this am
Feeling well for the most part
Looking forward to celebrating the hubbys birthday this weekend.
Boscoe gets a haircut tmrw! Poor thing looks haggard.
Hubby was extra sweet last night…made me suspicious but lovely nonetheless lol
My family
My mom, one of my best friends
Not impulse buying on amazon…just letting things sit in my cart until i can figure out if they are a want or need
The newcomer
Good weather

Much love to ya’ll. I hope you can find a slice of serenity today


Today I am grateful for my Halloween nails! I love them.


hello beautiful souls with whom i am so deeply grateful to be traveling this journey :raising_hand_woman:t2::two_hearts:

i am grateful for the crickets and birds of the morning, for the fog over the cliffs across the Hudson, to be living in this magical place. i’m grateful for my first experience on a jet-ski yesterday - pure thrill !! :joy:

i am grateful for coconut, ginger, turmeric, raw honey, raspberries, papaya, honeydew, sourdough bread and butter. and more butter. i am grateful to have money.

i am grateful for music, dance and entertainment. i am grateful that the documentary Get Back exists!!! the one with footage of The Beatles recording the album Let It Be have you seen it?? i started watching it last night and it is stunning !! like, jaw dropping to watch these silly masters at work. so inspiring.

grateful to be in sobriety today grateful for life it’s such an extremely precious gift :dizzy:


I’m grateful for another sober day. Today is a new day that will bring opportunity and challenge. Bring it on I’m ready!
I’m glad my husband stuck with me through all the bullshit I created when I just didn’t really want to give up drinking, even though it made me crazy, stupid and mean on a regular basis. He never gave up on me.
Now it’s my turn to not give up on him and I’m so grateful I’m on the road to recovering my health . May I be strong enough to support him on his journey,. I’m grateful he doesn’t get crazy and mean when he’s drunk, he just gets stupid :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
I’m grateful he told me the other day that he’s grateful I understand him. And I’m grateful I could tell him that I do worry about his health and he heard me. I’m grateful to be getting the perspective that it’s up to him to make the changes he needs to make,just like it was with me.
:pray: to TS for helping me on this road that we’re all on . A road that leads to a better life of connection and love and support for each other.


Today I’m grateful for my silly brain. It made me note a birthday party on saturday which is tomorrow. I didn’t really wanna go, it’s a bunch of schoolmates whom I have had hardly any contact in the last years. They always drink prosecco and to be honest the last parties I attended were boring me and I left quite early.
I was pretty surprised when I got a “see you in the evening” message on my way home after a loooong morning with lots to do. Well, it turned out that the party is today. I’m grateful I drove home, took a shower, had late lunch and called it a day, laughing. After today’s tour de force not even the end of the world would have made me leave my house once again.
I’m grateful for this new book I started to read yesterday. It resonated with me today. I’m grateful I do not justify or explain why I do or don’t certain things. Today I was completely happy with a short, friendly message that I got the date wrong and will not attend. I’m grateful I ignored all the why not come, no excuses, blablabla. Sometimes smiling and being silent is fine, there’s no need to hurt them by telling my raw opinion: That I prefer staying at home with cats, books and tea over meeting drunken people I see once a year and who never call or text.
I’m grateful it’s way past my normal bedtime, I forgot about time reading and watching the cats play. I’m grateful I will wake up tomorrow and know I had a good day, I have no hangover, I am ok :pray:
It’s so simple and so difficult: No is a complete sentence.
I’m grateful I listened to my needs today and stuck to my boundariers. It will pay off tomorrow. ODAAT

@M-be-free49 I love the idea of making the stone wall a gratitude wall :orange_heart: I’ll think about it!


RIGHT :pray:t2:
What a day. :cry:

I’m grateful I woke up this morning. I’m grateful I took Benson out for his whizzy and walking back to the house saw a beautiful cloud free sunrise coming up. And I’m grateful I just broke down and cried. I CANNOT go on like this anymore. I don’t want to feel like this anymore. Sad, depressed, anxious, angry, worried every time she pics up a drink.

I’m grateful I texted my Al-Anon friend Janet to see if Benson and Percy could meet up at the community center. They couldn’t today. I’m grateful Janet invited me to an AA speaker meeting close by tonight. I’m grateful she said many of the Al-Anoners go to it. I’m grateful I said I’ll try to make it.

I’m grateful I talked to my wife about our talk last night :grimacing: And I told her she was right. I worry too much and I’m too anxious about when she has a glass of wine. I’m grateful I told her about meeting Janet. The speakers meeting and getting a sponsor. FUCK I said. Wrote it. Getting a sponsor. I don’t want to get a sponsor. I’m grateful I got my reasons. But I’m grateful I know I just cannot go on feeling like this anymore. I’m grateful we talked about it. I’m grateful she’ll get over it.

I’m grateful she told me how her day started. She was happily looking forward to a brand new day. Hopefully being better. And not beating herself up about last night. Or the night before that. Or the night before etc……etc….etc….

