Day 1 gonna begin

After a nasty day and a bad hangover,
Gonna try with this App.

Day 1.


Welcome back.

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Hi, glad you’re back here with us. :pray:t2::two_hearts:

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Good to see you. Let’s do this! :facepunch:

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Hello! I was in your spot just a few days ago. I’m only on day six now, which I know isn’t as impressive as some of the other milestones you’ll see people posting about, but I am, in a small way, proud of myself. I can tell you that I feel much better about myself now than I would if I had had anything to drink the past few days. If you need any help, please let me know.


I had two weeks but slipped up. I just reset my day counter. So here we are! Lets do this!


Sharing your experience and hope with those even newer to sobriety than you is very important to your own sobriety. Well done on your 6 days! Keep stacking them up!

@EliseG , @JokerTheManiac welcome back, friends! Your only job today is to get to bed sober. I recommend reading chapter 1 in the book Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions each day for the next little while. The book is free online at 12 and 12 online

Bienvenue à notre frère d’arme (Welcome to our brother in arms :slight_smile: )

You can do this. Every journey begins with that first step.