Day 1 again for Turkey

Back again relapsed and been a stupid drunk for the past 6 days. Been sick as hell with some respiratory illness past 4 days. That still didnt stop me. My wife at this point has shut down all her emotions. Says being cold is the only way she can handle it. Its either i stop the bottle or i lose it all including my life. Its killing me and its either stop and live or drink and die. Back to day 1 again


What have you tried so far that hasn’t worked? What is your plan moving forward? There’s tons of resources available but you have to be willing to put in the work. For me, that was an intensive outpatient program followed by an AA program. I find if I’m not working on my sobriety every single day then I’m working on a relapse.

One of our long time forum members recently started an awesome thread about tips on sobriety. Have a read and see what others have done to maintain their sobriety.
Your #1 tip for sobriety (over 2 years sober)


I have tried many things. Never much stuck with it lately besides maybe a week or 2.

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I wasn’t able to get sober until my willingness matched my desperation. Seems like you are desperate enough so hopefully your willingness to put in more than 1 or 2 weeks worth of work comes soon


Honesty, open mindedness and willingness are key to getting started on this journey.


This may sound crazy and not what your looking for this moment. But…. My wife still drinks and I go to Al-Anon meetings. It’s a family disease. I’m almost 3 years sober. I been going to Al-Anon meetings for 6 months now. It’s helped me a lot.

And yes alcoholics tell or mention to their significant others to check out Al-Anon. I don’t have that experience to share. But here’s the web site.
It’s help me a lot.
Good luck :pray:t2::heart: