Daily Points & Screen time usage Screenshots

Will be posting screenshots from my Rescue Time app to record how many hours is spent on unwanted apps. It’s synced to all my devices. Everyone struggling with internet addiction can try doing the same & we can all be accountable to eachother.

Call out on me if you think the screentime has gone too far. Given my present condition & since I am taking it slow- 1.5 hours on YouTube & 1 hour on Chrome is the maximum. Not more. As of 18/04/2019

Will post my daily to-do list the night before.
And add points at the end of every 24 hours.
@KevinesKay Thankyou so much for this wonderful idea! God bless you :pray:


TO-DO LIST 19th April 2019 (friday) - *CHECKING OFF

:nerd_face:STUDY VIDEOS:


a. Embryology, Anatomy, Physiology of Liver- 53pt. :movie_camera:+ :ledger: :heavy_check_mark: =53
b. LFT- 36 pt. :ledger: :heavy_check_mark: =18
c. Congenital Hyperbilirubinemia- 29 pt. :x:
d. Hep A & E- 28 pt. :movie_camera:+ :ledger: :heavy_check_mark: =28


a. Seizures 1- 63 pt :movie_camera::heavy_check_mark: =31
b. Seizures 2- 52 pt :movie_camera:half =13


a. Seizures & Epilepsy- 33 pt :ledger: :heavy_check_mark: =16

:telephone_receiver: CALL Gran- 30 pt :heavy_check_mark: =30

:laughing: BRUSH teeth at night- 50 pt :heavy_check_mark: =50

:sunglasses:🛇over-binging on AnyBooks- 100 pt :heavy_check_mark: (8 min) =100

:sunglasses:🛇over binging on YouTube- 100 pt :heavy_check_mark: (49 min) =100

:sunglasses:🛇Zomato/UberEats/Online Food Order-100 pt :heavy_check_mark: =100

:sunglasses: Set up rescue time & upload screenshot starting tomorrow- 100 pt -screenshot :heavy_check_mark: =50

:innocent: Meditate for 2 min- 30 pt :heavy_check_mark: =30

:nerd_face:ACTIVE RECALL previous day’s SURGERY Short Cases- 55 pt. :x:

:thinking:Explore OneNote functions for 30 min- 30pt :x:

The final summary of my day!

619/889= 69% of To do list done.

:heavy_check_mark:- done
:x:- not done
:ledger:- notes
:movie_camera:- video
:nerd_face:- study
:sunglasses:- sobriety
:telephone_receiver:- call
:innocent:- spirituality
= -final points
🛇- NO



20th April 2019 (Saturday) *Checking off

:nerd_face: HAEMATOLOGY
a. Blood Malignancies -59pt :movie_camera: :heavy_check_mark: =29.5pt
b. Iron Met & Microcytic Anemia 1- 78pt :x:

a. SLE 1 -65pt :movie_camera: :heavy_check_mark: =32.5pt

a. Basics -80pt :movie_camera: 1/2 :heavy_check_mark:=20pt

a. OCD & Impulsive Disorders- 21pt :x:

:innocent:Meditate for 2.5 min- 35pt :heavy_check_mark: =35pt

:nerd_face:ACTIVE RECALL- 19/04/2019- 55pt :x:

:laughing: BRUSH teeth at night -50pt :heavy_check_mark: =50pt

:sunglasses:🛇over-binging on AnyBooks -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

:sunglasses:🛇over binging on YouTube -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

:sunglasses:🛇Online Food Order -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

:sunglasses:Upload Daily Screenshot -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

622/843= 73% of To do list done!

Day 3

21st April 2019 (Sunday) *Checking off

:nerd_face:Surgery Tuition- 500pt :heavy_check_mark: =500pt

:nerd_face:Complete all :x: & incomplete tasks of Day 1 & 2- 400pt :x:

:nerd_face:Active Recall- Day 1 & 2 -200pt :heavy_check_mark: Day 2 =100pt

:laughing: BRUSH teeth at night -50pt :heavy_check_mark: =50pt

:sunglasses:🛇over-binging on AnyBooks -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

:sunglasses:🛇over binging on YouTube -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

:sunglasses:Upload Daily Screenshot -100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

:innocent:Meditate for 3 min- 40pt :x:

:tangerine:Buy Fruits- 80pt :x: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

:upside_down_face:Shop for groceries- 60pt :x: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

:blush:Organise Room- 100pt :heavy_check_mark: =100pt

Super tired to do calculations & put up tomorrow’s to-do!

But have to get to class for Paediatrics lecture at 9am tomorrow & its already 1am. 200pt for the lecture attendance! :metal:

1 Like

Day 4

22nd April 2019 (Monday)

:nerd_face:Paediatrics Lecture Attendance -500pt

:nerd_face:Medicine Ward Attendance -300pt


  1. Heart Sound 1 -390pt

  2. Heart Sound 2 -480pt

  3. Heart Sound 3 & JVP -580pt

:laughing: BRUSH teeth at night -50pt

:sunglasses:🛇over-binging on AnyBooks -100pt

:sunglasses:🛇over binging on YouTube -100pt

:sunglasses:🛇Online Food Ordering -100pt

:sunglasses:Upload Daily Screenshot -100pt

:innocent:Meditate for 3 min- 40pt


You seem to have a really good start in creating a plan that’s tailored to your needs. Lots of structure, we need to that. You also seem to get some good ideas on defining what sobriety is for you. Great work!

In SLAA, I ran into a number of love and romance addicts. And many people don’t understand how tough and destructive it can be. Good to have you among us and keep it up. It’s worth it.

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This means so much @KevinesKay

There were so many times when I nearly felt like falling back. Like yesterday after the hectic lectures, I felt like I deserved binge-reading.

But then I stopped to think what was making me do that. Whenever I get the urge to read I ask “WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO ESCAPE?” And then I try facing the monster. I had never ever done this before. Feels weak & empowering at the same time.

Doing this on a daily basis now has made me so much more accountable. Learning so much on this forum.

Thanks a ton!


Ditched my demonstration class and Medicine ward rotation. Was on my bed all day like a vegetable just reading one novel after another. Ordered junk from online food delivery.

Read novels all day. Masturbated on the graphic sex in one of them.


+Wattpad usage on my computer= 3 hours

Just have to accept that I fucked up. And get back again.