Day 1 - It’s been a while ☺️

@Mno thank you so much I really appreciate it this community is wonderful


Welcome back Julia! Glad u decided to download the app again. Sounds like ur really ready for some change. Proud of u!


@Butterflymoonwoman thank you so so much! i’m very ready this is extremely needed!!!


Welcome back Julia.
It’s good to see you again.

I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober. Especially my granddaughter at 14 months. And my grandson at 8 months. It sounds like you got a lot to be grateful for with that beautiful son of yours.

3 years and 8 + months later and I’m still over on that gratitude thread every morning to start my day. Still my strongest tool in recovery.

Lights are always on. I’ll save you a chair.


@Dazercat i remember you man! thank you so much oh wow!! thank you thank you thank you :heart: i am SO GLAD i redownloaded this app. this place is incredible. thanks for sharing your gratitude too.

today i am grateful for committing myself to sobriety. i am grateful for the excitement I feel knowing I am stepping into the best chapter of my life. i am grateful for this community, for my sweet son napping peacefully, for the late summer rains falling on the forest and river outside. life is so beautiful. :heart:


I don’t want to bombard you with too much shit but………
Dan started a great thread if your interested.

See ya around.


Welcome back. You’ve got some incredible support here if you need it. We all have different degrees of struggles with being sober but our goals are all the same, a happy, healthy and sober life.

Feel free to reach out any time.


thanks you guys @Dazercat def will be checking out this thread and @COLIN2323 i appreciate you man it feels amazing to be here :heart:


Hang on to that feeling, it’s true!


Day one for me. Shit on me


You sound motivated and like you have been thinking about sobriety for a while now. Keep coming back here and maybe try a few meetings, online or in person.

Welcome back!

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thank you @Gorden @lorelai and @DylanL thanks so so much i really appreciate your words of support and encouragement!! i’m so happy to be doing this and i feel very confident and solid about this devotion to sobriety. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@George day one buds! we got this! :muscle:t4:

Yeah, let’s do it this time. Thanks

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OH I love this and am so grateful for your Pledge to yourself. You do have the strength to live a addiction free life! You will reap so much from living a AF life and your son will know only the sober you!

The time is now to take control of your life and stop letting this addiction take any more from you. You deserve to be happy and healthy.

We are unable to do this alone. Grateful to have you back here with us. I do hope you are able to find some real life support as well - Meetings/ therapy / sponsor?
Keep showing up for yourself Julia - Its ODAAT and we got your back! :people_hugging:

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Welcome to day 1 George- its a hard road but you can overcome the addiction! Keep actively showing up for yourself in whatever ways you can - do not let yourself sit with the urges. Fight for your addiction free life. Stay strong :muscle:

Thanks JazzyS. It’s incredible how our mind works. Even knowing how awful a hangover could be, we’re still going.

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So true my friend - I am grateful for this community and the threads as being active here reminds me why i never want to go back to the addict lifestyle.

Wishing you the best on your journey! The addiction is never worth it.

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@JazzyS thank you so much :heart: i really appreciate your supportive words. thanks for your question about in-person security - i don’t currently have a therapist but i have access to local meetings, and my family & friends are always supportive of me being sober.

one of my bigger concerns is that i am in a band, a duo, and my bandmate drinks daily. we’ve been drinking together for nearly a year, and we also rehearse almost every day. today i told him my commitment, and he is fine with it of course but he stated that he will continue to drink during our evening rehearsals. i am not willing to give up my band, so i think this boundary will be challenging but not impossible, just something to get used to. :pray:t3::heart:


This is awesome. I am grateful that your band mate is good with you going sober. I know it can be tempting when the drinking is right in front of you but it can be done. Make sure to have plenty of drinks on hand that you can enjoy (i find having something cold in hand - a can or in the right glass if that is what your brain needs - helps with eliminating the FOMO). I now really rarely have the thought of missing out or wanting one.

The meetings and this site will also be super helpful in keeping you on track. I know you are determined to go make a solid go of this - we have your back love - you can overcome this demon and you are not alone.

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