Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful tomorrow I’ll be in my new apartment.
I am grateful I had enough boxes. I still have some left.
I am grateful my friend will be there tomorrow with me. I stress a lot because of the missing wallspace I will have. But I will find a way.
I am grateful I didn’t have the worst withdrawal without caffeine. Now i am almost 14 days without caffeine. I have a mild headache but it’s my neck. It’s stress. I am grateful that I sleep slightly better. Almost until 6 :grimacing::tada::upside_down_face:


I’m grateful Daisy just jumped up in my lap for some gratitude and purrs. I’m grateful my coffee bean grinder worked. I think it’s trying to tell me something though. Like that brush that came with it should be used once and while. Or at least once!

I’m grateful I noticed I’m falling into an afternoon rut again after lunch which is easy to do for me. I’m grateful I’m going to try my best to break out of it today. I’m grateful I had a bit of a codependency relapse last night/this morning but it’s not so bad. I’m grateful I’m recognizing I’m getting better.

I’m grateful for the article I read on gratitude this morning. I’m grateful Maxi reached out last night. I’m grateful a lot of my gratitude is directed towards you but it’s helping me. :relaxed: Thank you for that.
I’m grateful for ODAAT. I’m grateful for another day where I get to choose to focus on my problems or this wonderful cup of lean green tea, mixed with a ginger turmeric green tea and this wonderful thread I get to post my gratitude on.

I’m grateful for patience.
I’m grateful for the clean sink I had this morning. Spenser likes a clean sink in the morning too Bootz :upside_down_face: We got a lot in common. I’m grateful I get to listen to Spenser anytime I want to on his Recovery Show Podcast. His wife is from Texas. He is from New York. My wife is from Texas. I’m from Boston? Both his parents had Alzheimer’s. Both my parents had Alzheimer’s. And get this! He can’t control his wife’s drinking! So ya. Spenser is my sponsor :upside_down_face:. I don’t think he knows it. But that’s ok. I’m grateful God still puts the right people in the right place for me. That’s why your here Bootz. :wink:

I’m grateful I did my 3 and a half mile trail yesterday. I’m grateful I stretched after it. And I’m most grateful my body doesn’t hurt from it. I’m grateful it’s a reformer work out day today.

I’m grateful for you all.

I’m grateful I get to work on this every Fucken day :point_down:
In life, you get more of what you focus on. If you focus on the problems life, you will get more of them, because your perception is all you have. If you focus on the great parts of life, you will get more of them too. It’s that simple! Gratitude helps us change focus.


Good morning indeed I always love your shares Shaunda,thank you. I am not a 12 stepper so I only know a tiny bit about it. I have attended a few meetings to support friends and there was a strong feeling of community and support. I am unfamiliar with the steps. I have become brother,beyond just friend,with someone who has been in the program for awhile,and one of my oldest dear friends has been a member for over forty years. Both are great men and both have a deep spirituality. I feel blessed to have found my home here and in Recovery Dharma :pray:. Both are keeping my focus in the right place. I am grateful for my life. For the healthy pattern I have adopted. I cannot believe that I am jumping in the Gulf three to four mornings every week. I am grateful for the love and support from my family. I am grateful to God for sparing me. Grateful that therapy helped immensely. Overflow of gratitude! :purple_heart::pray:t2::v:



Super grateful for the chuckle this morning.


Good morning fam-dam.

I am grateful for Zoom therapy, on-line grocery ordering and next day pick-up. Grateful that my headache seems to be subsiding, and I am hopeful that reading wont be so difficult today. Grateful that I didnt wake up fevered last night, and I think that part of the virus is over with. Grateful that my kiddo thinks she is feeling “ok” still, fingers crossed she doesnt catch this.

I am grateful that my child has never left my side although there were many times I am sure she wanted to. She has lived with fears for her mother from such a young age and for that I am very sorry. I am grateful that I can live clean today and make choices that reflect a different way of thinking to what she grew up with for 12 years of her life. I am grateful that she notices the change in me. Grateful that she misses me when there is only a wall separating us. Grateful that I miss her too.


I’m grateful to God please help me. I’m grateful for my recovery with its challenges and blessings. I’m grateful for ALL my family, friends TS and the grati-dudes. I’m grateful for support from so many here thank you all. @Mno @Cjp @maxwell @Soberbilly @ greatcanadiangroup😉 @Bootz @Sunflower1 @Lisa07 @JasonFisher @ShesGotMoxie @Piglet86 et I’m grateful for music, exercise, humor and laughter. I’m grateful for my apartment and that rent is paid, its clean and there’s food, heat, air conditioning and warm water, internet, indoor plumbing and electricity. I’m grateful for prayer, daily readings and the twelve steps. I am grateful that I can take as long as I like to catch up, on all your posts.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are a frickin star, shine bright. Ya you!!


