Day 1 - Hangover and Regret

Monday. Hangover. Ibuprofen. Got that alchoolic taste in my mouth. I am having a really hard time stopping to drink. It is so hard to have a secret and kind of managed addiction because no one knows your struggle and it’s harder to reach out. On top of that my husbands drinks often and when I get home he has already started the drinking and I tag along. Again yesterday I have called my family and don’t remember anything 4. I have done that so many times, blackout calls. This is slowly killing me. I need a way out. I want to stop.


You are not alone. I thought I couldn’t handle life without alcohol and weed, but now I am 13days sober and truly feel like I am getting to know myself for the first time. I am becoming my potential, which is an amazing feeling. The support on this forum is so helpful, but being honest about your desire to quit with those you are close to can be pivotal…you will be surprised how supportive people can be when you open up. If you are not at the place yet go to an AA meeting, or SMART meeting. Community is key. Keep coming on the forum and reading others stories. Read books on addiction. I find that I draw stregth from other people’s stories. We can all overcome great obstacles…You can do this!!!


I’ve been there so many times. I couldn’t even recall conversations with my own mother after 6pm. I couldn’t even remember putting my kids to bed. I was like you only 5 days ago. I can’t believe I have stopped for this long to be truthful. I decided enough was enough and NO I couldn’t just handle one drink. I’d have two bottles of wine…on a bad night maybe more. My hair started falling out and had bruises all over me (still do, but they are healing now). I think we all can do it. It is deciding to make a change and getting the support you need to be successful. Best wishes.


I powered though today and did all the work I had to, spoke in a meeting and even went for an after work birthday drinks at a bar and ordered two non alcoholic drinks. I have made my decision with my soul, I have choose to stop being numb. I am really tired of the numbness and the blackouts. Three weeks ago I had a 8 min conversation with my grandmother had no idea what I said, that feeling of loss of control, of being on the passenger seat of your life…no more, now it’s only the driver seat.


Wow. I couldn’t imagine stepping foot anywhere near drinks right now. Good for you. I decided I couldn’t mask my feelings with wine any longer. The day after my last drink I had the thought if I keep doing this, I am going to die. Hang in there. That is all we can do.


I’m right here with you on day 1, and being so so over this painful cycle. I feel like a shell of myself, and I’ve worn away at my self esteem and my health. I’m done. I want more for myself, and more for you. You can do this. Keep it up and please reach out if you need to talk!


First congratulations for being here and taking that initial action, bravo! You have plenty of support here, i find this community pivotal to my sobriety (42 days) and its always at your finger tips everywhere you go.

I still found meeting other people and being openly and shamelessly honest with my family for the first time to be indescribable.


Nothing like waking up refreshed. Feeling so much better after reading the messages here. Thank you for the responses. We think and act in very similar ways. I have faith and I am taking my sobriety very seriously this time. We can do this!

Had various trying circumstances last week but I am so happy to be on Day 6 and feeling stronger each day! Just really enjoying being sober!