Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I am grateful for acts of kindness and love. It would be so easy to lose hope in this world but there is still light.

I work at an elementary school. I was with my kids when I got the news about Texas. Every time I look at their faces, I just can’t understand. What do we do during times like this? It’s heart breaking.

I’m grateful for the kids at my school. They make me laugh every day. I’m grateful for the fun day we are going to have. I’m grateful that they’re safe, and smiling on the last day before summer.

My heart goes out to those families in Texas, and to every family that has had to endure this senseless tragedy. There are far too many…




Lol I remember when my pink turned gray then black lol. Then I started running on the weekends, seeking inspiration, sponsor contact, step work, prayer mountain biking, hiking and smiling as I write this. We got this!!!


I’m grateful I finally fell asleep last night.
I’m grateful I woke up and meditated before doing anything else.
I’m grateful I can name my fears. That when I sit with them and welcome them, they loose some of their power over me. That once I witness them I can find what my heart is asking for.
I’m grateful for the wind this morning, it’s a nice break from the heat and humidity.
I’m grateful that I’m able to sit with the people I love even when they are scared or angry. That I don’t take it personally or shut down. That I can meet them where they are with love and compassion.
I’m grateful for my feelings and my breath, they mean I’m alive.
I’m grateful for another beautiful day


I’m grateful I was awake first thing in the morning to see this beautiful sight of the moon and Venus (that dot on the left above the tree). The picture doesn’t do it justice. If I hadn’t had such a rough night, and gotten no sleep, then I wouldn’t have been able to see this amazingly beautiful work of cosmic art first hand.


G’morning y’all :sunny::sunflower:

I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep. I used to wake up and get stuck in my thoughts, not wanting to get out of bed and live my life. I’m grateful I now use that little burst of adrenaline we get upon waking first thing in the morning. It makes a big difference in my day.

I’m grateful kindness has nearly always come easy for me. When I look back on the places I’ve come from and the things I’ve gone through, I realize how easy it would have been to have grown up with ugliness in my heart. I’m only now seeing that it took strength to make the choices I’ve made to bring me to this day. I’m grateful for that strength.

I’m grateful for the seeds of hope. Sometimes we may have to look closely to find them, but when searching with an open heart, we can see sprouts of hope all around us. Let’s nurture them. I sometimes imagine myself as a thread in a colorful and ever-changing tapestry, and it makes it easier to envision how my small part affects the whole. I want to continue weaving kindness, acceptance, and love into my small space on the tapestry. I’m grateful for my life, my family and friends, and this beautiful part of the tapestry where I live.


I’m grateful to read your post today. Thank you and I’m grateful for the beautiful human you are.


Thank you, Rosa. I’m grateful for you, too. :revolving_hearts::blush:


“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher. “Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”
Ecclesiastes 1:2

I’m finding it really hard to be grateful for all my blessings knowing some parents are waking up to a nightmare that will never end for them. It’s just not fair. All the healing time and prayers in this world is meaningless right now. I’m grateful I can pray for them. I’m grateful I can go to the Bible in times like this. My heart has no where else to go in situations like this. I guess I’m grateful I can stay sober for them. I’m grateful I cannot imagine their pain. I’m grateful I can feel the sadness. I’m grateful I blocked it out the day it happened. I’m grateful it shows me how powerless I am in life. I’m grateful I’m not going to drink today.

Then I applied myself to the understanding of wisdom, and also of madness and folly, but I learned that this, too, is a chasing after the wind.
Ecclesiastes 1:17


I’m grateful to God. I’m grateful for recovery. I’m grateful for All my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for music and creativity. I’m grateful for courage to change.
God bless you all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You are amazing. Ya you!!


Today I am grateful for poppy flowers in cornfields under a bright blue sky. They bring back happy childhood memories with my grandma. I am grateful for cinemon buns and apple/rhubarb crumble. I do like fruit and vegetables that have a season and can’t be bought all year round.

I am grateful for self help books, which guide me in my search for better understanding myself.

I am grateful for decade old friendships and the deep knowledge of each other that comes with all that shared life. It’s almost like being married :joy:.

Last but not least, I am grateful, that each day comes with the opportunity for change and contribution. I helped out at an elderly place this morning. It made it clear to me, that this outlook on the new day is a true gift. I wanna make use of it, as long as I can. I hope you all do too. :orange_heart:


Good morning,

I am greatful for 26.25 days free from alcohol and weed

Im greatful I woke up refreshed this morning, before my alarm went off. Im greatful for Boscoe cuddles and hot coffee. Im greatful its Friday and I made it through my first work week. Im greatful I can wear tennis shoes to work.

Im greatful for everyone here who contributes and shares where they are at in their recovery.

Lets have a good day ya’ll


Day 9. Grateful that I didn’t go far enough to completely ruin my mind, body and life and that I have the power to turn everything around.

Grateful for my job, which fills me with a sense of purpose. I somehow got multiple promotions while in the throes of drinking, and I’m excited to see what I’m capable of doing there sober.

Just grateful to be alive at all and in the right mindset to take the world in.


I am grateful today is my eight month of sobriety.
I am grateful I have learned to not give up on my self.
I am grateful I can always choose love, softness, and understanding over pain and suffering.
I am grateful that when I look back I can see all the massive changes I have made in my life. Ones that get lost in the day to day.
I am grateful for my new habits, my routine. That they fill me up and keep me grounded.
I am grateful that when my mind starts to get wings and fly off on its own taking my nerves and anxiety along with it, that I take time and breathe.
I’m grateful I’m learning to share my feelings, that they give me color not weakness.
I am grateful I have hope.
I am grateful that I am in love with the present.
I am grateful I no longer look away from myself for guidance or love, but I look within me.
I am grateful for my journey. That it is beautiful when I look at it as a whole. That up close sometimes it feels lonely, hard, painful but growth doesn’t just happen. I have to work for it.
I am grateful you all have become my community. That even when I step away to re-center I still feel the influence you all have collectively had on me. That I feel love and warmth. That I feel less alone. That I feel happiness and joy :yellow_heart:


I am grateful to have celebrated 12 years of recovery last night.
I am grateful to witness a program working it’s magic in my sponsees.
I am grateful to be able to give back to the program of Narcotics Anonymous.
I am grateful to be in a place in my life where people consider me trustworthy.
I am grateful that I have found my voice and that I know that I deserve to be heard.
I am grateful to not be in an obsessive thought pattern at this moment, just for today.
I am grateful that I have accepted that recovery is very messy and I have stopped berating myself for not being perfect.
I am grateful for all of the addicts who dont stop trying to get clean.
I am grateful for the tears that can flow from me, the pain that I remember of active addiction is still at the surface, I can still feel raw within seconds.
I am grateful that I am tenacious.


Good morning! :sunny::sunflower::yellow_heart:

I’m full of gratitude this morning. There aren’t any major changes in my life, but I’m trying to shift my perspective and it’s helping. I’m grateful I chose to not do the Memorial Day barbecue this year. I’m spending a long weekend with Keely, and I don’t have to think about cooking or hosting or drinking. Bonus… she made manicure appointments for us this afternoon. I’m grateful for her.

I’m grateful that I’m feeling a little stronger about going out on my patio. I haven’t stepped foot out there since I quit drinking last August. I never went out publicly for the sole purpose of drinking, and when we built the patio, it became our warm weather bar. I’m literally trying to have a plan for the first time I go back out there. I’m grateful I’m giving myself time.

I’m grateful for Chesney and Cash. :dog: I’ve missed them. I’m grateful we’re gonna get some off-roading in this weekend. Back country mountain roads, windows down, gravel crunching, good music and great conversations… it’s stuff that makes my heart sing. :blush:

I’m grateful for y’all. I come here and feel like someone left the light on. It’s a good feeling. Y’all have a beautiful weekend. :heart:


I’m grateful to God I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I’m trying to process the things I’m suppose to have serenity over. To accept what I cannot change. Especially the atrocity’s in this world. I’m grateful I find it hard accepting that this is our way of life. And accepting it as our way of life is unacceptable to me. It normalizes it. I don’t know. Sometimes it hard to just say the serenity prayer and everything will be ok. I’m grateful my wife gets to make 3 different beds today. But there are parents out there that will never make there 10 year olds bed ever again. And that fucking sucks! I’m grateful this has taken my mind off the war in Ukraine. And that fucking sucks! I’m grateful for my tears of sadness. I’m grateful I can’t control that.
I’m grateful I was able to make a donation today to a good cause.
I’m grateful my little drop in the bucket probably won’t change a thing. I’m grateful I do it anyway.
I’m grateful we finally got to sleep in our bedroom and we’re out of the guest room. I’m grateful I had the whole room to myself. 🫤
I’m grateful I’m still riding the high of my AlAnon meeting from Sunday and Monday. I’m grateful, I know God will give me the strength to go back again this Sunday and Monday. Especially since we’ll be traveling Tuesday.

I’m grateful to see M popping out to see us.
I’m grateful to know you’re alright :heart:
I’m grateful Brian and I could sure use our original third leg to help hold up all the necessary recovery gratitude from the original G-Dudette. We’ve missed you. I’d be selfishly grateful if you’d pop back by here with your wonderful words of encouraging gratitude for all of us to latch on to. I’m grateful for your kind words of wisdom :heart:
But no pressure M :hugs:. I’m grateful you’ll figure it out

I’m grateful we’ll be going out of town next week to see my son and baby momma.
I’m grateful I won’t be camping :kissing_heart:
I’m grateful for y’all.

…The decision to ask for God’s help is our greatest source of strength and courage.


I feel this, Eric. We can’t change the horrific things happening in the world, and we can’t just accept children being murdered. I’m struggling to find some middle ground between the two… acceptance and change. The only thing I can come up with is to put my energy and this sadness into making positive differences close to home and family. Sending you love and hugs :heart:


I’m grateful to have air conditioning again after five days of sweltering heat.


O God
O God
O God

I am so grateful for not giving up on me I love you all