My sobriety, my day count brings me comfort but i dont rely on the counter as much
Hubby just called from Cali and i told him im doing gratitude and he told me to call him back…he gets me and he knows this is an important practice
In love with my hubby
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Boscoe didnt wreck the house when i went to the gym this am
Burned 500cal at the gym. Go me!
Had a good day yesterday
Hope to have a good day today
I like our neighborhood
I have lots to do this weekend
My tattoo idea is coming together…gotta make my pitch to the artist sunday
Gonna call hubby back
We are blessed. I realize it more after flexing my gratitude muscles.
I am grateful for this great urge to “de-cutter” I’ve been feeling recently. Things have sort of accumulated over the past seven-ish years that my life has gone awry. Not, like, Hoarders levels of accumulation , but more than enough for me. If it doesn’t have a place, then it clearly needs to go.
@JazzyS I hope this mouth guard works for you and grateful you have this new option to try! I have had “double jaw” (mandible and maxilla) surgery, had my mouth “wired” shut for a month, “eaten” out of a syringe during that time, and had to learn how to rechew all over again. If you can avoid it, that is great, because it is a doozy of a recovery.
Also grateful you didn’t get too hurt by your sister’s comments. It sounds like you really stood up for yourself and your efforts; not letting them be minimized by her personal issues. Excellent work!
I am grateful for my breath.
I am grateful for humility, and I am grateful that I am finding more comfortability in giving and recieving.
I am grateful for my journey; its ups and downs, darkness and light. I am grateful for the influence my life has on others story and theirs on mine.
I am grateful for revelations, especially ones I have already had before. Re-revelations? I am grateful for my therapist, when she reitterates something I have said to her in different words I think. “Yah, I already knew that.”
I am grateful for insight timer and Sez Kristensen, damn she is good. I have had that meditation that I posted on my personal thread on repeat. Its almost violating, how personal it gets. I could have written it myself.
I am grateful I am not the only person to have felt the way I feel, to be going through what I am going through and to be reaching where I reach.
I am grateful for my spousal support and for my exhusband who has never missed a payment. There are many character traits I could rake him across hot coals for but paying alimony late isnt one of them. I am grateful he found some sense of responsibility there.
I am grateful that this Saturday will be the last market I participate in for 2023. I had been scheduled for one more but my kiddo will have all her wisdom teeth pulled on the 15th so I cancelled. I am grateful she was booked into the hospital for that.
Thanks friend - i do feel great for standing up for myself.
I am sorry that you had to deal with the oral surgery and went through all of that. My aunt had the TMJ surgery when i was a pre teen and it was hell for her too. I remember the months of wired mouth and to this day she can’t open her mouth wide and it is painful. This is why i was opted to not get the surgery myself. I do hope you are jaw has fully healed.
Today I’m grateful I experienced again that the universe serves things at the right time and everything will fall into place. No big deals. I’m grateful for ordinary things turning out fine. I’m grateful for bringing catstuff to my cityhome. I’m grateful a pal cancelled tomorrow’s invitation for a mutual friend’s birthday due to feeling sick. I already mentioned my diet restrictions and that I would leave early. Allthough I would love to see all the people again it’s easier and more comfortable to stay home tomorrow.
I’m grateful I cooked soup today and enjoyed lots of tea. I’m grateful I ran some errands after the psychiatrist appointment in the morning. I’m grateful I napped after lunch and just hung around on the couch for the rest of the afternoon.
I’m grateful I found peace and relief in prayers today. I’m grateful I’m kind to myself and present. I feel the limited energy I have and I’m grateful I can handle it without being overwhelmed or stressed. Just for today. ODAAT
I’m grateful for my mother.
I’m grateful how she instilled my love for musicals.
I’m grateful for my tears.
I’m grateful I got to see the amazingly wonderful intense production of Tina. About the life of Tina Turner.
I’m just so grateful how truly amazing it was.
I’m grateful I had a nice short visit with my sister who happen to be here but flying home today. I’m grateful we met at Buckingham Palace and walked over to my hotel for breakfast and she got to meet her………. Is that a grand niece Norma and my DIL.