I’m grateful I confessed to her last night that I’m happiest when she isn’t drinking. I’m so fucking happy when she is not drinking. I’m grateful I can find happiness when she is drinking. But when she isn’t drinking…… fuck me! I’m pretty happy :blush: I’m grateful I got a problem. I’m grateful I’m such a codependent creek. I’m grateful I told her it’s not her fault. It’s me.

For example: I’m grateful I recognize when I told her the meeting is at 5:30. And that she would have to cook dinner. Or we go out. Or blow off dinner. (Dinner has always been a together thing with us.) When she said she could cook. I said well I suppose I could make the dinner after I have lunch. WTF! She just said she’d make dinner. Why the fuck did I say that? Why didn’t I say “that would be great! And the STFU? But nooooo, codependent me still offered to squeeze in making dinner right after lunch. Anyway…. Grateful I caught myself. After I said it and I’m not making dinner.

I’m grateful I felt this wave of relief off and on about not feeling this way anymore. Sad, angry, depressed, worried, anxious, when she picks up. I’m grateful maybe I do need a sponsor. I’m grateful I don’t know. What I’m doing isn’t working anymore. I’m grateful to think about what’s my next step. I’m grateful divorce is not an option. I’m grateful we have a great life. I’m grateful we both have a lot to live for.

I’m grateful if I’m not the fucking problem :grimacing: then there’s no solution.

I’m grateful I went down a different road on my walk today and saw a huge roadrunner and stop to see a pretty cool woodpecker. Grateful I stopped for a photo op of my favorite flora a bright red Bougainvillea, up along a saguaro :cactus:

Grateful to spill my guts here with y’all.
Grateful for a day away from someone else’s booze. For now anyway.

I’m grateful I’m gonna be good.
I’m grateful I’m gonna figure it out.
I’m grateful I might just have to ask for help.
:pray:t2: :hibiscus: :cactus: :heart:

”True forgiveness is when you can say, Thank you for that experience.”


Grateful for this pic of your nails. I’m jealous.
Ya I’m a guy. I love mani pedis but always chicken out on getting a color looks great on ya :pray:t2::heart:


I’ve seen this thread before, but tonight was the first time i took a moment to read through a lot of it. Very powerful and uplifting, loved reading all of your entries.

Thank you!


I am grateful that @Dazercat and everyone else are talking about their true and deep feelings. Big hugs to you Eric, lots of support for you during this crazy hard time. I am grateful you are allowing yourself to feel and share these deep feelings of disappointment. Glad you are communicating w her about it. I have HOPE. Hope for you and hope for her. I hope you will get the help you need to figure out how to deal w what you have to deal with. Hugs friend.


Yea to all of these! Thank you for sharing.


It’s a Saturday morning, today we have another family wedding!

I’m grateful to be sober and feeling strong in my recovery.

I’m grateful for my loving and safe home.

I’ve had some excellent days at work recently. I am grate to have a job I mostly enjoy and to be healthy and sober and present for the little moments that are the joy of teaching.

I’m grateful to have my son here from California and to have some time with him to talk about life. He is a kind and caring man and is finding his way to the great parts of life in such insightful ways. I’m grateful and lucky.

I’m grateful to be celebrating my niece’s marriage today. She is a wonderfully smart and kind and amazing young woman and I wish her a lifetime of real love. In our family they say she takes after me. Hopefully in the ways that make her happy and grateful for the gifts that Can come our way in this life.

I’m grateful that my husband is managing all these in-laws. It’s a lot.

I’m grateful that my older son will be able to join us today for the wedding celebration.

I’m grateful that my brother is here with his daughters. Last weekend he told his kids about the pending divorce that is in the works. His recovery continues to evolve. He has so much hard stuff happening at the same time. His daughters are my nieces and they have a lot of new changes in their young lives. I’m grateful to be a part of their lives and hope I can be a support to them.

I’m grateful for good weather today as this is an outdoor event.

I’m grateful for Saturday morning coffee. Let’s do this!

Peace to all of you.


What a fab list. I love that you and DH are doing sober together!


I’m grateful for a good longgggg sleep, and waking up still early-ish, sans hangover and to a fine-looking saturday morning.

I’m grateful mini-winter has receded. The dog girl and I had a lovely slow walk in the sun this morning. All the same, I’m grateful I booked an appointment to get winter tires back on Jude (the Jeep) this morning. I’m grateful they store the tires at the shop.

I’m grateful for a long weekend. My little home is a mess, my laundry is piled high, the frig is an eclectic assortment of condiments and little else…
But I think this gratitude thing makes me see it all a little differently.
Grateful for my home! for clothing! for time to put these things in order today! And stock up on grocs.

I’m grateful to be working on myself and my recovery, but also easing up on things too. We’re human beings, not human doings, right?

I’m grateful for 2nd cups o’ coffee… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:

EDIT: I’m grateful to see @Soberbilly’s smile! :smile: A rare occurrence! :sweat_smile: