Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

My step son is 20 and still loves paddling pools and my two are 9 and 6…. They have been having a blast in it today (in between the sybling arguments).


Haha, that bickering never stops, my 3 drive me crazy!


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for the session with my yoga coach today. No practice. I only spoke about my current challenges. Stressing factors. And to focus on getting back on track meaning: no musts. To seek joy in this journey.

Atm I am watching ‘Elementary’. I didn’t know that befor. Well, there was a scene where Sherlock was about to hit one year clean and didn’t want a coin for it. His sponsor told him that his milestones were not for him but more importantly to show others that becoming clean is possible.

After the coaching, I am grateful I joined the Yoga session: hand stand session and lots of new input.

I am happy that the company from my current apartment told me during a prehvisit of the apartment that it would be okay to leave mid month and pay only for half of September. How cool is this. They won’t have a problem finding someone.

Now I am grateful that I can leave all windows open during the night and it cools down.

I am grateful for all the insights I got today. Feeling accomplished.


Thanks :sparkling_heart:.


Thank you @Bootz im still trying to figure out what is allowed to be said in what thread and not allowed.
Seems a little to much of a hassle for me as I confuse easily since getting the shots last year. Congnitive decline sucks. So definitely tag me if you post another response in another thread or I may not ever see it.

My gratitude for my relationship with my daughter is indescribable. I feel incredibly fortunate that I have never messed it up or turned her heart bitter or angry. There will never be a day that im not truly thankful for her, my joy


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: Derailment void / Off topic 2021 to present

I’m grateful I can trust the disappointment of today to be in God’s hands and I can thank my God for knowing what I cant see. I have done the footwork, the rest I leave in my Gods hands. I am grateful I have the ability to do that this day.


I’m grateful that I have the courage to say I open this thread to read and share gratitude not read someone flirting with an avatar.


Good evening lovelies

I came in with some heavy gratitude this morning but for some reason, I didn’t post it. I have been feeling a little off but not in a terrible way, I can’t seem to put my finger on it. I had such a blessed weekend, which started out with the beautiful dinner I had already expressed gratitude for, then a lovely evening on Saturday and then Sunday. WOW… Sunday was amazing. I am grateful for all of the family that gathered to celebrate my uncle’s 75th birthday, my man-friend was so nervous but he settled in right away. I am grateful for how welcoming all of my family is. I am grateful for all of the laughter and smiles, I am grateful for all of the hugs. As the day progressed on Sunday I started to realize how alcohol controls most of my family. There were three of us in recovery there, then there was my daughter, my mom, and my dad that was not drinking everyone else was throwing them back at a quick pace. It was the first family get-together I had been to and I didn’t realize that until today. It had been 4 years since I had seen my cousins, and of course, COVID had stopped any large group gatherings. I am grateful that I had no desire to drink, the thought didn’t even cross my mind. What crossed my mind a lot was the generational disease we have, and it was glaringly obvious yesterday. I am grateful that my grandpa was able to stop drinking hard liquor and just stick to beer. Giving up beer was never an option for him, he did live to the ripe old age of 97. I am grateful I had so many amazing years with my grandpa, and I am grateful that he and my kiddo had such an awesome relationship. What a blessing for her, she will be able to remember TWO great grandparents that she had very close relationships, I am so grateful for that. I am grateful that even though I was suffering from active addiction I still managed to make sure that my kiddo had the most " normal" life she could. I am grateful that I can figure out my feelings most days and I think that I am just feeling a little bit sad for my family. I have a lot of hope today that I have been able to stop this generational curse by being open and honest with my kiddo and by getting into recovery when she was 13. I am grateful that I can ride on the wings of hope tonight instead of sadness.

I love my life. :heart:


Today I’m grateful for the kindness of a client who said I could postpone today if I wanted to. I didn’t but appreciated her thoughtfulness.
I’m grateful for my garden, it’s the main reason we decided to live here.
I’m grateful to have booked a walk with a new walking group. I thought it would be a good way to make some sober friends.
Have a great day :sparkling_heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety, day 79 free from weed and alcohol
Being of service to other alcoholics
AA fellowship
TS fellowship
My hubby and Boscoe
Monday wasnt so mondayish
My sponsor making time for me
Air conditioning!
Flavored water
Self reflection and honesty
Everyone here and their milestones, gives me hope i can do the same in time
My mom, my family and their health
A deep joy and hope ive been experiencing working the AA steps
I am greatful for everyone here sharing their recovery journies.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


I’m grateful to God please help me be my best self while staying clean and sober performing your will just for today. I’m grateful for my recovery with its challenges and blessings. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful my home group had a one year celebrant last night, it was a good meeting. I’m grateful for music. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful for daily readings, prayers and gratitude.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a star shine bright. Ya You!!


G’morning y’all :sunny::sunflower::yellow_heart:

I’m grateful for my time outdoors. When I can’t find the answers, I turn to Nature and the questions disappear. I’m grateful for that sense of peace.

I’m grateful for Keely’s visit yesterday. She lifts my heart and reminds me of what it feels like to be happy and loved.

I’m grateful for making an important decision for my well-being. This taking care of me is still sometimes difficult, but I’m getting there. Progress, not perfection.

I’m grateful for recognizing I’ve reached a higher level of mindfulness. I’m able to think before responding, and often I find myself just letting things go with no response at all. I’m grateful my brain is teachable.

I wish y’all a beautiful day. :revolving_hearts::tulip:


I’m grateful for Brian’s courage last night :wink:
I’m grateful I’m not a drunk anymore.
I’m grateful for hangover free mornings.
I’m grateful I get to see the sunrise over the desert mountains.
I’m grateful we already got Alice’s subcutaneous fluids done and a bunch of other chores and it’s only 7:30 here.

I’m grateful my wife didn’t drink yesterday.
I’m grateful that’s 3 days in a row.
I’m grateful I gently initiated a conversation about it yesterday and it went surprisingly well.
I’m grateful she’s read This Naked Mind and the Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober. And she realizes she wouldn’t have to detox because she feels ok.
I’m grateful she told me she isn’t promising to stop drinking yet. I’m grateful she’s taking it ODAAT.
I’m grateful I told her I cannot have anymore restaurant scenes. And that my boundary is if you’ve been drinking wine in the afternoon I will not be going out to dinner. I’m grateful I told her how much of a great team we make again and how we have never done it for ourselves.

I’m grateful I know my happiness can’t depend on my wife. A person I’ve been with for over 40 years. But fuck me!! It’s hard!

I’m grateful I’m trying to not make my wife the center of my gratitude list but right now I need this for me.

I’m grateful for more pics of baby Norma.
I’m grateful I’m not spamming everyone on here with baby pics.
I’m grateful my daughter told us the name of my grandson to be.
I’m grateful that grandson shit is real now.
I’m grateful for my kids and their support and understanding and not overreacting.
I’m grateful I don’t have COVID.
I’m grateful for air conditioning, music, humor, dogs, cats, mountain views, trash pick up, running water, and modern conveniences.
I’m grateful for my Home Thread :heart:
Which means you! ALL of you.

I’m thankful for what travel has given me.


Wow, that sounds amazing. I am really happy for you. I can only imagine how hard it must be being around someone still drinking. I know your thread and I want to say this to everyone who is in this situation.


@boots im grateful you will be in my town. I dont know how to private message or I would invite yall out to coffee lol im sure you will have plenty enough to do. Enjoy your visit to the flathead with the family.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful Paula and Dora are doing fine. Their new owners wrote me and said how sweet they were and nice at the vet. They got chipped so they can go out soon. I am very grateful for this.
I am grateful she agreed me to visit them on Thursday.
I am grateful I only have to pay € 2 extra for gas for the last year :crazy_face: how cool is that.

I am grateful my apartment is still rather cool. I am grateful I can do my workout in the cellar.
I am happy I made the inscription for the handstand yoga course and even more that it’s fully covered by my insurance. I learn handstand and my insurance is paying. :see_no_evil:

I am grateful I don’t drink anymore. I think my willingness to believe in myself grew in the last year’s despite so many bumps in the road.

I am grateful I have enough.


I dont know if its appropriate to Post this here or not. If not I ask for tolerance and forgiveness for waisting your time for having to move it.

I’ve been out drinking for 4 years. But I have been clean from meth for 22 years as of tomorrow. This is the first year in many years I’ve been excited to celebrate being clean from meth. I realize that its because my mother died on the same day last year and I dont deal with death very well.

So, today I am grateful I can acknowledge the pain of loosing her, and maybe, just maybe it was a gift from my higher power that she left on July 20th and not the day before or after. This year at least, I want so desperately to celebrate 22 years clean from meth on the 1 year anniversary of my mothers passing. I am grateful that I dont want to be mournful about that day. I dont get to celebrate being sober the entire time because I ran to alcohol when my father got sick in 2018 and passed in 2019. But… I remain ever grateful I never had a desire to return to meth.

I dont understand why things work out they way they do, but I can find gratitude when I look for it.


Congratulations on being gratefully clean from meth for 22 years. Holy shit!! That’s awesome :sunglasses:


Thank you Franzi. That means a lot to me. I always grateful and appreciate your encouragement.

What’s up with this?
New owners😱.
I’m so sorry to read this. I hope the separation has not been too hard on you. Of course they were sweet. They have a wonderful mother. When you see them next. Tell them I’ll miss them and I’m grateful I got to see them grow. And give them a little scratch on the head from Ol Dazercat :crying_cat_face: