Day 1 (alcohol and cocaine)

I’m Mark, I’m 34 from the UK, I had been partying hard for 10 years whilst somehow managing to hold down a job until 2016 when I quit for 4 years, then from 2020 onwards I relapsed and my alcohol and cocaine use gradually got worse and worse, now it’s every weekend again excessively to the point where I’m struggling with money and struggling in work, but today, September 25th 2023 is my day 1 back in recovery, I’ve never used Cocaine Anonymous before but I’m going to an online meeting tonight after work to check it out, and there’s another recovery programme in the UK called Smart recovery which is more science based and they have an online meeting tomorrow night which I’m also going to attend and I’ll see which one is best for me. If anyone has any tips or pearls of wisdom or advice to help me stay on track it’ll be greatly appreciated :fire:


Today is a great day for your day 1. The best advice is to stick around, read and interact with the amazing people here. The first few days will be hard but you can do this. One day, one hour or one minute at a time. You already said you are thinking of meetings and that’s a great place to go to feel less alone. We are not alone in addiction
Welcome back!!!


SMART Recovery is GREAT stuff, in my opinion. It utilizes DBT and most of my treatment that I went through was primarily DBT-based (with some CBT). 3 thumbs up! Good luck! And Welcome! :+1:t2::+1:t2::+1:t2:

I would do both, if I were you. SMART Recovery and CA. As well as NA, AA … and, ideally, IMO, in person as much as you can or are able.


Yea should try as many programs as you like youl find one or two that will suit you wish you well i was 34 when i got sober never looked back


Welcome back to the community Mark! Way to get back on the sobriety track and great job on day 1.

I think it’s fantastic that you are starting with CA and SMART recovery groups. I do think that having support in our recovery and being around people dealing with similar struggles is very helpful in keeping us on track. This is why i rely heavily on this community. Stay active here - read through the threads and jump in when you are ready to share your voice.

I also find that changing up our day to day routines is helpful as we associate many times of the day and activities with our DOC. Find ways to keep yourself occupied (hobbies or activities like walking, working out or playing games).

Hope to see you around!

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