Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober. I really am.
I am grateful that most things worked out well today.
I am grateful I could still use our almost free public transportation ticket. In 2 days it’ll be back to incomprehensible and expensive bullshit.
I am grateful people were kind today to me.
I am so grateful that the countertop fit into the apartment. I mean it fits into the kitchen but I was afraid that there wasn’t enough space to get it into the kitchen/living room.
I am grateful I brought my yoga mat to lay down some minutes. I am grateful the guy from internet arrived already and not in 4 hours.
I am grateful I am on my way home. Wherever that is.


I’m grateful for my little boys road trip. Just me and the Burner.
I’m grateful I miss all my guys.
I’m grateful I miss my wife.
I’m grateful it was so freaking easy to just feed and walk one dog and my chores are done.
I’m grateful I have 6 pets and a wife who love me.
I’m grateful my 2 hour drive took 3 and a half hours yesterday and I didn’t care. I’m grateful I passed yesterday’s patience test.
I’m grateful I got to listen to 2 Recovery Show podcasts instead of just 1.
I’m grateful I blew off the Al-Anon meeting last night. Well I would have blown it off, but I got in so late I missed it. But I’m grateful I made the decision to not go before I knew I was going to miss it, because I didn’t want to frantically try and make a meeting.
Patience and self care :white_check_mark:
I’m grateful I felt comfortable sitting at the restaurant bar having dinner with a strawberry spritzer mocktail and my fish and chips. The martini and beer next to me didn’t give a shit about me and I didn’t give a shit about them either. I’m grateful I don’t need to tell you what I usually would have done after that drive.
I’m grateful it’s always a nice feeling driving home not thinking about how much I had to drink and am I ok?
I’m grateful I don’t have a hangover this morning. It would have been a doozy.
I’m grateful my wife’s walk with Minnie will be easier than her walking 2 dogs and carrying a water bottle and poop bags.
I’m grateful I rather get back home to my wife and the gang than stay here alone with Benson.
I’m grateful I watch the movie Bill W. Last night.
I’m grateful for this grateful thread of gratitude.

I’m grateful I know this :point_down: to be true.
I become powerless when the first drink hits my throat. I will do and say things that are full out insane.
It’s all about today.
If I don’t take a drink today then my day is good
It’s a simple formula.


As I sit here waiting for and watching my daughter during her physical therapy, I am so grateful to be sober and present not just in her life but in life again. The last 4 years I completely checked out of life and into the bottle. It does feel good to be present and involved again. I know I forget that at times, but in this moment I am completely aware of how good it can feel.
I am grateful for long sleeve shirts! :cold_face: fall is in the air this morning. It is warming up quickly and I will head home to change to my swim suite and bask in the healing of the big ball of fire in the sky while I can. We have very dark skies 9 months of the year in northwest Montana so I am super grateful for any amount of sunshine I can get.
I’m grateful my husband made me a delicious breakfast this morning. I appreciate his consideration of ingredients for me.
I’m grateful we have a car. 2 would be nice but how fortunate are we that we have 1.
I’m grateful for the bike I have to get me where I need to go when I dont have the car.
I’m grateful for all of you and your shares.


Grateful for the excitement and enthusiasm in which I had when I came on the forum this morning. This is the first morning I read all your gratitude with urgency, really excited to find out what was going on my friends. It’s a nice feeling! And what wonderful posts to read this morning. I too, am feeling elated to be feeling back in my daughters lives. I’m so grateful for this long weekend with both of my daughters, for these wonderful little vampires and the amazing two nights when they’ve really come alive and weve had some great bonding time. Grateful for these moments as they take me even further away from any desire to want to go back to the horrific nightmare of using. Grateful to so clearly see the ebb and flow of my emotions and to be able to be getting an understanding of how when I’m feeling anxious I can almost guarantee this means things are about to get really good, really good and I just need to hang on for a minute and let it happen. My gratitude for the quality of life I’m experiencing is off the charts. In just 5 and a half months my life has gone from a heroin addict literally homeless and back on the street, not seeing her kids and the guilt that kills along with it, stealing everything I need, zero hope, zero joy, legal problems lingering from 5+ years on my shoulders, writing in a journal in the bushes somewhere about how miserable my life is…to today. In a beautiful home where I have my own bed and a room my youngest has helped me bring good energy into, where I have shown compassion and love to a roommate that has just moved in, with a finished garage that I can use for my “weekend bungalow” with my daughters, a homegroup that I love and that makes my week so much fuller, my legal problems already 98% cleared up, working on continued care in an IOP group that I truly appreciate and enjoy with people that I have actually connected with and feel concern for, a fiance that finishes his residential inpatient treatment tomorrow and has a month clean (what???:grin:) and these beautiful little creatures inside that are still sleeping, who still love me despite all the shit we’ve waded through and still want me for a mom. This time with both of them this weekend had been …momentous. It has given me so much hope and and REWARD. I was feeling like maybe too much water had gone under the bridge with my 17 year old, I was mourning the possible loss of my first born and this weekend where she’s been vulnerable around me and had fun with us and opened up a little, maybe a lot in some moments, when they even come to my homegroup with me…I know I don’t deserve this, but I am so grateful that I’ve done something to make them see that I am dead serious about my recovery and I’m so fucking grateful that they can see a difference in my life so as to be willing to tip toe into a relationship with me again…my heart is near to bursting right now. Im grateful it’s going to be SO HARD to take them back to my parents today. Grateful I’ll have my IOP group to cry to immediately after when I do. :purple_heart: Grateful that we already have a plan for a back to school dinner Wednesday night and I only have to be 2 1/2 days away from them.