I’m grateful I get to be in my favorite country for this little Christmas extravaganza and let Norma’s schedule run the show.
I’m grateful I get to put my head on my pillow sober tonight and I’m not calling room service at almost 1 am for more booze because I just can’t get enough.
I’m grateful as long as I don’t have that first one I’m Golden.
I’ll be future tripping the gratitude now; hopefully I can get to sleep.
I’m grateful I can power through jet lag and lack of sleep without getting trashed.
Things musicals taught me. No matter
how many trials you face, or how bad the future looks, stay true to yourself
and it will be okay.
Hump day gratitude time…
I am so grateful that i did try to sleep (really just rested my eyes as they were burning from exhaustion) for most of today. Grateful i got my butt out the house to run some errands. Grateful that my mom joined me for all the fun
I am so grateful that i was able to ask my old tenants to come grab the piled up mail and why they have changed address yet. Been two months now… they have yet to pick up any mail and keep saying this week. Grateful that i have said that i will take it to the post office with moved notice as they will not give me a forwarding address. this shit is not my responsibility.
I am so grateful for good friends that are awesome sounding boards.
I am so grateful for humor and the healing power of laughter.
I am so grateful for my family. Love them to pieces. Grateful for how much support they are providing me.
I am so grateful for pistachios. So delicious and perfect for my snack needs.
I am so grateful that i finally gained courage to bring Kombucha back into my diet LOL. I so missed my daily doses. Glad that i am past the previous bad memory
I am so grateful for my HP - grateful for peace and clarity. Grateful for grounding my inner sense.
I am so grateful that i am able to feel anger and peeved off and work it out – not hold on to the feelings and allow them to overwhelm me
I am so grateful for clear skies - looks like no snow for the next 10 days – YEAH!
I am grateful this community. Grateful for all of you and thank you for accompanying me on this journey.
I am so grateful that i get to get my acupuncture part of the treatment tomorrow.
I am so grateful that my pressure point massages (not applying much pressure) have left my points bruised and feeling painful. reading up on this it seems normal to feel the pain as the areas heal. Thank goodness i am only doing the spleen and liver massages for now.
I am so grateful for feeling tired… hopefully will be a restful evening.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending everyone so much love
I am grateful for my PCP she is very no nonsense and dry and sarcastic like me and I feel safe telling her anything.
@JazzyS thank you for the info and recommendation! I did see a dentist yesterday and get a wand scan, they are going to make me a new bite guard and see if that helps. Unfortunately the specialist near me is a 6 month wait
I am grateful that my partner and I are back together and I am facing my fears of commitment, chronic illness and caretaking. He’s my favorite person in the whole world. I am grateful that he has also made big steps in his mental health and is also interested in doing some couples counseling. I am grateful for my therapist for helping me identify and work on some of my issues.
I am grateful to my dog for bringing out the silliness in me even during very dark times. I love singing to him and putting his name into songs.
Oh I’m so sorry love…if they allow it - make an appointment and also ask them to contact you if any cancellations come up.
In the mean time I hope that bite guard will help ( hopefully doesn’t take too long to make)
My sobriety
Hubbys sobriety
Hubby made it to 2nd round of auditions
Boscoe cuddles
My mom will come pick up Boscoe this am
I get the chance to lead my home group for the first time!
Im nervous
Its almost friday, not payday, but everyone gets a small bonus paycheck
Weather should be nicer today
Working from home tmrw
Taking a half day tmrw
Good sleep
Tattoo idea coming together
All you folks
I am also grateful (once again) for finally getting proper sleep. In the past year and a half I have gained some weight, but in the last few weeks that I have been getting adequate sleep, I have lost seven pounds and my clothes are fitting a little better. Most cravings for sweets have dropped off significantly, along with constantly feeling hungry.
@JazzyS I still have partial numbness in my chin and the left side of my jaw. On occasion, I feel a slight numbness spread up the left side of my face and to my eye, but it is only occasional and very slight. I would definitely only recommend jaw surgery to someone if nothing else worked.
Also good luck to you, @Passerina_cyanea with your issues, though I’m sorry to hear you have a six month wait!
Late afternoon gratitude for me today.
I’m grateful another bunch of officework is done. I’m grateful I respect my low energy level and rest before I feel exhausted. Preparing for the fast is more demanding as usual. I’m grateful that’s ok as I live on the farm and have lots of extras to do and organize, it’s not just focussing on me like downtown. I’m grateful I give myself credit for doing my best.
I’m grateful I went for noodels with lotsa veggies sauce and almonds today, I needed brainfood.
I’m grateful the catsitter texted that picking up the key on saturday is ok with her. I give us a try to move back to the city tomorrow. Pray that it works! Stuffing my 3 tigers in boxes is not for sissies
I’m grateful I used the beautiful sunny weather to stock up on firewood for the kitchen. I’m grateful for the nice chat with neighbours.
I’m grateful I moved my ass downstairs to heat the furnace.
I’m grateful for 8 hours of solid sleep and hope for it today too. I’m grateful for Missi always sleeping on me these days and Tiglat sometimes too. Oh boy will I miss them. I’m grateful I know that I need my annual fast break and the time around it to recover and let go. The more I wanna stay home the more necessary it is. I’m grateful that mindfull meditations and breathing help me through episodes of struggle
I’m grateful I string together many many little helpful, good thoughts, things, behaviours and feelings until they become a warm and cozy blanket for trying days. I’m grateful I can feel my blankie growing. I’m grateful I’m able to feel deep joy. ODAAT
Good evening friends,
I’m grateful for an ok day at work. I’m grateful it’s almost the weekend. I’m grateful for my safe and loving home, and the people in it. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness
I have a gratitude blockage. Did anyone else experience this early on? I am grateful and humble and learning, but just feel somehow like I’m not grateful enough?
I’m grateful it’s Friday
I’m grateful for a day alone at home for head space
I’m grateful for a slower work day
I’m grateful for meal planners at it helps my unease about things not being organised and in control
I’m grateful that I know I need to let go and not covet control.
A thought I heard recently by a (proxy) therapist was that acting out is a kind of mastery challenge. So therefore my controlling tendency is a mastery and replaying of my life feeling out of control, a replay to master that which was denied me. It works in any behavioural tendency really, so if you think deep and hard about the mastery topic then you can dig deep into that wound to release the toxin.
Grateful for this thought this week. I know it’s in line with moral inventory etc etc but honestly I’m not sure I’m an AA person. I don’t knock the programme one bit, but Its not my learning style…
I’m grateful to have found a few decent ways of being able to get use out of the new desk chair I brought home. It is still slightly too tall for my desk, and the arms out too wide and far forward for my size and comfort preferences; however, I’ve found that I am easily able to sit cross-legged on the chair and have miss kitty in my lap (as I am at this moment).
I’m also grateful that despite my lower back / sciatica issues over the past couple years, I still retain quite a bit of flexibility so that I can comfortably sit in a computer chair with my legs crossed, and also that the stabbing/searing type sciatica issues are very mild at this time–though the nucleolus of pressure type pain in my lumbar region remains consistent. While it is still an issue that affects my life without ceasing, the situation has been far worse (to the point of being immobilized in bed, needing help to simply turn over on my other side), so I am grateful for where this particular health issue is at today.
@Tragicfarinelli Definitely nothing wrong with not being an AA person. I am also not a person that finds these kinds of meetings/groups very useful for myself. What do you think would constitute being “grateful enough”? What does “enough” look like to you? Is this line something that is achievable or so high up that of course you’re not reaching it? I think this is definitely a subjective thing so once you are able to define that for yourself, then you will know if you are or are not “grateful enough”.
I think I compare to how grateful others seem to be and I feel bad and that I’m ungrateful in comparison. Probably not the smartest. But I think I think that if I was grateful for what I have then why would I hurt ever again. Again, a bit silly.
A grateful good morning to all. Glad to be here, so grateful for TS.
I’m grateful I’m not the only one who has “gratitude blockage” (@Tragicfarinelli , thanks for the useful term). I’ve had it a lot lately, and it is directly tied to my being a satellite around my husband instead of staying focused on myself. I need people. I need music. I need exercise. I don’t need to do more housework, more house management, more time wasted fretting about if and when he will dig himself out of the hole he is in. He knows he is stuck. And I cant fix it.
