Day 1 any help appreciated

Hi! I’ve been a methaphetamine addict for almost 27 years. I decided years ago to get clean but have never been successful very long. I’m at the point of losing everything and I vowed to myself, my kids, God and my sister to best this time. It’s been 11 hours. Any advice at all would be great. I really don’t know how to do this. Thank you and God bless.


One minute at a time. One hour at a time. Hang on for that miracle to happen. IT WILL HAPPEN!

Thank u for the encouragement! I have to believe in that miracle coming🙏

Absolutely you have to believe! It has been 11 hours. 12 hours is right around the corner. AND it is yours!!!

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Any suggestions what to do when the withdrawal hits and I feel like hell? I am a professional with a full time job and a single parent…I can’t just lay down for the week I probably need to

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Welcome AC. I’m proud of you for deciding to become sober.

As for the withdrawal symptons I can’t help, since I have not experienced them when I stopped gaming, however I do have some other advice.

I highly recommend checking in daily to keep focus in the checking daily to maintain focus thread.

I also recommend finding some activities to fill time like, running, cycling, working out, meditation/mindfulness, crafts, drawing, reading etc.

Mindfulness is also great of letting go of past shame and guilt since it teaches you to let your thoughts pass without giving them any attention.

This is a weird suggestion, but I recommend giving your addiction a name. Sobriety became easier for me once I named my addiction Brutus. It is no longer an enemy hiding in the shadows now, but now I know my enemy and now I can fight it better.

I also recommend reading on this forum a lot on this forum and asking questions if you have any.

You can make sobriety a lot easier. It’s really hard to think about staying sober for the rest of my life. If I think, do I want to stay sober for the rest of my life? I think hell no. But I can and want to stay sober for today. The next day, I also think I can stay sober for today. and so on.

Don’t think about not using for life but think about not using today. Do that every day, and it gets way easier. If you are very deep in the shit, you can even think, I’ll stay sober the next 5 minutes.

Don’t listen to your mind, your mind will not stop being a dick, it will be a dick less and less, but it will never fully stop being a dick.

If you have cravings, just play the tape. By that I mean, pretend that you abuse again, then try foreseeing the future. Will it be all butterflies and roses, because you feel so awesome when relapsing, or will it be shame, self-disgust and disappointment you feel.

When your mind tells you that you can use once, that’s bullshit, the biggest bullshit ever. Your addiction just tries to find a way to get satisfied.

I also recommend following the twelve step-program with a sponsor.

I hope this helps

Good luck, you’ve got this. :smiley: :+1:

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Welcome!! It is never too late :heart: I found it really helpful to read as much on here as possible. Not just new stuff, but some of the older threads as well. You can also search on meth and find relevant posts.


Made it almost 90 hours…I feel like crap and have to make myself stay awake but I’m proud of me so far! This app is very helpful.