Grateful to myself for deciding to fight on March 6th. Grateful that I found the strength to say I can and will do this. Grateful that I found the courage to just not pick up those first few weeks out of treatment before the obsession dimmed and my recovery really kicked in. Grateful for my 165 days of transformation. It has been worth it’s weight in gold 100 times over.


Day 18
I’m grateful to be 18 days AF!
I’m grateful to have peace in my life and home.
I’m grateful for my kids and husband
I’m grateful my anxiety has gotten so much better since I chose to quit! It was getting so bad I was nervous to drive. Thankfully it has gotten so much better.
I’m grateful for this calmness I feel.
I’m grateful the depression and lonely days are leaving and I’m starting to feel content with my days.


18 days! Congrats!! :tada::partying_face::tada:


Thanks so much❤️


I’m in tears of happiness for you Darcy.
Thank you for sharing so much from your heart. You do deserve all this good stuff and the rewards of being a good mother. You are so worth it. And so are those beautiful children of yours.
Congrats on your 165 days clean and your fiancé 1 month clean. I love it.


:v:thanks, Eric


Ive been slacking on my gratitude while sick with covid.

Im greatful im getting some energy back.
Im greatful for my sobriety, 120 days free from weed and alcohol
Im greatful when i found a can of margaritas i threw it away and only thought about it for a few minutes. Old me would have dug it outta the trash.
Im greatful my hubby is feeling better.
Im greatful i can work remotely
Im greatful i was able to sleep away my weekend and feel human today.
Im greatful for everyone here sharing in their wins and struggles. I know for a fact i wouldnt be this far without all of you.

Peace sober fam.


Hi CJ!
120 is quite an accomplishment, nice job!! :trophy:

I laughed when you said old you would have dug it out of the trash, me too!! One of my favorite moves was putting vodka in my garage freezer so I wouldn’t drink it. Since the garage is attached to my house and the freezer is 3 steps from my kitchen, my plan was a complete failure! :rofl:

Feel better soon lady! :hugs:




Wow! I am so grateful for your share. You’ve made me cry tears of both joy and gratitude :heart: I dont know you but I’m so proud of you!!!
I’m truly grateful for the heart warming time spent with your daughters this weekend. Wonderful! :hugs:


Congratulations on 4 months of sobriety!!!


Hey you “daily gratidude people” :cherry_blossom:

I am new in this thread, but I think it is a good idea to spend daily focus on gratidude! I always forget Journaling in my notebook or something and it’s much nicer to be in contact with other people! :smiley::hugs:

So let’s go… 9 am Tuesday and…

I am grateful for this hot, strong, ecological cup of coffee I have
I am grateful for the super clean outdoor pool i enjoyed yesterday, it was soo blue water, heaven and wonderful sundowner, perfect challenging workout
I am grateful that I tried the cold shower there yesterday (warm shower costs extra :rofl:) it was hard but such a healthy, warming feeling when I dried and put my cozy warm clothes on
I am grateful for being free, to do what I want
I am grateful to be a good cook
I am grateful to have a healthy body
I am grateful that I am so much into sports atm and am able to make my body more strong and flexible, which has an impact on my overall well-being
I am grateful to have a nice flat
I am grateful to have a bike
I am grateful for positive people in my environment
I am grateful for my glowing skin
I am grateful to have enough food in the fridge
I am grateful to have a job and furthermore to have opportunities to change and develop
I am grateful to learn
I am grateful for a clear mind that sobriety brings
I am grateful to be at ease today
I am grateful that I found this community, it is so helpful for sobriety!

I am grateful for the things this day will bring :cherry_blossom::blue_heart::revolving_hearts::heart::cherry_blossom:

Have a wondeful day :hibiscus::cherry_blossom::hibiscus:


Today I am grateful for the past 5 sober days amd that I have the opportunity for another today. I am grateful for my energy these days to get up for a morning walk (post coffee) before having to start work. I am grateful my son’s work and coaching has started up again as that tends to keep him motivated, excited and engaged. I am grateful for our sweet pups and kitties who add live to the home and for our quiet and friendly neighborhood allowing for nice walks. I am grateful the kitties in the neighborhood have started coming to the end of their driveways for pets when I walk by. They’ve never done that before. I feel like it’s a sign to stay on the path, so I’ll go do that now. Wishing you all a healthy sober day/night ahead.


Good morning beautiful people.

I am greatful today

Greatful for my sobriety, 121 days free from weed and alcohol
Greatful my immune system is kicking in and im on the mend
Greatful hubby and i are quarantining together
Greatful for lemon in my hot tea
Greatful i will be celebrating my first birthday sober in a long time this friday
Greatful for my husband
Greatful for Boscoe
Greatful to work from home
Greatful for everyone here who shares in fellowship.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Welcome @Juli1 ! Glad you are here!
This morning I am waking up grateful and excited to see my fiance take on his first day clean outside the structure of his (our) treatment center. I am grateful for this opportunity to get to meet him as he was always meant to be and so excited to get the chance to get to know him again. Recovery truly is a chance to have two lifetimes in one. So grateful that he has decided his life is worth living, worth loving, and worth fighting for! Grateful I get to go ahead and work today because his sister is picking him up, grateful for how things worked out and I had some help and don’t have to figure this all out myself. Grateful he had the wisdom to tell us he didn’t want to be alone AT ALL today and that one of us needed to be there when we was ready to walk out those doors. Grateful for the wisdom this shows. Greateful for the other signs he’s displaying that he’s really been trying, paying attention and things are changing…grateful that I see him being willing to take suggestions, that’s he’s going into Oxford housing for a couple months while we get to know each other again, while he gets his recovery game going and strong, and grateful he can understand it’s because people who have come before us and have experience with recovery agree we both need to have a solid recovery individually before we completely rejoin all forces. Grateful he can see the wisdom in this and is wanting and willing to give both of us (and us as a partnership) the best fighting chance possible. Grateful that his clean and sober house is really not very far from my clean and sober house. :grin:
Wow. Grateful it’s finally hitting me that after 5 years of both slodging in the misery of our active addiction I’m sitting here on the morning of a day I have been dreaming of for a long, long, time. Grateful for the goosebumps and good energy I’ve got coursing through me at this very moment.
Grateful for grace, for my ability to feel it for myself in this moment and for him and the grace he has never failed in providing me. Grateful to have a relationship worth being excited and hopeful over. Grateful for such a large and warm hearted person as he is, grateful to be getting this front row seat at watching a beautiful, wonderful person bloom.
Grateful for this exciting, clean life we’re CREATING. Grateful we’re beating the odds, grateful we never. Gave. Up. Grateful to think I never will.
Grateful for my favorite quote of all time, "Life is not about finding yourself, it is about CREATING yourself.
:point_up:This quote was painted on the wall of my treatment center. It was day 2 and I was having to fight the urge to run out about every 5 minutes. Grateful I noticed it on the wall and it made me pause and realize that it’s all in my control to create, it’s not a happenstance chance thing to have a life worth anything, it’s up to ME. Grateful for that massive paradigm shift on day 2 that let me settle the F down and get to business.
Grateful for today, a day full of SO MANY wonderful possibilities and possible firsts, should him and I just so choose.
Grateful for this beautiful morning of my 166th day clean.


:purple_heart:thank you, @Shaunda


I’m grateful to to see Darcy put the gratitude thread right at the top and so easy for me to find. Good morning Darcy.
Edit on the proof read: Good morning Maxie.

I’m grateful the headache I woke up to at 1 am was not from drinking. I’m grateful I was able to take some Advil and go back to sleep instead of crying in the hot shower drinking a gallon of water because I was so dehydrated and in so much crushing pain.
I’m grateful I was able to get back to sleep and the headache is minimal. I’m grateful to be free of those brutal hangovers that started in the middle of the night.

Always grateful to be sober and enjoying my calmer new life. I’m grateful I’m looking forward to my Al-Anon meeting tonight that I currently feel I don’t “need,” to go to. But rather want to go to.

I’m grateful for my fireplace, woolen hoodie, coffee, cool mountain air, blanket and dog on my lap, quiet time. I’m grateful my morning quiet time prayer devotional time, now only consists of prayer and 2 readings and my gratitude. I’m grateful I’m calmly enjoying it instead of rushing through 5-7 readings to get to my gratitude and TS threads before we walk the dogs.

I’m grateful I’m realizing my addict tendencies even in recovery. Going into Al-Anon all gang busters chairing my very first meeting with a bunch of strangers. I’m grateful I’m realizing I’ve always been all in, over kill, be the best of or nothing. I’m grateful I can keep a bit of that competition, no one’s going to beat me, attitude for my recovery now. But also in a more calming way.

I’m grateful Minnie came over for a pet.
I’m grateful Mavy and I had a good long snuggle last night watching a movie.
I’m grateful for my gratitude work.
I’m grateful for your gratitude work.

When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears.
Anthony Robbins


Morning All!

I’m grateful I’m on Day 17! :star_struck:
I’m grateful for my work being busy and being able to do it from home. :house_with_garden:
I’m grateful I didn’t drink or even think about it yesterday. :thinking:
I’m grateful for the weather today and I’m looking forward to fall. :evergreen_tree:
I’m grateful for all my new plants and I’m doing my best not to kill them. 🪴
I’m grateful for Max always waiting for me in the morning. :dog:
I’m grateful for Riley eating well, can’t wait for our vet appointment! :smiley_cat:
I’m grateful for a 3 day weekend coming up! :blush:

And especially, I’m grateful for everyone of you. :heart:

Enjoy your day!! :tulip::four_leaf_clover::sunflower::pray::sparkling_heart::hugs: