I am grateful the clocks for winter time were reset today on a Sunday and I got one more hour of sleep.
I am grateful for a wonderful hike in beautiful foggy fall weather.
I am grateful for public transport.
I am grateful for good food. Eating after a hike the food just tastes sooo good. I am grateful I could take my time and enjoy the meal.
I am grateful I did my weekly review today and am prepared for the week to come.
I am grateful for a nice relaxing yoga practice today. I feel I could get into something more taxing, and I am going to finish the current programm and transition to a more intermediate one at the end of the week.
I am grateful for all the energy I had today, and the peace of mind.
I am grateful for the new game I started - Elsinore. It is clever and entertaining. It‘s a logt of fun to play and a very good example of great artisanship in terms of game design.
I am grateful my daughter got interested in the game and we played a bit together. The game is only in English, but with my help she got the gist of the dialogues.
I am grateful we are preparing for tomorrow, school start after fall break,
I am grateful my daughter’s migraine episodes lessened in frequency, length and intensity. I very much hope this is the new medication doing its magic.
I am grateful the day is coming to an end, looking forward to reading, relaxing and getting to bed soon.
I am grateful for this day, grateful for this life.
Sunday gratitude.
I’m completely knocked out on the couch, feet on my heated pillow, cat on my legs, tea beside me. I’m deeply grateful for this
I’m grateful for the warm sunshine today, everyone’s mood improved instantly.
I’m grateful for service on TV.
I’m grateful my always aching thumb made it through all I did today.
I’m grateful I proceeded with steam-mopping the floors. Still way to go, deep cleaning is no fun.
I’m grateful I sorted the seeds and didn’t forget to water all the plants outdoor.
I’m grateful one balcony is clean and tidy. The second is work in progress.
I’m grateful I deep cleaned the bathroom.
I’m grateful for a good talk with a lovely, caring friend
I’m grateful for my neighbours.
I’m grateful for my beautiful, comfy house.
I’m grateful for autmn colours.
I’m grateful I checked the finances and decided to reschedule the paving planned for november. I can’t afford it this year, it has to wait. I’m grateful I’m able to pay the closing bills for all the work. It’s a tight budget for the next 6 months but it was worth investing in finishing the facade, driveway and stonewalls. I’m happy and grateful every day multiple times.
I’m grateful for catlove, 5,5 kg sleeping, snorring fluffball on my legs and 4 kg oldtimer approaching me for cuddles is priceless.
I’m grateful that I’m too tired to miss my mum, my ex, a partner in general. I’m grateful I lie on the couch, relaxing, nothing to think about, nobody to care about, no triggers for codependency. I’m so tired today I really apprechiate to be alone. People are very easy too peopley for me these days.
I’m grateful the time change didn’t hit me too bad today. I’m grateful half my clocks adjust automatically.
I’m grateful for HALT and that waking up sober never gets old. ODAAT
I’m grateful for my health, God, higher power and Jesus. I’m grateful for life giving me opportunities to get out of the void, grateful for my friends and life
Grateful for sobriety
Grateful to do a workout
Grateful to fuel my body healthily
Grateful for support service for my son
Grateful for my daughter eating veggies
Grateful for husbands quick forgiveness when I am snappy
Grateful for finishing my book club reading
Grateful for warm tea and cool weather
My recovery
I got my butt to the gym this am
Im trying a new health supplement AG1…hoping to see benefits
Lots to look forward to this week
Did a long walk yesterday
Cooked lunches for the week
Contact lenses
Family time
American football
Get paid this week
Road trip this saturday
Reliable transportation
@earnit Wishing you luck. Hope you hear back about that job soon @Peace Grateful when we can get that release - hope you are feeling better after that cry A low key day sounds lovely. @Davina_Davis AH Yes – will be sad to see this beautiful season end. I am enjoying the beautiful weather we have been getting and grateful that it is not too hot or too cold. Not a fan of the upcoming season so gonna hold onto this one as long as I can Only 4 days till Halloween @BillsMafia13 Great to see you posting and wonderful job on your 54 days! Congrats on your $0 in debt! Thats gotta feel really good. Love that you are doing so well in your recovery - keep up the great work!
Monday morning gratefulness
I am so very grateful for a chill day yesterday. I so needed it after all the running around in the past few days.
I am so very grateful for my coffee. Love the smell and the taste - really is awakening and comforting me as I sit in bed writing my gratitude’s
I am so very grateful for making a huge dent in cleaning out my brothers garage. Hopefully I’ll finish with it today and move on to the last bit to sort through.
Minimizing and letting go of my possessions has not been an easy road (in theory I am ready and want to let go but still feel attachments to things). It is going to be a process and I will be so grateful when it is all over and behind me.
I am so very grateful to chat with my sister yesterday. She has been so busy lately and it was nice to quickly catch up with her. Hoping to see her this weekend. Its been too long.
I am so very grateful for good friends that are like family and I can be 100% myself around. They can see me with my symptoms and not treat me differently or pity. Grateful that we will be getting together for Horror movie night on Halloween (only 4 days away ) Grateful we have our movie picked out and hope that it delivers. My brothers neighborhood does not get any trick or treaters so that is a bummer but I still keep the light on just in case.
I am so very grateful for a beautiful sunny day. Hope to go for a walk shortly. Grateful that it is hoody weather and I can enjoy the cozy hoody while the sun beams on.
I am so very grateful for my family. Grateful to have them in my life and grateful that we are so close in our relationships and in vicinity.
I am so very grateful my Higher Power and His guidance
I am so very grateful for this community and all the support I receive here.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful the sun came out finally.
I am happy to have the new insulin. Reading around a bit and curious if it’ll changes/improves my sugar. I’ll see. Trial and error.
I am grateful I can walk. I am grateful my feet don’t hurt.
I am grateful I have enough.
ordering a truckload of sand to prepare my loamy soil for the (wild) flower seeds that need a dry, more sandy soil. I’m utmost grateful for making this call. Making calls on something I have neither experience nor any knowledge about gives me horror. Another item ticked off the feeling-helpless-because-the-ex-always-cared-for-it list. I’m grateful that I feel proud of myself. I overcame my anxiety because I want something more than I’m afraid of the way to get there That’s real progress.
nice, delicious, homemade food and HALT
rewarding me with a big cup of hot chocolate for being such a badass adult today
killing staghorn sumac with the chainsaw, lotsa work until this area will be free from that fucking invasive plant.
leaving the cleanup for another day
starting to clean up what was left from the work & workers
going for a short walk
heating the kitchen stove
making kindlings and stored it
nice chats on the phone
ginger tea
a shower after working outdoor
calling my lawyer’s office - yes, the financial settlement notice arrived at his office but obviously there is something additional to do so he did not forward it yet. I’m grateful I’m not worried. It’s nothing within my control.
cats. My three sweethearts make me smile every day. They are my sunshine.
feeling bitchy in the afternoon, fog, grey, this weather is depressing. I’m grateful I acknowledge that I get moody and dig myself out of it. It was a productive, good day and therefor this grumpy bitch got a big hot chocolate that immediately improved my mood.
I’m grateful I’ll go to bed very early, I’m tired, content, feeling peaceful and safe. Have a good sober day fellows. ODAAT
No idea. I might just get a cool trim or I might chop it all off. I reserve the right to decide tomorrow.
I haven’t had a cut since February so I’m a bit long and scraggly.
Up early and had the energy to put in a 12 hour day
I was able to exercise my dog today with 3 outings
I had homemade cookies to share at my AA meeting and all were very complimentary
Completed many important business tasks
Had another sober happy day (tired now)
I am enough, have enough and in need of nothing.
for a long time friend I haven’t heard of in some years checking in.
for the kind and good humoured people I work with
for a good laugh with my cousin
for the luxury problem of having too many tables of sort in my tiny appartment
for uplifting music in the morning coming from my kitchen radio
for my routine that keeps me safe and sound.