Day 1 need help

Hello all I am new here and needing help. I am currently 17 hours sober from opiates. It started three months ago after I had my son via c section and I kept getting pain meds. I am looking for encouragement. Help. An advice on getting thru day by day, the sweats are what bug me the most. I’m not new to this as I was hooked bad a few years back and quit cold turkey when I got pregnant and honestly the withdrawls process is comparable to a flu with a cold or even when I was on fertility treatments due to the hot and cold sweats. I’m awake after 4 hrs of sleep got off work at 6am and go back tonight at 1800 but baby isn’t allowing me to sleep.

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Look at that baby and know that he needs you sober and healthy. Those opiates are deadening your senses, making it harder to bond, to feel the joy of motherhood, and respond to his needs. You will both sleep better when you’re clean. Do it for him and do it for yourself.


@Sprite I agree with you. @Mommyof2 let ur son be the drive for ur sobriety. Let him be the reason that gets u through the day. My mom lived a life where her and her sister had to fend for themselves because both parents had checked out. Don’t let ur children have to be the ones that have to take care of u instead of it being the other was around.


Hey I recently went through opiate withdrawal. This is day 20 for me. It’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I exercised during the acute phase which helped, especially with that horrible shaky, “I can’t breathe” feeling. I tried to busy myself, day 3 and 4 I couldn’t do much except the bare minimum. Hot showers helped with the muscle pain. Before I would get out, I let the water get cold and stay under for a minute. That helped. At night I just resigned myself to the fact that I was going to flail all night. The hardest part was after day 10, that’s when the anxiety kicked in. I keep dancing (my version of exercise), I pray when I want some pills, I do a LOT of self talk in the am when the cravings are the worst. I’m almost done with 3 weeks and it’s been the hardest of my life. You can do this! Everyday look at this app and see how many hours you have completed. It’ll boost your morale! I hope I helped.


I am in the same boat. I relapsed back in December and can’t seem to get past day 1 being on clonidine to help with withdrawals. I am a healthcare professional with easy access to pain pill and I cannot get past a day at work without using. I want Day 1 at work without using so badly but can’t seem to do it. I have a 4 year old and another one on the way.

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I meditate daily and have a good relationship with God, but the second I get into work I’m like on autopilot and forget everything I desperately want. Forget to pause and pray, forget to breathe, forget everything I’ve learned for coping.

Then don’t forget. Have integrity. Don’t let the pills control u. U believe in God therefore u should know that he can and has already given u victory over ur struggles. U have the power inside of u already. Now all u have to do is use it.Try to focus ur mind on ur work and don’t keep thinking when u think u might slip back. Focus on what’s at hand.

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Thanks. Hearing that from someone other than myself helps!

No problem. Pornography addiction and drug abuse are very similar in a way where it affects the brain. But at one point my mom help me realize how silly the concept of addiction is when u dumb it down. Like I was letting my body - something I should have total control over - dictate my life. I was enslaving myself basically. I was my own enemy. With ur addiction its like ur letting a small inanimate tablet, that can’t physically or vocally influence u, tell u what to do. When u put it like that it just makes it sound ridiculous doesn’t it?


Your baby IS your motivation -can’t be a good parent while not being sober --keep coming back and congrats on the smartest decision you will ever make

Just remember this too shall pass and take everything one day at a time… sometimes is was one second at a time… whatever helps you… I’m 8 months sober from heroin and I remember my first hours as the most pain in the world but I knew that what I did at that moment would effect my future and now it’s been 244 days since that painful day…so keep your head up and know that nothing lasts forever unless we want it to… God bless


Thank you all for your responses. I am now 42 hours in, I feel body aches but it didn’t help I just worked a 12 on little sleep but did manage 5 hours of sleep this am. My only two huge complaints is the world’s worst stomach pain and the body aches. Usually in the past, day 3 was where it got better for me so he is to hope. It’s so tempting to just text my the girl I know who got hers today BUT then I realize I’ve come this far, 2 days! Minute by minute.


You are almost through the worst. Keep it up! A minute at a time if you have to!

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Thank you. I am feeling somewhat better today, still have stomach ache but I think I’m at the peak of the worst