Daily Greeting

It is 6:41pm here. I know my bedtime :sweat_smile:

Awesome! That one week is so close, excited for you and your progress :slight_smile:

I am actually very excited. Tomorrow be a week. Wow. Like I really made it. I even budgeted and only bought things that household needed. I didn’t go ape shit LOL!


I liked him in Babel, but there it is. Nothing against him, he just doesn’t move me at all. And his face lacks edge.

Yeah! And to think, this is just the beginning of the growth :grinning:

I like Matthew McConaughey

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Me too. Would never thought based on his first movies. But then he got a chance to bloom.

It is. Scary still!

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Reading on here.
Fight Club
Twelve Monkeys
To name 3.
I tend to like actors on the part they play and how good they do it.
Even Mr and Mrs Smith was good I found.
Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday was great acting.

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Matthew is hilarious!

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One week is a big achievement. Really big. First weeks you go through are maybe the hardest but really worth it. Go girl!

Yes he is :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

How about some Russel Crowe

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I just hope I don’t fuck up.
BTW here I feel like I can actually be myself. Just me. That feels kind of werid.


Yes yes yes! Dances! Lol Russell!

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Yeah, it is that. But with me, the more scariness I get through, the more scariness I start believing I can handle, and then more of the world opens up to me that was closed off before.

Certainly seems to take quite a bit of time though. I’ve struggled intensely with anxiety for several years, and getting sober has helped me with that as much as any drug or therapy has :slight_smile:


I can really believe that. It is different feeling those emotions dialed up a notch thou. Isn’t it?

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Well, you know how I feel about Russell.

Honestly sometimes I would feel so hopeless and just spend because what the is the use anyways I am going to ‘die’ eventually so just spend! Pretty sad to feel that defeated.

This is a good reminder for starters HALT = hungry, angry, lonely, tired. Those four things might trigger you to use so be careful with them

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