Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #5

I’m grateful for this community of compassionate people.
I’m grateful for another sober day, and the feeling that “I can’t…” is transforming into “I don’t want to”.
I’m grateful for all the powerful teachings that are available to me to help me on my journey.
I’m grateful that I’m:


Monday morning gratitude’s
I am so grateful to be awake and able this morning
I am so grateful to have time to log on here and catch up before heading in to work
I am so grateful to have a busy morning / afternoon. Will have PT this afternoon.
I am so grateful that the festival went well yesterday. It was just my brother and sister as my BIL decided he was too hung over and needed a day to keep drinking. I am grateful that my siblings kicked ass and had a good time together.
I am so grateful for my family, grateful for my HP, grateful for my daily practices and grateful for healing / recovery
I am so grateful for the promise of cooler days
I am so grateful for technology and how it keeps us so connected. Had a lovely video chat with my cousin from England yesterday.
I am so grateful for all of you and this TS app.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free Monday - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good monday morning sober family,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety…countdowns on to 500days!
Got my ass up and worked out and set a personal record. Fuck ya!
The choice i made to go into finance in high school. My persistence throughout schooling.
I love my job and coworkers
Looking forward to bloodwork checkup tomorrow. Its been 6 months and they recommended losing weight and exercise. Check. Down 20lbs. I wanna ace my cholesterol exam!
My loving husband
Boscoe and his bossy attitude makes me laugh
Progress not perfection
A new week full of opportunity.

Much love to all my sober peeps.


Good Morning Friends! Today I am grateful for your gratitude, grateful for my first day waking up without a hangover (day 2!! :muscle:t4:), grateful for my son’s beautiful sweet smile, fresh water, food in the refrigerator, electricity, plumbing - these basics that are so often overlooked and yet SOOOOO important!!! i’m grateful for my body (such a loyal friend!) which is autonomously cleaning and rejuvenating itself in the absence of alcohol, grateful to myself for being a better friend by refusing any more poison. i am grateful for breath in my lungs, eyesight, ability to hear & taste & smell & touch, grateful for my limbs and fingers, grateful for insects and animals, trees and grass, sun and stars, moon and rain, friends and family!! i love this amazing life :heart: grateful to live it sober!!


Grateful for waking up this morning with a roof over my head, clean water, nice breakfast :smiling_face:


Today I am so grateful to be on day 50 of my sobriety.


Congratulations Sasxoxo.
Keep up the great work.


I’m grateful for my sunrise walks with Benson.
I’m grateful I caught myself smiling when the sun hit this long swordlike cloud. I thought :thinking: there it is :blush: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful it’s so peaceful and gorgeous walking that time of morning.

I’m grateful for a solid nights sleep only waking up once to pee :scream: tmi :man_shrugging:
I’m still grateful it’s a sober solid nights sleep.
I’m grateful my wife has been saying she’s been sleeping soundly. Gets up more often than me but gets back to a restful sleep.

I’m grateful for text messages with family.
Grateful for long phone calls with our friends.
I’m grateful he has a conference near the Gus Bus Station, and we will meet up with them the end of the month.

I’m grateful for my recoveries.
I’m grateful I’m not new to recovery as I have seen some really broken down newcomers come in to the rooms the past week.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! This family disease of addiction. Fuck! how it destroys lives of innocent loved ones. Fuck! how it’s destroying the lives of the innocent children and the mothers who are so fucking lost when they come into the rooms and all they can do is cry.
Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!
Sorry for the rant. Not sorry.

I’m grateful my grandchildren will not see that from me. I’m grateful my children are in recovery. I’m grateful I don’t know what they do for their recovery. I’m grateful my children are clean and sober for my grandchildren.
I’m grateful I don’t drink anymore and I don’t want to. And I probably won’t want to tomorrow.

I’m grateful for this gratitude homie thread.

Addiction is a family disease. One person may use, but the whole family suffers
Alcohol sayings .com


I’m grateful for good food.
I’m grateful for a comfy sofa.
I’m grateful for a doggo sofa buddy.


Evening gratitude.
I’m grateful I ordered new glasses. Should arrive within a week.
I’m grateful I shopped catlitter. I’m grateful I only shopped what was on the list.

I’m grateful the cats accomodate quickly. They remember having lived here and they notice the changes. They love the new cat condo and their catnip toys. I had to share my dinner-ham. I’m grateful they feel good :pray:

I’m grateful for sunset on the deck, for more delicious tea, for the silence. I’m grateful I’ll be in bed soon. I’m looking forward to the sunrise on the balcony tomorrow. I’m grateful I’m like a chicken: curl up in the dark, up and moving with dawn.
I’m grateful I take good care of my body, soul and mind these days :pray: ODAAT


It’s been awhile since I posted a little gratitude and I have lots to be grateful for these days.

