Daily Greeting #3

Wise thoughts about taking easy and giving it time. I’m soon two years sober and my sleep is somewhat better (far from perfect), but I’ve other health issues affecting too
You’re doing great @WCan :ok_hand:


Good time zone @Meggers!


Congrats on 95 days @Jennajen, that’s awesome! I’ve been thinking maybe it’s worth to invest in a weight duvet. Let us know if you find it helpful :blush:


Thanks and a happy sober day :clap:

I have a weighted blanket, I use it as well when my anxiety gets to much, having that weight brings me back down to the now. Hope it helps you as I can’t go anywhere without mine :upside_down_face::grimacing: I’m like a big kid with my comfort blanket !


Woohoo. Jenna. Well done :+1:

Hi gang.
Getting busy here ain’t it?
Great to see.
@WCan, you are sounding so much more chilled this time round.
This is good to see. Keep it up.


I bought new notebooks and they smell like fish.


Thank you @anon12657779. My girlfriend told me the same thing yesterday, even though I feel excited about all the possibilities sobriety can bring me… I feel I’m connecting with myself for the first time in a long long time… good to see you hanging around here too.

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That’s great to hear my friend. Well done.

The good news is, once your brain and body have leveled out a bit you will have all this sleep hygiene practice under your belt. I slept pretty damn well for a while after the leveling out. Then this whole lockdown and pandemic thing happened and I’m still trying to pick up the anxiety, OCD and mood swings game again, trying to get it all back under control. It’s taking a LOOOONG time, but that’s not necessarily surprising. My routine won’t be a routine for some time to come because of the job I do and the uncertainty associated with it (I run a restaurant in the US).


Morning Conor and all. :vulcan_salute:


Coffee time here @Conor689908 . One more late shift to go, 4 days off after so that’s good. Mood going up and down a bit. How you friend?

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Sorry to hear that Conor, plz take care. I’m not that bad but I’m thinking should I increase the dose of the antidepressants I’m taking. On the lowest dose now. I don’t really want to be increase 'm but I’m sure my doctor will say to do so if I call her. I’ll think about it a bit more. For my days off I’m not sure yet, you know I love to bike and hike but the weather doesn’t look too great. Do some stuff at home and a hike maybe. Corona is pretty bad here atm and new restrictions are coming in fast.


Take care Connor :muscle::heart:

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Take care you too :hugs::heart:

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Naptime for me. I’m mostly megatired after covid


Good morning. Cool, dark & rainy here. I’m taking morning off work as I need to travel to get a special dental CT scan for my wisdom teeth :red_car: Hope you have a great day!


Morning Salty! Thought you were describing me then, cool, dark and then you said rainy! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Hello TS friends! Nothing like having a cuppa w/ a friend :coffee: :coffee: Greetings from me and @Milele :purple_heart: