Day 1, a promise

My name is Jason, and I’ve been an addict since I was 15 years old, 24 now, I experimented a lot in highschool and had an issue with MDMA, I ended up stopping on my own. I thought because of that I wouldn’t need to worry when the red flags started with cocaine… 4 years later and I learned most users (who use at the extent I do) die after 2 years, so I guess I should feel lucky to still be here? I do, but it also just shows I’ve been slowly killing myself for years and that was difficult to face, it’s been difficult to face the fact I look forward to sweating in my room at 4am wired beyond belief playing video games, worried the neXt chest pain will be it, and my mother will find me, and probably blame herself for passing the curse of addiction down to me, and worst of all I’ve been lying to my wonderful girlfriend. But today I’veade a choice, a choice for me, for her, for my mother, and for everyone else In my life who loves and cares about me. Today I get sober. And I appreciate having a community to finally open up to. Thank you all


Welcome Jason. This is a good safe place to be when you want to stay clean and sober.

Here’s a topic to get you started. Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.

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Hi Jason, congratulations from the heart on this decision! It’s a tough road that you are taking, but I promise you that you will LOVE the person who you will become after some sober time passes! not to mention how will that make your relationships with your loved ones much better! Stay strong, share here a lot and write a journal about how you feel. Sending positive vibes your way :heart:


Wow… I felt every single word of that message. I’m proud of Jason! Congratulations on taking this turn. It’s my Day 1 today once again. So I’m here with you brotha!

It can be a long rough road, but it’ll be worth it


I completely identify
Lying to my lovely partmer up at 5am pretending i fell asleep downstairs. Lying and unable to face the truth. Feeling like i just cant stop

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