Day 1 and starting out with a hangover. Gotta start somewhere, right?

Ok, we will see how far I get on this sobriety ride.


Hi Michelle,

Welcome and lemme do reality check
“just seeing” won’t get you that far.
Be up to put some work in. Which means meeting your pains and feeling unnerved and such.

But the good thing is you are here and so are we.
:pray:t2: Ask questions and read lots!


Hi Michelle, welcome here! I’m glad you made the choice to try to have a better life; have you any sober time yet or just the first day? What made you want to get sober?
oops; just read your title, lol… Sorry, first coffee! Well, good luck!



Welcome to the forum, good place for getting sober.

Sometimes it takes major life altering happenings like prison or liver damage, sometimes it takes just plain old being sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Hope to see you around a lot, lots of support and sobriety here.


I keep telling myself that I won’t drink till I’m sloshed but then I go out with friends or had a bad day at work etc. You know how it goes, I’m not the only one who has friends or bad days so I just have to suck it up. Let’s do this!


On the same train. Going out hungover is always a start and sometimes the easiest since you probably feel like shit. I’m noticing this group trend has been very helpful to me in rethinking sobriety and it’s only my 5th day on here. Make a point to check in here and dont be shy.


Great to see you here Michelle! Yes hard work and continuous effort but so much WORTH it. No negativity on this forum only support and understanding. Go slow and steady with expectations. :ok_hand::v:


Have you tried before Michelle? I finally had to really change my mindset and realize that drinking is so detrimental to anything really, as far as being the best person I can be. Once you get past initial cravings and think about how you want your days to look like, it’s a no brainer… :slight_smile:


It sounds to me that your on the fence alittle bit when I come to yourself becoming alcohol free,it’s amazing you have founds this community as this really could be a great tool for helping you stay sober I found in my early days sharing my up and downs and getting feed back help me so much,it’s now time to be brutally honest with yourself .me myself and I are the only person that can make this happen the questions youay well want to ask yourself are

Am I wanting to live a life clean from alcoholr and or drugs

I’m I just wanting a break to see how I feel

Is my alcohol impacting other parts or all of my life

What tools do I need to help me not drink,/drug

Can I share my concerns and journey with friends and family

Should I or do I need to seek out community support like doctors or drugs and alcohol support service

I’m so happy your here and I really hope that any of these suggestions help you just alittle ,keep logging in,keep reading and sharing our problems and fears in this community are nent with honest caring answer or guidance take what you need from any advice you feel talks to you.welcone your in a safe place


Day 7 :- feeling refreshed, confident and positive.
Can’t believe I fell into the illusion that I needed alcohol to control my pain and anxiety when it all it was doing was prolonging it and making it worse every time leaving me feeling depressed down and overthinking.
So happy I’ve taken this step and listened to my intuition.
Feel blessed to have allowed my brain to transform its mindset and start healing.
Blessings to you and your journey of self healing, you’ve got this .!.


Maybe try a meeting they will help you stop telling yourself wish you well

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I’m going to try this first and if it doesn’t work I’ll look into meetings. I just need to hold myself accountable and I find that when you have others in your corner like everyone here on this forum it’s easier.

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If I may pipe in regarding meetings; it’s not as bad as you may think. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE says they are nervous, etc… I can tell you I was the same way but they truly love to see new comers. You won’t feel uncomfortable for long.


No, not nervous just don’t think I’m to that level yet but you are right, nothing wrong with meetings. I don’t drink every day but enough to be concerned. Also at times it’s hard for me to only have one when I go out. I’m just tired living like this. It’s easy to stop when you have a hangover, it’s harder to remember why you stopped when the hangover is gone. Thank you for your encouragement and recommendation.

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Useful starting source here: AA - A Newcomer Asks

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OMG I’m hurting so flipping bad.

Welcome Michelle. You’re in the right place to start your sober journey. There’s so much useful information on here. I’ve seen others that have maintained sobriety with the use of this app only. Spend some time reading and reach out when you’re struggling. We’re all here to help each other get through one day at a time. Be sure to check in daily, it helps with accountability. Here’s the link
Checking in daily to help maintain focus #7

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Welcome to the forum! Good luck and visit us often. :slightly_smiling_face: Reading all these shared things helps a lot!

Welcome to the group. I started off the year with a 2 day hangover. Because I knew I was going to try and be sober and actually DO IT. And I’ve been getting lots of help here. I don’t want to start over again because I know me, I get so trashed before I try sobering up that I just don’t want to feel that way anymore. Good luck. You can do it and your worth it. And it feels so good :blush: