Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #8 šŸŖ·

Grateful I got a better nightā€™s sleep.
Grateful that my dogs do well when I head upstairs to sleep in an actual bed.
Grateful that yesterday I found all of the purchased courses in my system, both for Yoga, Trauma-Informed Yoga, and all kinds of life coaching. Pretty sure that it came about yesterday, with cause.
Grateful that I remember I actually was a health and wellness coach. I may be different but I still love to work to help other people.
Grateful I have decided to reach out to everyone I know. A lot of people are hiding in sadness, stress, happiness and all the things. I spend a lot of time sad they havenā€™t reached out to me - but why havenā€™t I reached out to them?
Grateful that today, each moment, will be exactly as it should be.
Grateful for you.


Its been a doozy lately.

I am so grateful for my friend who now has 5 years sober and said she couldnā€™t have done it without me. That means so fucking much to me!

Grateful for my friend who got sober before me and was my inspiration. We really can change peopleā€™s lives for the better.

Grateful that our passports are up to date.


Another morning to be greatful forā€¦

Im greatful forā€¦

Getting my butt up and working out
A dose of aa yesterday
My folks and our laughter
Hubby and Boscoe
Hubby did the dishes
Its midweek! 2 more days in office. I get to work from home friday
Sober sisters
Hot coffee
My health and mobility
Keeping things interesting
The joys of sobriety
Being free from the chains of addiction, looking back its a fricken miracle i escaped
One day at a time


I am grateful for this sunny day I spent hiking.
I am grateful I am fit enough to do 40+km hikes without problems except the sugar.
I am grateful I didnā€™t have to wait too long for a train.
I am glad I downloaded harry potter audiobook vol one which I am enjoying.


Iā€™m grateful to follow @Cjp again. Seems like the good old days back when.
Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t wake up in the middle of the night coughing. First time in a long time.
Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m feeling better and better each day.
Iā€™m grateful my wife is cool and not as freaked out as me about the chemo drug we are going to be giving Mav.
Iā€™m grateful we are a sober team.
Gosh. If I just write Iā€™m grateful for a sober wife that ought to be enough gratitude for me. I just cannot imagine going through this hell of 2025 with a drunk to boot. Iā€™m just so grateful sheā€™s sober. I just canā€™t imagine.
Iā€™m grateful Daisy is yodeling down in the kitchen. Iā€™m grateful sheā€™s finally getting to the new vet today for a checkup.
Iā€™m grateful for the light rain we are getting.
Iā€™m grateful for TS pals, friends, and family. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s like our own little family here.
Iā€™m grateful I think all my blood work came back in the normal range. If Iā€™m reading it correctly. Iā€™m grateful I can have wifey check it out too. Iā€™m grateful they donā€™t want to see me for any follow ups so thatā€™s got to be good news.
Iā€™m grateful for what I read in the Pocket Pema Chƶdrƶn this morning.

What causes misery is always trying to get away from the facts of life, always trying to avoid pain and seek happinessā€”this sense of ours that there could be lasting security and happiness available to us if we could only do the right thing.

Iā€™m grateful maybe I can unlearn trying to always ā€œdo the right thing.ā€
Iā€™m grateful I can recognize that doing the right thing bit was a great survival tool in my younger days but I can learn to let it go now. Itā€™s exhausting.


Iā€™m grateful
To have made it home safe after terrible driving conditions
That my travel buddy was a real trooper and kept me good company
For the best dog greetings when I got home! And then some good cuddles together
For my neighbor who prepared my house for me getting the firing going, bringing me dinner and making sure I had breakfast things for tomorrow
For for thick coats, gloves and boots to keep us warm and that the heat in the car only went out on the last half of the drive
For my own bed to sleep in
For a successful trip even though the travel back was a bit rough
That Iā€™m sober and healthy


I am grateful today for random human kindness. A package I ordered got delivered to someone else. The person discovered my address somewhere on the package and came by this evening and brought it personally. I had expected the package to be lost. Human beings are great.:blush:
I am grateful for some ideas I had today for my main villain of the story.
I am grateful my daughter is spending more time every day at school and reconnecting with her friends.
I am grateful for TV and books during todayā€˜s times of brain fog.
I am grateful for my rowing training. Added together I spend all in all 20minutes on the rower. This would not have been possible a few weeks ago.
I am grateful for my energy and mood improving.
I am grateful for my morning meeting.
I am grateful for easy health care.
I am grateful for the call with my husband.
I am grateful I see my caution in talking with him and my fears and worries.
I am grateful for my heart practice.
I am grateful for this day and grateful for this life.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Im gratefull for finding amazing 12steps smartphone app, that has AI that you can work the steps with

AI is showing real insight


Wednesday evening gratitude.

Today Iā€™m grateful for another busy day. Cought up on chores, weekly vet visit with the oldtimer, appointment, more decluttering and moving another load from the townhouse to the farm, necessary grocery shopping, seeding, cooking, putting away stuff. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m tired from busy life. Iā€™m grateful for doing everything step by step. For being open to the new. For taking good care. For not too much overthinking. Itā€™s a lot I think about these days. Iā€™m grateful for Let go and Let God. Iā€™m grateful I can hand over EVERYTHING to the universe. Iā€™m grateful doing my best is enough. Iā€™m grateful I really do the best as I can, even if it often feels insufficient. Iā€™m grateful I respect my limits. And sometimes ignore them. Rarely. Iā€™m grateful I work on finding a good balance between the aspects of my life. Iā€™m deeply grateful that emotional turmoil is not an aspect. At least for today, yesterday and some time before.
Grateful for peace of heart, mind & soul.
Grateful for my safe, cozy home.
Grateful for my lovely cats, caring friends & neighbours, my reliable car.
Grateful for modern amentities (love my dishwasher).
Grateful I ordered wool to knit a pullover for next winter, I found a lovely knitting pattern last night when I was sleeplessly scrolling on my favourite craft website.
Iā€™m grateful for my life as it is :pray:


I agree wholeheartedly! I get to be the Black Sheep!


I am grateful today

The flooding did no damage other than creating cleanup project outside
Attended AA Meeting this morning - Topic was just what I needed
Completing my work with no procrastinating
I have water, heat and electricity - neighborā€™s well was damaged
I am discovering my mental state is calm and gives me time to react to lifeā€™s events without distress and anxiety
I have good food in fridge
I have a good sober life. My life is great sober.


Grateful that I care about people.
Grateful to understand that I canā€™t change or control people - or their differing political views.
Grateful to spend time thinking about good things people have, not concentrating on the things I donā€™t agree with.
Grateful my morning meeting is starting in one minute.
Grateful for you.


Good morning sober warriors

Im so very greatful

I got my butt to the gym this morning
I caught a glimpse of the sunrise and studied the colors
Contacts and eye glasses that help me see clearly
Time with hubby
Cuddles with Boscoe
A healthy stirfry last night
Leftovers today
Get to work from home tomorrow
Protein powder and bars and cookies and chocolate
Sober sisters
My ladies aa meeting tonight and the peace and affirmation i get in the rooms of aa
My sobriety
My recovery
My curiousity


Iā€™m grateful for my wifeā€™s sobriety.
Iā€™m grateful for Door Dash
Iā€™m grateful wifey ordering door dash cappuccinos for us, and pastries for her in the morning, and a :croissant: for me every day is still much cheaper than the cases of wine she would drink, a week.
Iā€™m grateful I will just enjoy her coffees with her and let it be.
Iā€™m grateful to sit back and wait for our Door Dasher as it is rainy and foggy outside and itā€™s a lovely day for an extra coffee.
Iā€™m grateful I got Mavy to eat this morning. Iā€™m grateful for Benson licking Mavyā€™s wet food off of my fingers after I push his food around in the bowl with my fingers to ā€œfluff,ā€ or more like stir it up. He seems to like it when I do that to his food.
Iā€™m very grateful he ate this morning because today he becomes Chemo Cat and his chemo med is suppose to be taken with food.
Iā€™m grateful wifey had disposable gloves to give him his chlorambucil this morning. And that she successfully gave him his first capsule.
Iā€™m grateful my xtra large gloves should be coming today.

Iā€™m grateful my coffee and :croissant: have arrived. BRBā€¦ā€¦

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll have a new job first thing every morning. Scooping cat litter. And then scooping cat litter after Chemo Cat uses any of the 3 litter boxes.
Did I mention how grateful I am my wife is sober. Iā€™m so very grateful I have her back :face_holding_back_tears:
Iā€™m grateful I got in an Al-Anon meeting yesterday. 2 cats to the vet and a chiropractor adjustment.
Grateful my Shake N Bake chicken with rice and beans top the evening off nicely.
Iā€™m grateful itā€™s still precipiting :thinking: out there. Not quite a rain or a drizzle or mist but itā€™s wet out there.
Iā€™m grateful wifey concurred that my bloodwork came back really good. Sometimes I have trouble reading those things.
Iā€™m grateful Benson doesnā€™t mind lying on the couch as we get a late start to the day.
Iā€™m grateful :smiling_face:
Iā€™m grateful for MY serenity prayer, giving me the ā€œcourageā€ to accept the things I cannot change. If I donā€™t have the courage to accept the things I cannot change, how can I have serenity to accept the things I cannot change :thinking:


I am sorry is one of your cats having ā€œBack Issuesā€ā€¦ Hahahahahaha

I just couldnā€™t resist the temptation to harass you.

I love that your wife is soberā€¦


Grateful Iā€™d have it no other way :laughing:


I have a whole lotta gratitude today.
Only had to drive in rain for 1 errand today
Hot Latte with almond milk
Rain stopped just long enough for me to get garbage cans out to street
Yunna had three runs today
Cleaners came today
Made dinner for neighbor friend - they appreciated it and I got lots of compliments
House looks great and chores done
Grateful hubby coming home tomorrow and looking forward to watching the Big Game together
I am grateful I can read and follow recipes
I am so grateful sobriety is #1 in my life
Connection with God to stop me from making stupid decisions


Friday early morning gratitude.

Iā€™m grateful I went to bed early with some cold meds yesterday, I didnā€™t feel well. Iā€™m grateful for only weird dreams this night, yesterdayā€™s nightmare influenced my whole day, couldnā€™t shake it off completely. Iā€™m grateful I talked about it in therapy and felt better afterwards.

Iā€™m grateful I had the first physiotherapy for my hand yesterday. I must have patience with the healing of the scar, it still needs covering when Iā€™m working to avoid getting dirty and catch an infection. Iā€™m grateful I will take care. Petting cats with bare hand is fine though :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Iā€™m grateful I ordered the A/C. Another important task in progress.
Iā€™m grateful I ordered the spare part for the tractor, when Iā€™m lucky I get it today. This would be wonderful as this thingy will make mounting attachments so much easier. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m aware that I spend money I would need otherwise at the moment. Iā€™m grateful for prioritizing and changing matters of importance. First things first.
Iā€™m grateful the fruittree cutting equipment will arrive today, I missed yesterdayā€™s delivery attempt. Iā€™m grateful I did the maths and investing once in professional basic equipment and doing the cutting myself is more sustainable than paying for it. My ex is excellent and did the cutting for the last 12 years, I donā€™t want another arborist maybe ruin my old fruit trees by cutting them in a wrong way. Cutting old trees needs knowledge and expertise not everyone has. I will practice myself, I have the knowledge and assisted my ex for many many years. Iā€™m grateful for this good times together.

Iā€™m grateful for cats on and under the blanket, lovely, cozy and warm šŸ©·

Iā€™m grateful for boundaries, I got to practice them yesterday and learned what worked well and when I need to leave a situation earlier to feel comfortable.

Iā€™m grateful I heated up the hot water buffers yesterday, the windchill was freezy cold. Iā€™m grateful I woke up to a cozily warm bedroom this morning (allthough my cozily warm temperature for the bedroom would make other people shiver, itā€™s 18 Ā°C)

Iā€™m grateful I intend to enjoy this friday, no special reason, just having a good day. Letā€™s see how this goes.
ODAAT :pray:



I got a pretty good night sleep!
I ate ramen and gyoza, with gluten. I am sure I am already feeling that but ramen generally gives me a cheater path. I donā€™t have celiac. It just gets to my joints and skin.
Waking with hope and energy.
Friends online around the world.
Dogs, crazy but caring.
The dog upstairs. I love him. Heā€™s unique, fun, and heā€™s pretty sure heā€™s a person.
Another day without alcohol. I havenā€™t thought ā€œIā€™d have a better day ifā€¦ā€ in a long time. When you pick it to shut yourself off, you shouldnā€™t.
Todayā€™s quote: ā€œIf you fell down yesterday, stand up today.ā€ This is a thing I say to myself quite a bit, especially in the last year+.


Iā€™m grateful :

For 13 days sober and clean without alcohol and smoking.
For good night sleep
For better mood
For trying to bid on some freelance projects
For making some money
For hydrated face
For hopeful life

One day at a time