Day 1 finally arrived

Hi all, I have been diagnosed with a trauma from a very mentally and emotionally abusive relationship from an ex narcissistic partner from nearly 3 yrs. During that time I got inti a daily cocaine addiction that was ranging 1 to 3grms a day. Started out as a great experience but ending a in deadly game. My health was deteriorating, my mental health was declining, my performance at work declined too. After decided to quit all this, I couldn’t, first of all I was still stuck in this horrid relationship and 2nd of all I just couldn’t stop. My doctor has put me on a regime of meds and had told me that if I only find the will power to really quit, these meds will surely make my withdrawal easier to handle. After all this it was a deeper problem I really had to address and thats when I decided to reach out for help. Her name is Fleur, she is one on the best available in my country, and she is also a professional when it comes to addictions since she spent years working in detox centers. She is really a blessing and she made me understand that narcs pattern can lead to someone ending his life. They will suck out the living goodness out of you to feed their dragon and leave you without nothing that was yours, and was very good in you. Now that I am aware that I was always a good partner all the way, to the opposite I was made to belief, I felt a sense of libration and only know I feel that I can really work on this. For those interested what meds I am on, currently I take 100mgs Sertraline and a Rivotril 500mg, usally another one in the afternoon to which sometimes I dont need the feel to take it. Then at night I am on 100mg Seroquel, Rivotril and 400mgs Eppilim. I know they might seem a lot but doses are low because the treatment is mainly targeted to keep my anxiety under control and the coming withdrawals ( oh god help me ) :slight_smile: … I am very positive about this, and I even know it needs to get worse before it gets good, so here I am with you guys and dolls, sharing all this with you and today shall be day 1 cocaine free x


So pleased your here trying your best to get help I had a addiction to coke years ago and in the end the high wasn’t good so I went onto crack then heroin I always said I’d never take it cos it’s a dirty drug but I’m afraid that’s what happened to me cos I wanted the high so much coke stopped working… I wish I got help sooner like u r cos your worth a beautiful life without the pain of taking drugs each day … please hang around here and read lots and reach out to us when u struggle were all here to help eachother through our recovery x good luck x


Congratulations, best of luck on your journey , keep coming on here, there’s alot of love and support in this community :slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:, never forget , you aren’t alone