Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #6

I had a vivid dream where our country was under attack. I am grateful to live in a relatively safe part of the world. I try to live my life and not to worry too much about geopolitics as they are out of my control.

I am grateful the beach is on the menu today, as nothing beats a happy, free running dog. My son’s at work so I’ll be entertaining the GF and buy her lunch at this cute beach bar. It’s cold but the :sunny: is out!

I’m tired as I had a broken night with a restless dog, but I’m grateful it’s just that and not a hangover.


Any excuse for an indoor or outdoor fire for me🔥


I’m grateful for a weekend with friends leaving my heart full
I’m grateful that during lunch at a pub they drank but I didn’t get the slightest urge to join them
I’m grateful for watching my children learning to read
I’m grateful for sharing a love of reading with them
I’m grateful for sharing bedtime stories, no matter how tired we are


I’m grateful for a beautiful day here and now a beautiful sunset I’m enjoying. I’m grateful for my friends who are very supportive and understanding of me. I’m grateful for my seller friend who surprised me by bringing me a lemon tree to plant because she said I looked sad last time she saw me and she thought it would cheer me up.
I’m excited to add it to my collection!
I’m so grateful for all my animals I have a great flock this season! Last year I lost a few and was worried to have a repeat this year but so far all good! I’m grateful for internet access that allows me to interact with other English speakers and resources that can help me like this group.


I am grateful for sobriety. I am grateful finally having hip surgery early Monday morning. I am grateful that I have my husband being there even though I know it is such an inconvenience in his so too too busy day. I am grateful God is lessening my anxiety.


Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. We’ll be there with you in spirit. Sending you love and healing vibes. :heart: :people_hugging:


Thank you. Very kind of you. I really appreciate all who post here. Like minded people can help one another through the challenges. :boom::star::honeybee:


Happy to hear you have your surgery planned. Toi toi toi and wishing you a speedy recovery!


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I had the time today to take everything slowly. Grateful I had enough energy to take care of my sick child. Very grateful I feel like she is already doing a bit better with less pain.
I am grateful I could code a bit. That always gives me joy.
I am grateful for TS and all the threads I can hang around when I can‘t do anything useful.
I am grateful my cough feels better, less coughing, better breathing.
I am grateful I am off to bed in a few.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Oh I’m glad I stopped by Lam.
Good luck tomorrow. I’ll be thinking about you.
I always keep my ear buds handy and good meditations before and right after. You’re going to do great.


I hope your surgery goes well @tailee17 :people_hugging:

I’m grateful for a relaxed Sunday.
I’m grateful my daughter made me chocolate cake, it was delish.


Hope you are doing well today and are not overly anxious about the surgery tomorrow. Sending you calming and healing vibes my friend. Wishing you a smooth surgery and a quick painless recovery. You are in our thoughts Lam :people_hugging: :heart:


Wishing you a successful surgery and speedy recovery !


Happy Sunday you beautiful people :hugs:

I am so grateful for waking up to 16 months of total sobriety. :tada: SO very happy to see the numbers increasing. I just passed 900 days of being cigarette smoke free too. Happy for the healthy changes in my life and to see them stick.
I am so grateful for being able to fall back to sleep (a deep sleep this time) after i woke up this morning. I tried to start the day but my headache just wasn’t having it. Grateful that i had a lesser headache when i woke up at 10am. Grateful for a lazy start to the day which allowed me to get rid of the rest of my headache with light pressure point massages.
I am so grateful that i woke up with a dread that i forgot my cousin’s birthday. It was on the 17th and i just realized that no one had wished her a birthday wish on our cousin group chat. I felt bad about missing it but grateful that i was able to send a belated message. My goodness - it was her 50th. Grateful that i sent her my apologies and my wishes and did not beat myself up on missing the date (i would have done so in the past).
I am so grateful feeling a bit better today. Grateful that i feel ok enough to go back to my brothers place. Grateful that my parents live literally a block and a half away from my brothers.
I am so grateful for yummy gluten free vegan cookies that i found that are made with coconut sugar and healthy ingredients.
I am so grateful for light upper body exercises and stretches that i have started to do. Grateful that my body is allowing me some movements without giving me much trouble. Grateful for baby steps in healing.
I am so grateful for warm showers. Feeling refreshed and clean.
I am so grateful for a lovely sunny day. Grateful that i know these weeks the weather is going to be all over the place and am prepared for it.
I am so grateful that i don’t need to the back end of my car - for some reason I can’t open the trunk anymore. It is a SUV with manual hatch. I am grateful that i can take it to the mechanic when i feel good and ready.
I am so grateful for my family. Grateful for having had the time with my parents these past two months (we had our moments but overall it was a good experience).
I am so grateful for my HP. Grateful that i know i can lean on Him for some emotional and spiritual support during these times.
I am so grateful for all of you! Grateful to have found you all and have you so available to me at all times… this community has truly helped me understand my addiction and to stay on the sober path.


Thank you. I am ready for it.


Thank you so very much.


You are very kind. I will keep all informed of my progress :rainbow::heart_eyes:


Monday morning gratitude.
I’m grateful for everything I did yesterday, it was a lot.

TMI hidden
  • meditated in the beauty of a chill morning at sunrise on the balcony :sparkling_heart:
  • deep cleaned one of the litterboxes and parts of the bathroom afterwards
  • clipped the old boy’s claws
  • mowed, fetched logs for the wood stove and molehill soil gor the plants for 1,5 hours
  • heated the wood stove all day (soooo cozy allthough it was partly sunny outside but chill all day)
  • service on TV touched me deeply
  • played with all cats and petted them for hours
  • wanted to make tomorrow me happy and ran the dishwasher in the evening
  • did some minor cleaning
  • seedlings out in the morning and back indoor in the evening
  • knitted a bit
  • listened to piano music while knitting
  • cooked healthy breakfast and enjoyed not so healthy icecream with nuts galore in the afternoon
  • vaccuumed the living room
  • napped
    This was the most I did in one day since I don’t know when. I’m happy and grateful that I had the energy and spent it on so many things. I’m grateful I wasn’t exhausted yesterday, only very tired. I’m grateful I don’t feel like I’ve overdone it today. My thumbs hurt a bit more today so I will take it easy on monday :pray::blush:

I’m grateful the weight loss challenge reminder on my phone told me it’s over. 2,5 kg down in 3 months. Not much but I’m in better shape and have more energy. I’m grateful living on the farm improves my physical, mental and emotional health :pray:

I’m grateful yesterday me is a caring and loving person. Present me was very happy to find the dishes done and the dishwasher finished in the morning.

I’m grateful I feel a deep sense of peace, calmness, equanimity, love and trust when I wake up with two cats on me. I’m grateful I fell asleep again listening to their purring and feeling their warm softness, unable to move.

I’m grateful for delicious tea warming my tummy and making me smile.
I’m grateful for all the ME time I get to have. I’m grateful I know that this would not be possible with a partner, at least my ex. I’m grateful I acknowledge that I need more time. For me. For everything. For babysteps. I’m not done yet. I’m grateful the codependent patterns, thoughts and behaviour are changing. I notice a change. I’m grateful for change. In general.

I’m grateful for living a good life :pray::sunflower: Peace to all sober fellows here :four_leaf_clover: ODAAT


Look at you stacking up those days, congrats on being 16 months sober AND 900 days NF! That’s amazing! :sparkles::star_struck: Think of all the money you saved too! :grinning:


I’m grateful for sticking to healthy routines
I’m grateful for needing to buy smaller clothes
I’m grateful for feeling stronger than before sobriety
I’m grateful for rough play with my kids
I’m grateful they want more