Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Hey @JazzyS I thought Don’t Move was also just ok, but a lot better than the usual crap that’s being churned out, just… Some bits I liked, others were a bit waaaaaaah? But totally watchable. Not a horror. A thriller imo. Every year I watch the original Halloween film on Halloween and carve a pumpkin. This year I broke tradition on that, no pumpkin and no Michael Myers… But I think I might go back to Halloween next year, with no pumpkin. Man it was freeing to not '‘have’ to carve a pumpkin!!!

Have you seen Caddo Lake?


:zipper_mouth_face::flushed::grimacing: Being there let me seriously doubt my pacifist beliefs.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I slept well until I woke up from a nightmare about some disaster which destroyed my bike :see_no_evil: priorities.
I am grateful I feel better.
I am grateful I have enough food in the fridge, clean water, a job I can go to.
I am grateful that the health care system is still working somehow. I don’t know if sometimes expectations are too high. I am grateful for insulin.
I am grateful I have enough.


I agree with that assessment. Glad you got to watch it. Michael Myers is a perfect tradition. He is definitely my favorite.

Lol…I hear ya. I haven’t done in years and every year I say I’ll do it and just never get around to it.

Caddo lake I haven’t seen it but will add to my list. :pray:t4:


Be careful who you admit this to, k? :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m grateful

  • for my anxiety being lower today…it was in a more manageable range
  • for getting some good work done on the translation project
  • for my long morning hike
  • that I’m thinking more positively
  • for having good friends
  • that I am learning, healing and growing in peace

Grateful for being with my nephew and going to Mass


Im greatful for…

A good day
Good energy
I got to exercise my civic duty
Laughs with my folks
Boscoe cuddles
Good news from the dentist…i really neglected my teeth in my addiction and to now be back to semiannual cleanings im greatful
Road trip weekend
Party on


I am grateful for continuous sobriety and no hangovers. I have no clue how I survived all of those sickening mornings…complete insanety… and they were getting worse with age… no mas!

I’m grateful my weekend is almost here and I will have time to see my family and work on going through my clothes

I am grateful Will is doing better right now… he’s my little turtle :turtle: dove :dove: :cat: :heart:

I am grateful for the kind/caring people in my life and for recognizing when it is time to let go of the toxic people

I am grateful to have what i need… food, shelter, water, heat, enough for bills

I am grateful for the memories I have of my Mom, been thinking a lot about her everyday and how horrible of a disease dementia is, grateful for hospice

I am grateful we are all in this together :heart: odaat


Good morning! It is a chilly Saturday morning here in Wisconsin and I’m grateful to be awake and enjoying my coffee!

I’m grateful to be sober. My day counter says 1100 days today and just a few days ago I was pleased to hit 3 years of sobriety. My life is only better for all the work and help that got me here. For that I am grateful and only interested in continuing this path of a calmer and better life without alcohol.

I’m grateful to be home this morning with the dogs and a few chores and some tasks to do for work. No plans for this weekend and a chance to rest.

I’m grateful for the resources that I have and that I can share with others in my family.

I’m grateful for my relative good health. I did three long swims this week without much difficulty and I actually enjoyed them quite a lot!

I’m grateful for my husband and the life we have made together, particularly in these last few years in our cozy modest home with lots of peace and quiet.

I’m grateful for my family and their support.

I’m grateful for a job that I mostly enjoy. I’m grateful that my planning for retirement seems to be unfolding well and that I can see the time coming when I won’t have to work full time. It is still a couple years away, but it is in sight.

I’m grateful that I get to have time to think about my gratitude practice and continue to share it with you.

I’m not just grateful for my 3 years of sobriety, I’m proud of it too. It’s been an amazing journey of not only kicking the bottles out of the way, but of gaining so much time and space and energy back into my life. I can be a pretty determined person, but I had no idea how wonderful life can be when we are not under the influence of alcohol. Are there hard days and bad things that happen? Of course! It has become clear to me that alcohol really never helped me at all. And for that realization alone, I am grateful to be in this part of my life.

I wish you all the best and hope that you get some peace in your life today as well.


I’m grateful for:
God, Jesus standing with me and protecting me
Good health
My family and friends who support me
Not being sick or ill


Way to go with 1100 days and 3 years :tada::tada::partying_face::muscle:t4:

Amazing work :clap:t4:. Happy Saturday to you and yours :hugs:

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Today I am grateful for:

  • another day of sobriety by the grace of God and AA

  • a nice long weekend with my kids in nature. No phones, no tv.s. A God given chance for me to step up and step in to my new life and re-build my relationship with them ODAAT.

  • Sobriety isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. Cleaning house involves elbow grease, inhaling strong fumes, sore knees and sweat. But thankfully I have help and don’t have to do it alone.

  • Don’t want to jinx it, but it does appear I may have bought a place to live! (Prob just jinxed it). God is so faithful in answering this prayer. Not even six months ago I was living in crisis accomm. night to night after having graced Frankston police with my presence in their lavish station, suicidal, hopeless, broken…SICK. To have come this far in so short a time (while sober) is a miracle brothers!!

Have a great day brothers and may God bless you and keep you. :pray:


Good morning sober warriors

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
2.5years sober
Ability to take a roadtrip this weekend
Folks watching boscoe
Get to see a friend i havent seen in awhile
Time with hubby
The 90s roadtrip playlist ive picked out


:lotus: I’m very grateful this morning; my recovery spiritual tank is still mostly full.
:lotus: I’m so grateful for my early morning AA beach meetings.
:lotus: I’m so grateful I can go any morning of the week Mon - Fri.
:lotus: I’m grateful for blowing off my hike yesterday after the meeting and just doing a beach walk and had a little chat with a friend.
:lotus: I’m grateful I decided to plan my day around another meeting in Ventura. Al-anon meeting.
:lotus: I’m grateful I had the time to go to my favorite coffee shop and get a salami baguette and a cappuccino before the long drive to the next meeting.
:lotus: I’m grateful when I got there I thought, this is much of a church or a place to have a meeting.
:lotus: I’m grateful I was greeted and welcomed immediately by these strangers that all have loved ones who are addicts. Some dead :face_holding_back_tears:Some alive.
:lotus: I’m grateful I felt most at home as a new guy at this meeting than all the other meetings I’ve tried. Just got that feeling about the group.
:lotus: I’m grateful there’s so much. So so so much recovery over here in my area of California.
:lotus: I’m so grateful for the alcoholic in my life. I never would have found this meeting of beautiful souls sharing their pain, experience, strength and hope.
:lotus: I’m grateful my wife is still alive and I get to say I love you to her everyday if I choose to.
:lotus: I’m grateful the nugget I took away from my, hope to be, new meeting.
:pray:t2: :lotus: :orange_heart:

Don’t forget to tell your addict you love them :heart:


I’m grateful

  • for a good day outside hiking with a friend
  • for good conversations
  • for how tired I feel tonight (am hoping it means a long sleep!)
  • for a healthy dinner and relaxing evening
  • for feeling more relaxed today
  • that there is always new hiking paths to try out
  • for rooibos tea and scones

Gratitude for today.

I am grateful I could sleep in today.
I am grateful I realised I am in a funky mood and did not let that make me spin out of control.
I am grateful my ex brought the eggs I forgot to buy.
I am grateful I was able to fix my system problem.
I am grateful I watched a movie with my daughter.
I am grateful she has found something fun to do while she is having a cold.
I am grateful she has just a cold and not a migraine.
I am grateful my ex came over and encouraged us to do something fun. I am very grateful he is very actively working on us establishing a new and working relationship.
I am grateful the fun dancing we did actually improved my mood.
I am grateful I have some time left today to read and chill.
I am grateful I have a hike planned for tomorrow.
I am grateful this day is coming to an end.
I am grateful for this day and for this life.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to have woken up from another dream where I spent it drinking only to find myself sober in bed. :face_exhaling: huge sigh of relief

I am grateful that sobriety has taught me to be firm in my boundaries as they elevate me from toxic situations.

I am grateful to be surrounded by my loving animal companions, who cushion each day with playfulness and love.

I am grateful to have a warm home as winter is approaching. :snowflake:

I am grateful for this app! :black_heart:


I am grateful to be sober and not hungover like a good chunk of the population today

I am grateful to know that if I exercise I will feel better, just gotta dig down deep to get motivated

I am grateful for good music that helps me get my arse in gear

I am grateful for a drama-free Sunday with my memory of last night intact :two_hearts:


I’m grateful for another night survived without some sudden negative consequences from heavy drinking
I’m grateful for realizing additional fact about alcohol which together with other useful information made me understand what addiction actually is
I’m grateful I see through the illusion I was living in, fed the little monster with the toxic poison, trapped in the void
I’m grateful for God, Jesus and higher power allowing me to connect with them - receive their energy
I’m grateful for my friends who support me
I’m grateful for this community :heart:


Sunday lunchtime gratitude.
I’m grateful my days are full of doing stuff.

I’m grateful for:
:fallen_leaf: catlove, catfun, catcuddles, purring, snuggling, mischief … cats 🩷
:fallen_leaf: being nearly done with painting the wood, one more round today and I can mount the wooden stacks tomorrow
:fallen_leaf: farmseeing. I drove around all my farm today with 1,5 km/h and looked. I’ve been wanting to do this for quite a while and I’m pretty happy that I did it.
:fallen_leaf: Late fruit. I have 5 khaki and trees full of medlar. Still too warm to havest both.
:fallen_leaf: tiling the stairs will be finished today
:fallen_leaf: scattered sand where I need it and started planting
:fallen_leaf: nice and friendly hi & by with the ex when he fetched further stuff
:fallen_leaf: late breakfast at noon with tea, coffee and hot chocolate. I know how to celebrate a sunday breakfast :blush:
:fallen_leaf: a more errands & indoory day yesterday. All Soul’s Day is special to me and I lit candles, made a lovely front door wreath, started to decorate the house christmassy. Special gratitude for taking extra good care of my own soul yesterday :pray:
:fallen_leaf: the hot water buffers lasted for 5 days. Grateful for a quick lukewarm shower in the very early morning as I don’t like to go downstairs in the dark and forgot to fire the furnace yesterday.
:fallen_leaf: friends, always grateful for friends and nice people
:fallen_leaf: autumn weather
:fallen_leaf: a comfy couch, a warm house, cosy cloths to enjoy and settle back
:fallen_leaf: feeling peaceful, safe, serene, content
:fallen_leaf: ODAAT & HALT

Wishing you a nice, sober sunday dear fellows :people_hugging: