Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful that I’m getting back into my routines. I’m grateful for having good resources available and that I’m working at things. I’m grateful that my stubbornness is coming in handy in my sobriety :sweat_smile: I’m grateful for a good workout today, for the rain this afternoon which smelled really good and for a tasty healthy dinner. Was so great to cook! I’m grateful to be sober and healthy. I’m grateful for the pot of cardomon tea I’m enjoying…oh how I missed this tea while I was away! I’m grateful to have had a good ride today and spend time with the horses.


I’m grateful I got Prashanti Paz on my sound bar in the morning with my coffee. I’m grateful for her mantras and chants while I drink my coffee.
I’m grateful I got to a meeting last night. I’m grateful I didn’t like it much. I’m grateful it’s still new to me and I know I have to give it time. I’m grateful I miss my Scottsdale recovery friends so much.
I’m grateful my handyman can start today :smiley::grimacing: I’m grateful my chimney guys think they can finish up this week.
I’m grateful for mantras and meditation I need them now more than ever.
I’m grateful for the Al-Anon speakers app that’s been getting me through the week.
I’m grateful I’m 3 for 3 on my new Moka Pot :coffee:
I’m grateful for the weather, currently have marine layer out back sun out front.
I’m grateful I can be as calm as I am even though my mind is stressed the fuck out!
I’m most grateful for all my blessings and this wonderful sober life I get to have and share it with you all.
Om Shanti Shanti Om


I’m grateful for the time off work to do whatever the hell I want.

Grateful I took my daughter to the movies yesterday to see Inside Out 2. I’m not keen on animated movies but this one was perfect for her. It’s all about emotions. I wish it was available years ago.

Grateful we did a little shopping to get some clothes and sneakers for my daughter. Oh how I hate shopping and never have the time. Amazon is a life saver but there are just some things we have to try on first. Grateful for the new Skechers store. Her feet are so tiny but super wide.

Grateful for a pool day today. It’s cool out, only 75 but the water is warm from last weeks heatwave. Not that the water temperature matters at all to my girl. I birthed a fish, not a human.

Grateful for my ladies AA meeting later tonight.

Grateful for everyone here sharing their experience, strength and hope.


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • getting out and completing my run in the morning
  • getting over my self-pity and drama
  • a good relaxing yin yoga practice
  • moving forward on digital prototyping
  • letting my hormonally induced cravings be and then go
  • a good bike ride
  • experiencing how street infrastructure literally cements the privilege to have access to city space and modes of transport
  • my ex communicating with care
  • good books, interesting podcasts
  • a recovery dharma online meeting fitting my schedule and time
  • feeling alive
  • being ok
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful for a very busy day.
I’m grateful I was up at 6.30 and started the day with my morning routine. I’m grateful I confused the time my pals said they come over to mount lamps. It gave me a full morning of cleaning the house and doing laundry, even cooking lunch. I’m grateful it rains and cooled down, windows were open all day. I have to be careful to not catch a cold with this weather ups and downs. Yesterday 33, today 19 °C. I’m grateful the house can cool down further over night.

I can’t express how happy and grateful I am with the lamps mounted! So much light. I wasn’t aware that I was longing so heavy for more light, especially the kitchen and bathroom. It’s a very different kind of living comfort.

I’m grateful a friend asked me to help her with some furniture issues. I wil l be glad to help her later this week. Grateful for friends and pals and acquaitances. Grateful for nice, kind people.

I’m grateful I start moving forward, away from my picture of the ex. I emailed a company today asking if they can give me an offer to finish the dry stone wall and the drive-up. A first step of no longer waiting and taking over responsibility for things that never were my resposibility. Things get to be done, no matter who does the work.

I’m grateful for the broom closet. Still happy to find everything stored in one place.

I’m tired but I need to unwind before I go to bed. As it’s getting chill on the balcony I’m gonna take a bath. Illuminated by the bright new lamp.
Grateful for all my blessings :pray: ODAAT


Grateful today
AA Meeting
Psychiatry Appointment
Energy to do some chores
Energy to do some accounting work
Fresh Eggs
I can sit and do nothing for awhile
Good food