I am grateful he and I had a conversation about my satellite tendency and I got reassurance that he knows I need to do what brings me joy and he won’t feel abandoned or left out. So I will try to do what I need and give him space and time to do what he needs, even if he thinks drinking and smoking weed will help. It won’t. He has to see this for himself.
I’m grateful I had a lovely morning out yesterday. Had breakfast with five female friends, we all enjoyed time away from our husbands and home responsibilities
I’m grateful that I ran into old acquaintances at the same restaurant. It seemed like kismet. It was wonderful. Contact info was shared and promises made to stay in touch.
Im grateful that Covid is no longer keeping us all isolated and apart from each other.
I’m grateful for my late afternoon walk yesterday.
I’m grateful for the opportunity to do a hike at my favorite park this afternoon.
Im greatful for a half day at work.
Im greatful i can afford to have my furnace serviced
Im greatful i can start saving for a new furnace and air conditioner bc mines 15yo…
Im greatful my monthly weighin with the trainer went well. I gained 1.5lb muscle and lost 5lbs fat.
Im greatful im almost done with my weightloss challenge
Im greatful for my sobriety
Im greatful today i thought i would have just started drinking earlier back in the day
Im greatful im not chained to my addictions right now
Im greatful hubby comes home monday
LOL – I love you outlook :sunshine: I am sorry that you do still experience the discomfort occasionally. Grateful that you have some sort of relief with your back / sciatica pain. @erntedank ooh I do love the thought of being blanketed by a string of gratitude’s – what a cosy freeing feeling. @tragicfarinelli I totally understand dealing with Gratitude blockage – I usually get this when I feel at my lowest or physical worst. I find that it is hard for me to pray or search for gratitude during these times and when I realize I am in that cycle I try my hardest to find the basics and start the wheels rolling. Gratitude is a different journey for each of us. i can understand wanting to compare yourself with others (i did this too when i started the practice) it takes practice and in time your way of expressing gratitude will form and come through.
Friday gratitude’s
I am so grateful that i was able to see my mom for a little bit this morning.
I am so grateful that i felt fairly awake after a rough night’s sleep. My legs were super sore from the treatment yesterday.
I am so grateful that i went to my first physical treatment yesterday and had cupping done for the first time. My sister had told me about it previously but said that it is super painful (yup - she was right) - glad that i held out. Glad that i got to try out a new treatment designed by this doctor to help relieve inflammation. Grateful that i was able to get off the table with min assistance - lying flat for 1 hour was super painful and i could not undo the pose.
I am so grateful that my having faith in this treatment and being positive has convinced my aunt to give his methods a shot for her health issues.
I am so grateful that my brother accompanied me on a short walk last night. Grateful that we had two days of 50 degree weather which was nice. Glad he was with me - it was what i needed but was also super exhausting. Grateful he had us turn around when he did as it was hard getting back home. I am so grateful that i did a even shorter walk by myself today – took much longer than it used to but i am glad i did it.
I am so grateful that i was able to work through the noise of the deck being built today. It really is coming out nicely. The pounding was giving me a headache but i was not well enough to leave so i took a extra long hot shower which helped dull the noise. Grateful that the shower did not hurt and was lovely today.
I am so grateful that i was able to take a 1.5 hr nap while they were setting up and taking lunch.
I am so grateful that i have internet today.
I am so grateful that Monk producers came out with a Monk movie released on Peacock. Hoping to watch it with they family this weekend.
I am so grateful for praying. Grateful for my HP and my faith.
I am so grateful that Tuesday is a fairly chill day for my family so we can celebrate my day together. I used to always do this solo but this year i would like to celebrate with my loved ones.
I am so grateful for my loving family Grateful that i had the energy to talk to my sister when she called today.
I am so grateful that i do love the gifts my siblings bought but they don’t fit right and my sis told me it would be okay to exchange them - she would not be upset
I am so grateful for TS - a place i can come to and connect with my sober friends.
I am so grateful for our moderators. I can’t imagine how much work they do behind the scenes – always being on the alert and creating a loving civil space for us all to recover on our sober journey.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love