Day 1 again…….😡

Love this personal check-in thread! You are doing great! :purple_heart:


Day 13! :star2:

Bit late on this post, was at work all day and it was busy.

This week (even though it’s only Wednesday) has been rough.

But I’m grateful for another day sober.



Grateful to see you navigate a rough week fully sober

Always lovely to hear from you. Have a wonderful day!! 2 week milestone stone just around the corner.

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Day 14!!! :star2::star2::star2:

And I’ve done it.

2 weeks sober.

2 weeks of no bingeing on wine everyday.

2 weeks of no hangover.

Damn I am proud of myself!



Yay, well done! Massive congratulations, you are very right to be proud of yourself :star2:

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Way to go! 2 weeks is amazing work.

Be proud and Keep kicking ass! :muscle:

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Day 15 & 16!

Was busy yesterday and completely forgot to do my daily check in.

I’ve been a bit irritable this week. Just going with the flow……

Otherwise doing well.



Yuck to the irritability- that will pass in time.

Great work…about to have another weekend under your belt :muscle::muscle:
Keep up the amazing work :clap:

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Day 19! :star2::sunny:

I’ve missed another few days of checking in. Been busy at work and busy enjoying my sober life.

I’ve been walking my dogs more, been more productive around the house. The weather is getting warm and life is good.

I can’t say it’s been super easy, I’ve had moments where I wanted to cave and just have one wine.

But I know it’s not going to be worth it if I do.



Day 20 and Day 21! :star2:

Late again on my daily thread. Sober living has kept me busy….

I’ve been on this app for a long time, I’ve reset countless times, disappeared whilst on benders….

Never have I managed to get to Day 20!!!

So proud of myself. Saving all my coins to my photo album on my phone as daily motivation of how well I’m going.



Hooray, congratulations on the milestone, and extra congratulations for achieving it for the first time! You are doing so well :clap:

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Great job on your sober time and well done with your 3 weeks :muscle::muscle: keep going strong and stacking on the days

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Day 22! :star2::sunny:


Day 23 & Day 24 :sunny::star2:

Been a busy few days again.

Moods have been a roller coaster, irritability through the roof. But I’m happy I’ve got through it all sober.



What is it you are doing daily or regularly to grow your sobriety? Your progress and dedication this go-round are impressive!

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How are you doing Linda?

Have your moods and irritability calmed down?

I find fresh air, laughter (watch way too much stand up comedy), meditation help center me when my emotions/ moods run amuck.

Awww thank you! I am so sorry I haven’t replied to this, I’ve been busy at work again!

I think this time around what has helped is me admitting out loud to my friends and family that I have a problem with alcohol. Admitting my addiction has made it easier for me to fight my cravings and be able to say no.

They have calmed down, but still rear their ugly head at times. I’m starting to wonder if this is just going to be the new norm!?! Is this the real me?

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Day 28!!! :star2:

I’ve thrown myself into work, it’s been a busy 4 days since I last did an update.

Going strong still. Loving sober life!



I’m grateful that they have calmed down some. It did take some time for my mind to get calm and then I feel like i had a foggy spell and now finally feeling ok. I would give it time but if you feel like its too much or really odd then please do see a doctor.

Sometimes our drinking masks our underlying conditions. You are doing great at 28 days! Keep going strong my friend and know that we are here with you.

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