First up I am quickly approaching my 2 years of Sobriety ( on September 27th)
I am so grateful for my sobriety. I am not quite sure where I would be today if I had never decided to stop drinking, I am grateful I will never know that parallel life.
I am grateful I found Talking Sober- literally on day one of my journey. I would not have made it through my first few months without the humans who took me under their wings and gave me support and love when I needed it most. When I found it difficult to give myself these core needs- I was modeled them and showed love every day here from at the time complete strangers. I will forever be grateful for you all.
I’m grateful my family relationships have drastically improved. I no longer cling to my trauma and resentment. I’m grateful I have found a way to forgive. There are more boundaries and more difficult conversations- I am no longer the easy, quiet daughter.
I am grateful I have a relationship that started off showing me a lot of the ways I still needed to heal. I’m grateful I was able to detach in a healthy way that led to growth, safety, respect, and love.
I’m grateful she hits her 60 days sober soon :slight_smile:

I’m grateful for the courage I feel every day. I’m grateful my life isn’t on hold anymore. That I am no longer waiting to heal. Waiting for perfection. Waiting for something that was never coming.

I’m grateful my days are full of grace. For myself and for others. I’m grateful I talk about addiction. I’m grateful I normalize being human and making mistakes. I’m grateful I am less judgmental and less reactive. I’m grateful that my life is mine to create.

I’m grateful that I wake up and embrace my messy & imperfect life. I’m grateful I am awake for it all now and I get to do it sober.


Always grateful to see you checking in Callie. Keep doing what you’re doing.
I’ll be looking for you on the 27th.


Way to go girl! 50 days is awesome - keep up the amazing work :muscle:


I am so very grateful to have others grateful about me. @JazzyS you have a talent to make us feel important and cared for by you.

I am grateful for you and really care about you.


Ah Lam thank you and i do care deeply about you. So grateful to be on this journey with you and my sober companions.
Its hard to explain but i truly feel seen and at home among all of you so thank you for that :heart: we really do make each other stronger



Grateful to be alive. Honoring 9/11


I’m grateful weather is improving, sweaty hot hot hot nights are over.
I’m grateful I have driving lesson in one hour, grateful I feel better and it won’t distract me, grateful I’m almost done with lessons and hope I will pass exam and be able to drive soon. This will make my life so much easier. I’m grateful my h managed this financially, getting driving licence is not cheap here in Netherlands.
I’m grateful I don’t feel any side effects of lowering antidepressants dosage.
I’m grateful Luna’s Babies have awesome new family, those ppl adore them, I’m grateful they stayed together.
I’m grateful my boys are showing already some good sense of humour, they are hilarious sometimes :slight_smile: And conversations they have… man, oh man xD
I’m grateful for all of you. Much love, much hugs!


Checking in with some early morning gratitude.

I’m grateful for the ladies AA meeting last night and the topic “easy does it”. All great shares and all relatable. I’m grateful for the reminder to slow down.

I’m grateful for the big office I have at work. I’m grateful the boss decided to move the new girl in with me. I’m grateful she’ll rarely come in and grateful for her company when she does. I’m grateful today I’ll get a chance to get to know her. We’ve met on Teams but it’s not the same.

I’m grateful for @Bootz and her safe travels. Thank you for that info on IMBD and Reel Dogs. I had no clue they existed.

I’m grateful my husband’s project in Philadelphia is ending at the end of October. This 5 hours a day on the road crap is getting old. I’m grateful his next project will be local and should last at least a year.

I’m grateful for all my TS peeps! Love all of you! :two_hearts:


A lovely Tuesday morning gratitude

I am so grateful for starting off this morning with love in my heart and ability to move around without severe pain. I am so grateful that i slept so damn good last night. I know it was a good sleep when i was able to move about the bed and not wake up due to pain… it seems like i really had a good wrestling match in my sleep - i do hope i won.
I am so grateful that I was able to stand for a long period of time and serve people with a smile yesterday - Grateful to be needed and grateful that i was able to show up. I am so grateful that I did have PT right after so it really helped take care of the extra pain and I feel like it lessened my swelling and pain levels a bit. I am so damn excited.
I am so grateful for seeing some lovely customers yesterday - grateful how genuine smiles can just brighten up your day!
I am so grateful that for not feeling super exhausted today. I am feeling like i can do anything today. Feel super energized and grateful that its like 68 degrees today and cloudy - my perfect day.
I am so grateful for the Horror Movie thread that @HakeemOsman started - this is my season for all things horror and i’ve been super disappointed with the movies i’ve seen thus far. Kinda of excited (who am i kidding - i’m so fucking excited) to see some of these recommendations
I am so grateful for prayers and meditations to help me relax and feel connected. I feel like i’ve been laxed in both of these and need to buckle down with my gratitude’s to my HP!
I am so grateful that as i’m typing this gratitude list my brother is watching Loudermilk in double speed and I’m able to follow the words and laughing along cause that shit was funny.
I am grateful to learn that there is a IMDB for dogs - wow - how cool is that – thanks Bootz
I am so grateful for my family - today’s my dads birthday - was able to call and have a lovely talk with him until my mom felt left out and grabbed the phone :laughing: Grateful that we are so damn close and are able to work together. We do have our clashes but overall we mesh well together.
I am so grateful for all you beautiful souls! Thank you for being here with me on this life long journey. Grateful to be learning so much about myself and learning healthier coping mechanisms through these threads. You guys ROCK!
Have a wonderful addiction free day - sending you so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you. Today I am realizing that I got ahead of myself and that today is technically day 50… whoops