So grateful you’re here @I.cant.We.can! Right now I’m grateful for the Eightfold Path. Wise Understanding,Wise Intention,Wise Speech,Wise Action,Wise Livelihood,Wise Effort,Wise Mindfulness and Wise Concentration. Grateful for my Sangha,here and in Recovery Dharma. I’m grateful for the beauty all around me. I’m grateful for this life :pray:


Hey Brian,
I’m grateful you’re here sharing, ya you! Nice to see your face again. You’re in my prayers. :pray: :hugs:


I’m grateful you’re back here posting again @I.cant.We.can. It makes me smile when I see your avatar, like a shining star. Ya you!


I’m grateful for my 4 days of trying and finding this app for support. I’m grateful for finally recognizing I have a problem and that just one drink never ever works for me. I’m also grateful for feeling my emotions. Although most right now are all over the place. I’m learning that I don’t need a drink to drown them out


Grateful for words… Your words are saving peoples lives, your actions are giving them substance.


I’m grateful my boss told me to go when I said I needed the rest of the day to try and get my daughter some mental health help NOW.
I’m grateful 1 place called me back and are getting her in early tomorrow morning.
I’m grateful she feels safe enough with me to open up to me.
I’m so grateful im sober and see what is happening.
I’m grateful to know that in my powerlessness to fix it for her, I have a higher power I can surrender this to who can open doors that I never could.
I’m grateful i can sit with my emotional feelings, exhaustion and physically sick feelings and know that its ok, im ok and everything will be ok. For now, this moment, all that I can do is rest and take care of me so I can continue to be there for her and for myself.
Im grateful for prayer and meditation.
Im grateful I dont have to drink over this.


I’m gonna double dip into Gratitude today not so much cuz I’ve got an overabundance but I need the refocus and a perception shift.
I am grateful I got to work today. Grateful for the money it will provide but also the purpose it gives my days and the energy I burn off while I’m physically working for 6 hours. I’m grateful that I turned potential anxiety into energy that I got paid for!
I’m grateful that I am clean, and safe, and have the consistency of looking forward to work tomorrow. Grateful for routines and structure. I am grateful I never thought I’d say that!
I’m grateful for a friend who’s helping me move all my fiance’s things to his new place, grateful to have a fiance who has things AND a little bit of recovery so that he has a place to move them to! Grateful I get to go spend the next couple days at his place and deal with the crazies there and get a break from MY crazies. I am grateful for communal sober living. It is doing it’s job, housing me, keeping me sober and beyond that it’s massively teaching me to place and enforce boundaries. So I am grateful for all the crazies in my clean and sober house.
I’m grateful for the knowledge in this moment that I’m gonna be ok. I’m grateful for this feeling of overwhelm and maybe a little off balance because I know I’m learning. I’m grateful for difficulty at this point in my life because I can appreciate it as my refining fire. I’m grateful my life is not all sunshine and roses all the time because my learning and growing would be stunted. So I’m grateful for this gratitude in the midst of a struggling day.


I’m grateful for day 21
I’m grateful for grace and forgiveness.
I’m grateful for family.
I’m grateful for love.
I’m grateful for strength and will power.
I’m grateful for all my blessings.
I’m grateful for patience and peace.
I’m grateful to have a job and income.
I’m grateful my kids are healthy, spoiled and happy.
I’m grateful my kids have both their mom and dad still together.
I didn’t have that. I was raised by a friend of the family which I’m grateful for.
No telling how I would’ve came out due to the fact my mom was on drugs and I didn’t know who my dad was until I was I 30. But that’s all another story.
I’m grateful God kept me and protected me…. And still does.
I’m grateful for my testimony.


Oh how ive missed your taglines Brian! @I.cant.We.can


Happy to see your smiling face Brian!


I’m grateful to see your gratitude


Today I am grateful for my beautiful wife and crazy kids. I can’t imagine life without them.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful the move is ongoing. I cannot help. And this stresses me to be there doing nothing.
I am grateful it doesn’t rain today. It’s a beautiful early autumn day.
I am grateful the guys from the moving company are relaxed.
I am grateful my friend is coming in an hour.
I am grateful I was not hungover this morning. How did I ever handle this? It was so normal back then. Waking up, feeling shit, trying to not drink that day. I am grateful I felt better physically sober. I am grateful this made it easy to quit for me.
I am grateful for some folks in de quitting caffeine thread.


Exactly diamonster, how did we do it? I couldn’t imagine navigating through my days feeling like I used to, I’m so grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful my partner has totally embraced sober life, he’s almost at 2 months, life in our house is so much better, calmer.
I’m grateful for early mornings, I like the time for me before the work day starts.
I’m grateful for another sober day :sparkling_heart: