Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

Thursday morning gratitude’s

I am so grateful for cozy bed to rest in even when i can’t sleep
I am so grateful for my hot strong coffee to welcome into a new day :coffee:
I am so grateful that i will get to see my insurance approved doctor and get my head scans approved. Hopefully a better plan for my spine and possibly figure out this lump i have. Thought it was a bite but after a few months and it seems to be growing. It is on the back of my neck and in hair line so hard to see but i can fee it :thinking:
I am so grateful to have the house to myself this weekend. My brother took an impromptu trip and will be gone till Sunday (wouldn’t tell me where he’s going - everything is such a secret with him :laughing: ). My sis and BIL will be coming over tonight as its easier for them to get to airport in the early morning - they are heading out on vacation too. SO excited for them all - they need to all unwind and have fun.
I am so grateful that i was able to come home and take a 3 hour nap yesterday after the hospital shift.
I am so grateful that my brother will help me with Thanksgiving prep. We have our friends over for the day and i usually get the spread ready but this year it will be a joint effort. Grateful that our friends are vegan as well so we don’t have to make any changes to the menu. My parents don’t like to come and hang out so I always take them over food and they are already super excited that its “that” time of year.
I am so grateful that i can practice gratitude and this practice alone lifts my spirits when i am feeling low.
I am so grateful for good friends to talk to when things become a bit too overwhelming. Grateful that they understand the challenges and can also offer a different perspective.
I am so grateful that i can understand that not everyone is on the same path on this journey and be given the compassion to see their struggles
I am so grateful that I am among fellow addicts here and we are all battling addictions / life and health issues.
I am so grateful that i have a supportive family that makes me feel loved. Grateful that i am sill here and have positivity to keep moving forward.
I am so grateful that i have my HP and my practices to help me connect to Him so that i don’t feel alone in this vast universe
I am so grateful for a space where i can connect with my new friends and get / give support. Thank you @Robin :pray:
I am so grateful that i am reminded that this site is world wide and not everyone is everyone’s cup of tea yet we are here for a common goal of sobriety and with love / support and compassion we can achieve this together. Much appreciation to our moderators for all the hard work they do in making it work :pray:
I am so grateful for living an addiction free life (i don’t consider my coffee an addiction :wink: ) Grateful that i am 10 months without any medications and do take my Aleve or Midol very sparingly. Grateful that i am starting to respect my body and allowing it to heal with foods / herbs.
I am grateful to be alive and breathing clean air.
I am so grateful that i don’t feel like stopping this list but need to get on with my day - Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful for our solar system being still on the roof during the storm and not somewhere else.

I’m grateful for not feeling too sick but just a little miserable so I still can read and chill a bit on my day off.

I’m grateful for the warm electric blanket I’m covered with.



I’m grateful for 1400 days of Daze!!! Well done indeed good sir. :clap:t3::clap:t3:🩷🩶


I am once again grateful my family lives 500 miles away. Look I know I’m repeating myself but this piece of gratitude has yet to expire :laughing:

@Dazercat 1400! Look at you flexing! :wink:
@Frazzetta congrats on winning scariest pumpkin!


Repeat on…I know I do. Something’s never lose their impact on our gratitude’s :people_hugging:


Grateful today for the beautiful weather we are experiencing in Central Florida. 70s breezy and gorgeous. Also thankful for my dogs who entertain me, comfort me, love me and aggravate me!


Grateful to see @Dazercat is celebrating his 1400 days :fireworks::fireworks::fireworks: whilst catching up :slightly_smiling_face:

Grateful I cooked a lovely curry and am now so tired and ready for bed.

Grateful for cat and dog snuggles.

Grateful for hot water, clean water.

Grateful for so much that I am going to just relax here for 5 minutes and actually feel this moment of being grateful.



Congratulations on 1400 days @Dazercat . Totally awesome to see those numbers :confetti_ball::tada::partying_face::tada::confetti_ball:
I’m grateful my doggo has been snuggled next to me in bed all day. Proper dizzy, seasick feeling kinda day but I’m grateful to feel loved and supported.
I’m grateful my daughter has asked to go out with new friends from her new school tomorrow. This makes my heart sing after such a rough last year for her at school.
I’m grateful she is okay getting up and out to school in the mornings now, no more battling to get her there every single day.
I’m grateful my hospital appointments are coming up in a few weeks.
I’m grateful for homecooked freezer meals.
I’m grateful for 100 days today…triple digits, yeah baby :raised_hands:
Grateful to be doing this in such good company


Congratulations on your 100 days Kiki
I’m so happy for you and your daughter. What a relief for your little girl.


way to go Kiki! triple digits is awesome :clap:

I am sorry for your dizzy seasick feeling. grateful for your appointments - hope you get some healing help :pray:
So excited for your daughter. Lovely to see her doing well in this school and making friends :heart:


Happy to see so many milestones here @Dazercat @Dilettante @LAB and some more on other threads. It reminds me to stay the path and eventually, one day at a time, being sober just became the new normal. I am grateful for that every single day. :orange_heart:


Kinda contradictory, just saying. :smirk:

Congrats on your 1400 days off the sauce.

#fuckaddiction #fuckfentanyl #twinpowerforever



Thank you :kissing_heart: seeing her coming back to us and smiling again makes me more grateful than words can describe :heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse:


Big, big congratulations on your 2 years!!! :heart: :raised_hands:


Congratulations on 1400 days, that is amazing, Eric! So happy to hear that you have a “date” :heart::heart::heart: way to celebrate it in the best and most rewarding way! Sending live your way!


Grateful it’s already the weekend for me and I have a quiet house for myself.

Grateful I know I in the past would have been doing something very unproductive when I had this time for myself…instead I’ve been out for a lovely run and now will do some weight training (or have the intention of doing it anyway :smile:).

Grateful for my coffee.

Grateful the kids are out playing their respective sports (rugby and volleyball tournaments). Grateful I can set an example of healthy living for them :heart:

Grateful hubby took my youngest to rugby. It’s far and I don’t understand the game AT ALL.

Grateful I’m reading an interesting book (Our final invention - AI). Scary but stimulating.

Grateful we celebrate Halloween today in our neighborhood and the kids are going to have a blast. Our pumpkin / cantaloupe carving exercise was a messy, fun affair! :jack_o_lantern::ghost:

Have a great day, everyone!


Good morning and happy Fri-yay y’all! I’m grateful for a relatively free weekend, which I will fill with zzzzzz’s! I have to take down my Halloween decorations but it should warm up a bit so it won’t be so cold and wet (hopefully). I’m grateful for my BF, for our wee beasties, for my momma, for my brother, for my bestie and her husband and the fun time we had a bowling last night. I’m grateful that this weekend is the “good” daylight savings time shift, lol. I’m grateful for my boss and my friends at work, and I’m grateful my boss is going to share a bit of her sourdough starter with me and I’m excited to give that a go. I’m grateful I have everything I need in life, and I’m grateful I know it and I’m grateful I don’t take it for granted. I’m grateful I get to laugh and smile as much as I do, and I’m grateful I have so many people and beasties to love.


Good morning gratidudes.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
Hubbys sobriety
My mom loves watching Boscoe
Boscoe loves going to the grandparents
Friday payday
Getting thru tough financial discussions with hubby, although uncomfortable
When the tv went out we were able to move 1 from the bedroom and not buy another
Im able to pay for a trip to coasta rica. Two more payments
Im not chained to my vape
Invited to a ladies aa mtg saturday
A weekend ahead
Self reflection


I’m grateful I got my wife back :heart:
I’m grateful I feel like I’m living with a whole different person.
I’m grateful for a sober yesterday for the 2 of us. I’m grateful for probably a sober day for both of us today.
I’m grateful my car is ready to pick up at the shop and it will be running like new.
I’m grateful I’m patiently waiting for the other estimate for the other car. It’ll get here when it gets here. Or I’ll call them.
I’m grateful for wifey’s cappuccino making skills.
I’m grateful she’s planning a trip for us to Gus.
I’m grateful she’s been joining me a Benson on our walks each morning this week. Even if it is because of all the ice cream she’s eating :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful for my little Latte sugar monster.
I’m grateful my wife’s addict isn’t driving.
I’m grateful it’s hoodie season.
I’m grateful it’s beanie season.
I’m grateful for comedy.
I’m grateful for cats and dogs.
I’m grateful for shared phot albums, Norma pics and Gus pics.
I’m grateful we have so much to live for. Especially when we aren’t drinking.
I’m grateful for my hot tea and blanket and this thread of gratitude.

GRATITUDE is one of the most medicinal
emotions we can feel. It elevates our moods and fills us with joy.


Oh oh, looks like I bypassed the gratitude thread for 2 days. I wonder what’s the matter with me?
I’m grateful I notice changes in my routines, behaviour and thinking. Mixed feelings about it. Normally it makes me curious, now I tend to worry without any particular idea what in fact I worry about. I’m grateful I will find out what’s going on and why when I’m ready.

I’m grateful I had a wonderful, lazy, comfy friday today. Cats, couch, tea, books, naps, watching the clouds move in the sky.
I’m grateful for nice chats with friends these days.
I’m grateful I ordered pyjamas. They look nice and feel cozy.
Again I fall asleep while typing. Good night gratidudes :pray: