Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #2

Oh… I am grateful that on closer inspection that my toenail is actually gone. I am grateful for this because if it had been attached at all I would have spent hours at urgent care today. I am grateful I HAMMERED my toe so hard last night while I was crying feeling sorry for myself that I ripped my fucking toenail off. Yeah I am super grateful I did that last night and that the day is over and today is a new day.



Hi All,
I’m grateful I’m on 25 days today🥳, this beat my 2nd best stretch.
I’m grateful as of today I’m done with August at my work.:+1:
I’m grateful I still have 3 vacation days to use before my 7 year anniversary in 3 weeks.:nerd_face:
I’m grateful my son texted me today and asked if he and his 2 boys could come over this weekend.:two_men_holding_hands:
I’m grateful Riley😺 started her hyperthyroid meds, let’s see if they calm the hyper part.
I’m grateful for Max🐶, being Max. Sweet as can be, super laid back to a point of being a little lazy.
I’m grateful for the friends I’ve made here. :hugs:
I’m grateful to God for always listening :pray: my job is to never lose faith and know it will work out in the end.:innocent:
I’m grateful for my new hobby that fills my free time.:gem:
I’m grateful for Max wishing he would hear me take out his dinner plate, then he knows he’s about to eat.:smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. Max eats off a plate, when I first fed him from a bowl, he’d inhale his food so fast he would choke himself. The plate helps :white_heart:
Enjoy your day!! :star_struck:


I’m grateful I just reread my gratitude today I needed an extra dose and I don’t even know what venerable means :grimacing::man_facepalming:


I fucken meant vulnerable.
What a doofus. Fricken typo :joy::joy::joy:
Bootz? Alisa? Why didn’t y’all catch that?


Sending a hug. Hope your toe feels better♥️
So happy you are getting over covid well and that you can get a cuddle and a hug from your daughter :hugs:


Congratulations on 25 days​:clap::hugs:


I caught it but I am helping you let go of your need to be perfect. I am reading a great book right now its call Addicted to Perfection.

I am grateful for this…


Grateful Erin gave me this gift.


I am grateful for the time off to recover from COVID and get well. I am grateful my symptoms arent worse than they are and that i was able to have a telehealth therapy appointment yeaterday. I am grateful fort ue tools he sent me afterward to begin using/working through.


Good morning all,
I’m grateful I feel pretty good even though I slept rotten last night. I’m grateful to have a few minutes before I leave to work to do my gratitude and have some coffee with you guys. I’m grateful I made it to two years today. I’m grateful I found this community by accident, when all I thought I needed was a counter. God knew I needed more help. I’m grateful for all of you, and for my home thread. I’m grateful I have food ready to go, today will be a long workday. It feels good to have my shit together! I’m grateful I got my credit from Audible and will start the new Stephen King book on my drive🤗.
Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Good morning gratidudes.

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, day 130 free from weed and alcohol
A quiet relaxing night last night
A good zoom AA mtg
Conversation with my mom and dad
Morning hugs from the hubby
Morning pets with Boscoe
Basic needs being met
Meds mgmt and therapy appts booked
Hubby making dinner tonight
Pause and perspective
Looking forward to a belated bday party this sunday
No hangovers
Added energy
Everyone here sharing their sobriety journies.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Day 591.

I was taking the trash out this morning, and looked back, realizing how grateful I am for my home and my property.


Hellz yeah! Congratulations on 2 years!!!


@Sunflower1 congratulations on 2 years! My immediate thought was this, that lucky bastard, their prefontal cortex is healed! 2 years is so great, I’m grateful you can trust your decision maker today!

I’m grateful for the late meeting I got to attend last night with 3 friends. I double dated to a recovery after dark meeting last night and sat with so much gratitude to be sitting in a meeting with my FRIENDS. Sober friends. I saw an old friend there last night that my fiance and I knew from the streets. We were in the trenches together and it was an awesome moment to be there and be celebrating and working on our sobriety, all together. Beautiful moment.

I’m grateful that I found fentanyl in my room yesterday morning. Im grateful I did not have a moment of hesitation when I saw it, im grateful that I was true to myself and my recovery and took a picture of that bitch and sent it to the house manager. I’m grateful I didn’t let the drunken house sailor sway me by being a drunken sailor and being nasty and bitchy and texting my roommate mouthing off that I was making a big deal about it and that I “claimed to have found it on the floor”. Grateful that I can see her EXACTLY for where she is right now and grateful that my friend (the one I double dated with last night) picked me up for work and we got rid of the poison. Grateful that I did not engage with the drunken sailor beyond simply calling her out for getting in my business. Once the subsequent unrelenting gunnysacking started (*in text form, OF COURSE) I just deleted as they came and continued with work. Very grateful my house manager was cool that I just packed up some stuff and left for the night. Grateful that she’s realizing it’s better and healthier for me to have been gone 6 of the last 7 days then to be a stickler for the rules when the rules truly aren’t best for my recovery right now. Grateful that I’ve done the work and stayed clean so that she hears me when I bring my concerns to her.
Grateful that I have built up a sense of self worth over the last 5 3/4 months so that when shit goes sideways I am ok with sticking to my guns knowing that I’m doing the right thing, knowing that my track record at the house reflects that, so if she wants to be miserable and run her mouth I know the truth and it’s not going to affect me. Sounds so simple but it took a bit of work to get here.

Grateful yet again for the choices that lay ahead of me. That I can choose where to go from
here because my decisions and actions have supported my right to have choices.
I’m grateful to have such a full life. Grateful for my daughters, for my fiance and best friend, for my sober friends and coworkers. For the people I enjoy seeing at the meetings that are becoming my friends. Grateful for a house that I live in and for my fiance’s house that can spend time at while I’m finding my next house to live in. Grateful for my job and grateful that I’m so close to my next job. I feel blessed with abundance in life and in my choices. I am very grateful that I feel so satisfied in the creation of my life. Because as my favorite quote says “life is not about finding yourself. It is about CREATING yourself.”
That it is.
Grateful to be waking up to this beautiful 175th clean day. Grateful to know if I keep doing what I’ve been doing I’ll be able to go to bed clean tonight.


@Poriggity that’s really beautiful


Thanks @Dakotahjae . We lucked into this property a few years ago when I was relocating for work. Absolutely love it.


Ugh :man_facepalming: Not another book :scream:
I’m grateful for you recommending that book for me.
That sounds like a book I could really use.
I will look into it.
I’d be grateful to learn how to keep up with all the books I can read and podcast I can listen too and meetings I can go to and still have a life. There’s not enough hours in the day. I’m grateful that book has my name all over it.
Thank you.
I could be venerable though :wink: But that would not be for me to decide :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m grateful for you :pray:t2: And I hope you’re toe is on the mend :hugs:


I’m grateful I’m 28 days AF!
I’m grateful I’m close to 1 month.
I’m grateful I feel better today.
I’m grateful I made time for my candle business this morning.
I’m grateful for my peace of mind.
I’m grateful for love and kindness.
I’m grateful for another day to get it right.
I’m grateful for my family.
I’m grateful for life.


Good morning beautiful souls.

@Sunflower1 Congrats on completing your second year in recovery. I feel so lucky to be able to share your milestone with you. Thanks for sticking around and allowing us to be a part of your life. :heart:

I am grateful that I got my butt to a meeting last night and for the motorcycle ride home under a blanket of stars. If you ever need your spirit filled, a meeting, a meal and a motorcycle ride seems like a good recipe.
I am grateful that my partner is in recovery and that he sort of understands me. He understands parts of me anyways and thats a good start. I think the whole fact he is a man reduces the understanding of a female by at least 50% naturally. Not his fault.
I am grateful that I am forgiving today and that I let things roll off my back. I am grateful that things just dont sting anymore like they used to. Everything used to feel personal the world was out to get me and it hurt. This created so much defensiveness in me and I just built up a wall that got thicker and thicker. I am grateful that the wall is gone, that forgiveness flows and that loving energy can surge through my body without barriers.
I am grateful that I dont have to steer my life anymore. When I let go all that is supposed to happen, happens. Then I look back and I am like , " Wow, I can see what you are doing."
I came into recovery very angry with a big, big resentment towards men in general. I had to work hard on letting that go but eventually I had a spiritual awakening around it while doing a set of steps. I finally let that resentment go and next thing I know I am part of the PR group going to share in the mens correction facility. I dont really know how that happened, I was reached out to and it all just sort of flowed. I am grateful that I can see my HP working in my life helping me be a part of the solution today. I am grateful that I am awake enough to recognize that this is not chance. There is value in my story and I am grateful to be able to share it with other addicts.
I am grateful to be reminded often that I am just a vessel living out my purpose and I dont need to complicate the shit out of it.


I’m inspired,2 years is phenomenal. Today like everyday I awoke in gratitude. Reading posts on this thread just imbues me with even more gratitude. Grateful my friend Carolyn told me bacteria had closed swimming just south of where I swim 4 - 5 days a week. I definitely had gastroenteritis for the past three days,fine now after staying out of the Gulf. I’ll definitely research it b4 jumping back in. I have loved this new good habit but will still go to Anna Maria island :desert_island: to watch the sky light up and meditate. Just happens listening to the ocean waves,no effort. Grateful for vinyl and a sweet system to listen to. Music is therapy. Very grateful for finding this community and this morning looking at sober selfies for the first time just added to my joy. Nice to “see” everybody. My biggest gratitude is that I leave eatly tomorrow to travel to my daughter’s home. Going to Disney on Ice with my two grands and more family. Pumped. Being with my family in sobriety is well hard to put in mere words. My adult children had never seen me not at least high on weed if not also adding heroin or oxy to the mix,until the day they picked me up from the state run psych hospital and transported me to the rehab center. That was a happy but mixed bag moment. I was gnarly as fuck after 5 days of withdrawals so intense I lost 10 pounds. As far as being a good father I was a bad boy but a good man. Talk about gratitude ! Hope everyone has a day filled with loving kindness :heartpulse:

God guru and Self are one


As is Woodman and this!

I am also needing to slow my reading down to really grasp some of the concepts but WOW! I am so grateful that my ADHD is controlled and I am able to read now.