Dearest Hanna, I’m so pleased that you have taken advice on quitting smoking! This is a big step.
Thanks sweet ariel
Hi Fran. My daughter’s respite worker worked out great. We’ve known her for a few years (she used to work at my daughters school but had moved away). She’s back and so far, so good!
Yay I’m so pleased, long may it continue
Hi Fran, Hannabanananana, Kairi, Ariel SaltyChick, Rose, Tom, Goeff, James, Bill, and Dan. I believe the demons and ghosts that have befuddled (btw I love this word) me as of late have subsided with a little help from my friends. You guys and this place have truly lifted my spirits with your kindness, understanding and neverending encourgement. I’ll always appreciate all of you, each in your own way. Thank You. You guys are da’best. Thank You.
Good day all. Stay strong. Stay the course.
So pleased to hear this
So happy to hear that. You just made my day.
Hell yeah Chris the fireman is on fire!!
I guess that’s good, right Hannabanana?
I will if you will Kairi…
How are ya today, pal?
Abso freakin lutely
Objectively good.
I’m at work and have a lot to be grateful for today.
Internally… Yikesing like crazy.
Trying to breath through my stressors.
I’m grateful for another 24 and my sponsor.
I’m feeling much much better thanks lovely, onwards and upwards
Have you seen the doctor yet? I do worry about you hunny. Xx
Glad you went, are they giving you anything to raise your levels?
Life can get overwhelming at times cant it, hopefully things will settle soon for you