Dating sober sucks ass!

Dating in sobriety is the most ass suckiest part of my sobriety!!! :disappointed_relieved::persevere::tired_face::cry::sob::slightly_frowning_face::sweat::disappointed::worried::triumph::exploding_head::cold_sweat::rage::face_with_symbols_over_mouth::scream: These are the various emotions I feel when it comes to dating & saying that I don’t compromise on getting involved with guys who smoke pot or do any type of drug or guys who are social drinkers even it’s just casually once a year. SMDH!!! I’ve got almost 8 years when will it get better?


I’m sorry I dont have any advise but laughed out loud at “ass suckiest”. I hope it gets better for you! :heart::heart::heart:


I just started dating sober too…it is really a pain in the arse!

My feelings on sober dating…


I’m grateful for hard-line cutting the wild partiers from the mix. It makes the numbers slimmer but I also find those left are more up my alley in a healthy way!


All the other parts of my life are good. Good family relationships, good job & I’m doing well, have my own apartment, I feel like I work a good program, the only thing missing is some sexual healing & a steady date on the weekends. Is that to much to ask from the sobriety gods?


I know the feeling all too well. If you figure out the answer let us know! Lol