Practicing some Monday gratefulness
I am so very grateful for…

  • The cooler mornings. Enjoyed my morning walk in a comfy hoodie
  • Met with my aunts guy to get an estimate on cleaning up the weeds and shrubs at the house. My renters have let things go and hopefully they will go with this guy to get it all cleaned up.
  • Started my shadow boxing workout today. Looking forward to getting back on the bag soon
  • Thanks to @Mischa84 we changed the June challenge thread to fitness thread to track any and all active movements.
  • Not having to cook tonight as my sister brought over some yummy grilled veggies and tofu … perfectly seasoned.
  • For being able to relax in the deck and read without being cooked or eaten alive by mosquitoes
  • For getting the house cleaned. Finding the one stinky thing in the fridge ( was the last thing I touched so the fridge got a good unintentional cleaning).
  • For feeling tired and hopefully getting to bed early tonight.
  • For my family. Spending some quality time chilling and watching movies with brother last night
  • For setting up a pool / BBQ with friends for the 4th and a day on the beach over the weekend and knowing everyone will understand if I am not up to actually committing to either
  • For seeing the grounds keeper today and asking for the bushes to be trimmed back. Hopefully by this weekend.
  • For my HP! For my daily meditation and how I felt like I was floating today as I walked and prayed.
  • For this community and all the support/ love I receive here daily.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day/ evening… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Monday gratitude
Ability to get through a 20 hour day.
Protein bars.
My sobriety.
A few hours to rest.


I’ve been grateful for days 🫶🏼


Today I am grateful for wonderful friends on TS :heart:

Today I am grateful for being well on my way to 4 days sober. The mist is starting to clear, thank God :heart:

Today I am grateful for medication. My kids finished school last Wednesday, and took covid home with them :woozy_face: I have it very bad at the moment, the pain in my body and brain is terrible. Taking all kinds of medication which is taking the edge off :heart:

Today I’m grateful for the fact that we are about to finally close the sale on a house we are buying. I remember mentioning months ago that we were buying, but there have complications. It’s caused an awful lot of stress in our home, and of course, I dealt with it the wrong way. We will be called to our solicitors office any day now, to finalise :heart:

I’m grateful despite being unwell, I’m sitting in my chair listening to nature in full swing. Leaves gently rustling in the trees, and I can hear little birds tweeting for parents to come back with food :heart:

Have wonderful day friends :heart::pray:


Very grateful for my purple chip today!


I’m grateful for 1748 days sober and $110K saved according to the ST app.

Grateful for another beautiful sunny day. :sun_with_face:

Grateful we meet my daughter’s new aide today. I hope they (agency rep & aide) don’t stay long. I want to get out this afternoon and enjoy the day.

I lied yesterday when I said I could do whatever the hell I want on my days off. Technically I don’t get days off. Yes from my job but not from being a mom. Caring for my disabled daughter is hard work. Love her to pieces and can’t imagine life without her but some days I wanna escape. I’m grateful I shared about this at my meeting last night and was offered some great advice. Next up, I will be researching respite care. Now I’m dreaming about a weekend away knowing my daughter is being cared for. Grateful it’s a real possibility.

I’m grateful for electricity and running water. The quick strong storms have been causing power outages. Grateful it’s only been hours at a time and not days.

Grateful I haven’t been checking my work email. It’s on the home screen of my phone. I did take a quick peek this morning and it’s not bad at all. Grateful it’s a quiet week/month in my field of work. We refer to this month as the calm before the storm. Once August hits, we’ll be working our asses off until mid January, but I’m hoping to schedule another week off in August. If not, then a few days here and there. I’m grateful I’m not letting another summer go by with little to no time off.

Grateful for everyone here on TS. The friends I’ve made here are truly the best. I’ve never had such caring, kind and thoughtful people in my life. Grateful for this gift of sobriety. :heart:


I am so very greatful for…

Sleeping in
Hot coffee
Rolling up to 1 year no vaping
My addiction savings allowed us to travel to costa rica for 12 days
My recovery
Meeting with my sponsee tonight
Mental healthcare
Relative health
I get to hang with the family wednesday
Got some chores done yesterday
Fresh cold water
Healthy food


I’m grateful that I only worked a quick 4 hours on my day off yesterday. I’m grateful that my opportunities to pick up shifts are drying up at work because we have hired so many new people. We are moving toward fully staffed in my hospital department for the first time since I was hired in 2020.
I’m grateful that I’m training today. If I can show my positive attitude while correctly imparting wisdom it will be a job well done.

I’m grateful for library books. I’m reading a book by David Goggins (:muscle:t3:) and one by Yung Pueblo (🩷) so I can choose tough love or self-compassion each morning depending on what will be most helpful. Alan Watts will enter the mix soon so mindfulness will enter the conversation too.

I’m grateful for my health. I’m grateful I know when to rest. I’m grateful I have a few more hours to do that before my workday starts.
I’m grateful to fight alongside you fine folk.


I’m grateful to be sober and healthy. I’m grateful that hard days come and go- I just need to choose how to react to them. I’m grateful for the rain we got today. I’m grateful for the workout I got today and a good hike in the mountain. I’m grateful for my new bay laurel plant. I’m grateful for cooking a nice dinner tonight. I’m grateful that I know I can get through harder days and have hope that I can heal.


Today I’m grateful for

  • a bath yesterday before going to bed. Had restful sleep, only two weird dreams like my soul was vomiting random crap. I’m grateful I can deal with it.
  • Having lovely hours on the balcony after the morning routine. I felt so blessed, peaceful and grateful. The cats enjoyed the tempered morning in the sun. A long chat with a friend gave me a lot of helpful input to think about. I’m grateful for the love of lifelong friends :pray:
  • The drive to the vet and back didn’t stress the old boy too much. I’m grateful his bloodwork today was ok, he gained a bit weight and doesn’t need medication. Fluid once per week is recommended. I’ll call the local vet in my village if they can do it. I’m grateful his bloodwork is available in the electronic vet file.
  • I’m grateful I potted more plants today. Little tasks done add up.
  • Resting on the balcony now to relax. I needed an easy day after the busy monday yesterday. I’m grateful I listen carefully to my needs and I’m kind to myself. Still catching up on experiencing kindness and feeling heard. I’m grateful I’m able to give myself what I need.
  • In no specific order: leftovers, fresh laundry, putting away tools, taking the garbage bin out for collection tomorrow, remembering to throw away stuff from the freezer, the solar plant, hot showers, a summer day I liked, cats, feeling serene, doing a little bit every day, this wonderful house, peaceful thoughts, light, a cool breeze, having enough, living a good life, smiles, yesterday ME.
    ODAAT :pray:

Hi grateful friends!!

I’m grateful that I have garage parking at my job because it is 110 degrees and my car stays nice and cool.

I’m grateful for a weekend spent with old friends who are so supportive ofmy sobriety without making it a big deal because I would hate that. So gateful for support from family also.

Grateful for summer dresses and sandals

Grateful for you and this lovely thread of lovely people 🫶🏻


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • coffee on rainy days
  • the way my relationship with my ex is developing
  • having the resources to be there for a friend in need
  • moving forward with my work, getting clarity
  • a nap on the balcony
  • recognising food cravings as such
  • letting go of perfectionist aspirations
  • bike ride
  • being educated by @MrFantastik why Australians can‘t jump :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


@binx Oh girl that’s awful – sorry you are dealing with Covid. Sending you loads of healing vibes. Grateful that you are finally getting close to closing on your home. Sorry to hear of all the complications (thankfully they will be behind you soon). Yeah to day 4! Keep it going love :muscle:
@lighter I may have jumped the gun the other day – great job on your 4 months Marie! :tada: :tada: :clap: Love the purple chip :heart:

Oh this is lovely to read – grateful that it is a possibility and wish you luck with the search for respite care :pray: I can’t even imagine or fathom the difficulties with raising a disabled child. I know you are always on call and that can be exhausting. Grateful you are finding ways to take care of yourself. :hugs:

So very grateful on this Tuesday afternoon – Grateful for …

  • My life. I am blessed and grateful for breathing and moving and healing.
  • An easy walk and swim this morning before the allergies kicked in and whipped my ass!
  • For getting some issues cleared up at the bank
  • For getting my month end accounting completed
  • Not having anything pressing to get done today. Feeling super drained from this ongoing allergy attack and may need to veg out. So far no headaches (just a fuzzy head and a super sore nose-- don’t look like Rudolph just yet).
  • Finding the information for the new garbage company so that i can easily arrange for bulk items to be picked up. – easy peasy – just got it scheduled while i was doing my gratitude’s
  • Had a fight with my mom this morning and am just not letting it ruin my day. Shit happens (we both have been going through some stuff and i’m trying to keep that in mind).
  • Had a spare small tv sitting at my parents that i was able to bring over to my brothers. Will be nice to use in the kitchen or on deck… just need to get this damn Firestick remote to work :laughing:
  • My coffee and my coffee mug that keeps it hot for so long. Grateful that it was a freebee from the Tulsi Tea company and i got it in time as they don’t make em like this anymore. Mine has lost most of its color (it was purple) but that’s ok cause it keeps my coffee hot
  • For my HP. For my connection and daily practices of prayer and meditation.
  • Laughter! Can’t get enough laughter - really is so healing.
  • Being able to elevate my feet and relax. Hoping to read some more (I might actually finish this book).
  • For all of you beautiful souls! Thank you my dear friends :people_hugging:
    Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day -Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


  • for the cool breeze
  • a good sleep
  • finding a great new Scandinavian crime series
  • being able to cook
  • a very comfortable home :house_with_garden:
  • struggles that formed my character
  • peacefulness and pause