Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

I’m grateful for Al-Anon.
I’m grateful for my Al-Anon meeting last night.
I’m grateful more people have shown up for it as word has gotten out that the meetings are back on. (COVID) I’m grateful for the people I’ve met at this meeting in such a short time and they wished me well and a good trip and hope to see me again. I don’t know how a “Home Group” works. But I’m grateful I told them this is going to be my Home Group. And it feels good. Dang good. Thank you Twinnie. I’m grateful you’ve always expressed how grateful you are for your Home Group. It’s always sounded so comfortable. Like a happy place for ya. I get it now. 🥲 I got it now. 🥲.

I’m grateful for my calm demeanor. There’s just this wonderful calmness about life in general when you’re always sober and it’s manageable. There’s just always so much going on. Even on my down time. And having patience and just waiting or calmly trying again is so much nicer than always getting worked up over everything.

I’m grateful I got a chiropractor in Phoenix and I think he might remember me from the one brief time he worked on me during a flare up back in 2018. He was such a lovely man squeezing in this stranger who could barely walk. And he was great! And I get to use him now regularly when I’m in Scottsdale. God Willing. I’m grateful it was all set up electronically and I never had to call or talk to anyone.

I’m grateful I got a new dentist set up.
I’m grateful I got a new dermatologist set up.
I’m grateful I got a cardio guy recommended from my guy in Santa Monica. I’m grateful it doesn’t bother me to set up doctor appointments and get new ones on board. All my docs were in Santa Monica and this is just another one of those things I got to set up.

I’m grateful we got Benson to the vet on a same day cancellation appointment. I feel like we won the lottery. As we suspected, his lump is just a fatty lipoma thingy. They aspirated it and we just keep an eye on it. I’m grateful we are starting him on Trazodone for his anxiety. I’m grateful I’m not going to panic because Daisy didn’t eat much this morning. I’ll let wifey do that :blush:. Because I’m calm :blush:

I’m grateful we aren’t leaving until we vote this week. I’m grateful that’s one thing I know my wife will be all over. She’s a little more than passionate about that. I’m grateful I know it’s important but I don’t get all worked up about that anymore. I’m grateful for my calm demeanor especially for that.

I’m grateful I know for certain I cannot use drinking to take the edge off no matter how romantic it sounds. Because I know I’ll take that edge right off and fall down a cliff and have to take the edge off to take the edge off that which I tried to take off in the first place. :grimacing: It’s kinda like having one drink to feel better. One drink never happened with me before.
I’ve never ever had just one. So I reckon I’ll never have just one.

I’m grateful for all my gratitude.
I’m grateful for y’all.
One more. Sorry…….:upside_down_face:
I’m grateful for the little things I do for my wife. And will continue to do. Because…. :musical_score: :notes: :musical_note:
If it makes you happy
It can’t be that bad
If it makes you happy
Then why the hell are you so sad

Sheryl Crow.


Good morning!

I am grateful for fun in recovery, and that I can feel excitement again.

I am grateful that today I have a pain injection appointment, I am trying to space them out further and my body has been screaming at me the last couple of days. I am grateful for the woman’s nooner in town that I get to plan my Dr’s visits around attending that meeting. There is a women’s recovery house close by that gets a drop off. It’s always great to see the women as they progress in their stay at the house, and I am always grateful when I see someone who had been in the rooms and disappeared show up in one of those vans. I am grateful for their raw shares.

I am grateful for the phone call I recieved yesterday from the hospital and that my intake for the ED Clinic will be in 2 weeks. I am grateful I am still feeling openminded and willing to accept help with my eating even though I have been doing “better”. I am very aware that I am nowhere near remission as my head voice murmur tries multiple times a day to get louder and I act out alot without even realizing it. Learning to be present around food and in food type environments has been very difficult for me. DBT helped but I still tend to check out. I still find myself feeling a lot of overwhelming emotions that ultimately make me just want to shut down. I am grateful that disassociating around food is not my go to anymore, that I can have a bowl of fruit on my table and see it everyday, even eat from it periodically. I am grateful that I feel progression in my sickness. Having self acceptance, self compassion and self love were imperative in order for me to move forward with this. I am grateful that I eventually found these, slowly… and that they have only flourished in the last few months.

I am so super grateful to be getting a criminal record check in hopes I will be able to go present at the Correction facilities on the Island.

:orange_heart: :seedling: :dizzy:


Lipoma :grimacing:

Benson has a fatty lipoma. Sorry guys.
Not fatty lymphoma :grimacing:.
For anyone who already read that :point_up:


I’m grateful Baby G Duce got results today consistent with being a
:drum: :drum: :drum::drum::drum::drum::drum::drum::drum::drum::drum:

It’s gonna be a boy :sob:

I’m actually not crying :blush:
But I’m so excited. :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Good Morning

I am grateful for this day
I am grateful its gloomy outside (feels like a chill day)
I am grateful for my job
I am grateful for the roof over our heads and the food on our table
I am grateful I have the ability to workout
I am grateful I am making better decisions for my health
I am grateful for my children and their health
I am grateful for my SO
I am grateful I choose to look at the world with positivity and love
I am grateful for you all

Thank you for being of so much help :pray:t3: :butterfly:


Hi Stella, loved your share. But I had to re read the last paragraph a couple times, because I couldn’t understand why you were grateful for getting a criminal record!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I hope the CHECK goes through for you! :heart:


Grateful I finally caught a cool number! I’ve been trying and missing for a while!


Jake had a few of those, they did have to remove 2 because of their location. Seems to be pretty common in dogs. Max has some small ones. :heart:

I hope Benson does well on his meds :pray::pray:


I’m grateful to be clean and sober.
I’m grateful for all the changes that I’ve made to get and stay clean and sober.

I’m grateful for the freedom that I’ve earned in recovery. Today, I recognize how much more there is than freedom from booze.

I’ve been fishing with an old friend. He says he wants to be clean, but he isn’t.
He has been flaky. Hes making foolish decisions on the water, so I ditched him and went with someone else today. I tried to call him last night. He never answers.

Today, I jumped on another boat right in front of him. Now I’m the bad guy. :rofl: He is really mad a me.

My other buddy runs a boat for a guy that I worked for. He dangles carrots. I was working to buy the same boat my friend runs for him now. I quit when I realized it was just a carrot. I learned that my buddy was fishing to buy the same boat.

I got really drunk and burned that bridge. I blew it up. I did it on Facebook. I kept harassing him until he blocked me.

I used to wake up and my Facebook would be blown up from all the shitty things I would say to people in a black out. Most of the time I was shocked and embarrassed, but not with this guy. He had it coming.

When he saw me on his boat today, he was not happy. He caused a bit of a scene. He told me I owed him a huge apology if I wanted to fish on his boat.

I told him I still feel the same way. Everyone laughed except for him. I got my stuff and went over and climbed up on my boat.

My buddy isn’t any closer to owning that boat than either one of us were eight years ago.

My buddy is spun and going backwards. I’m sailing forwards.

My other buddy runs his parents boat. Both of them run with the tweaker crowd and have had everything valuable they ever owned stolen.

They both had tons of sob stories about it.

I’m so fucking grateful that’s not me. I’m grateful I don’t have to tolerate anyone’s bullshit anymore to keep my job!

I’m grateful for recovery! Freedom!

I quit a job and got fired from one in the same day! Sober! :muscle:

I dont even feel like drinking! Im grateful!


Ya we’re glad it’s not a hard lump hose are trouble. Our vet has a map of all of Minnie’s lumps :scream:. We can’t keep up with it ourselves she has so many.
First day on meds seem ok. It’ll take awhile to kick in. His anxiety is off the charts lately. I don’t know what he has to be anxious about. :joy:


I’m grateful I made an important deadline at work today. I’m grateful I’m sober, usually after this monthly deadline, I would drink. I’m grateful I completed the goals I set for myself today. I’m grateful for Max and Riley being in my life and loving me unconditionally. Even now when Max is rushing me to hurry up, he wants to do his final business for the night. I’m grateful to God for giving me faith in Him and myself to continue being sober. I’m grateful for all of you being here. :hugs::sparkling_heart: Enjoy your day/evening or morning Soberly! (shout out to @Cjp for that word, I know it’s a word, but still sounds weird, think it means more calm than sober, either way works.):thinking:


awesome numbers my friend, grateful you are here.


Congrats! I love it!


Thank you!


I laughed out loud when you told the guy your feelings hadn’t changed, pure gold. Grateful you have found your freedom.


Since of been sober, I’ve seen him around. I’ve asked myself a few times if I owe him an amends. Each time I decide no.

He dangles the carrot and makes you willing to be an indentured servant. I know five other guys hes done it with and three more he is doing it to. Nobody ever ends up with his boats but him.

As I was on my boat the phrase “we dont crawl before anyone” popped into my head.

“As God’s people we stand on our feet; we don’t crawl before anyone. word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self-pity will disappear.”


Nice catch Sunflower.
and great job on all those ODAAT’s.
Your killing it :pray::blue_heart::hugs:


I’m grateful for my parents. They’ve never given me a reason to doubt how loved I am. As I’m typing this my mom’s just texted me to say exactly that. (I’m not crying, you are)

I’m grateful for the cathartic release of journaling. There are so many things I want to say to a specific person that I likely will never be able to. The sadness comes in waves; big ones, really close together. Writing helps move through the crashes.

I’m also grateful for a real human person answering the phone when I placed a call to my counties local outpatient services today, and thankful to have an appointment next week to be evaluated for counseling.



Today I’m grateful for not drinking yesterday or wanting to.
I’m so grateful that after probably close on 2 years of cutting down, stints of sobriety and thinking about quitting, I am mentally in a place where I am comfortable /happy with where I am. I’m on my way to 4 months and feel so good in every way I can imagine.
I’m grateful that I couldn’t have done it without this place and you grateful lot! So thank you from me… for welcoming me and supporting me.
I’m grateful :sparkling_heart:


Honestly I’m going through a fug. I’m not practising gratitude or owning my mood and responses. I’ve allowed this week to be a bit rubbish. I’m not going into that now as there’s no point, but to say I’m fed up of myself at the moment is an understatement.

In an attempt to get my head out of my own ass,I want to express gratitude today for:

88 days Sober, 2 off 3 months, the longest stretch sober in over twenty years.
My love of reading, that there are literally millions of books in the world
My safe and warm home
My wonderful partner
The honesty and support found in TS
Boris Johnson fucking off

Thank you. I don’t say it enough. :sunflower: