Day 1 , newyear resolution early

Day 1 just finished , sick of feeling crap .


Congratulations and welcome!!! Good job!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congratulations that’s great :slightly_smiling_face:
Take one day at a time, take a read through this app there is lots of help and support for you here.


Welcome! You have to start somewhere and it does get easier so stick with it.


Anxiety is killing me

I’m on day 4 and the Anxiety was pretty bad the first 3 days, today it has lessened a little which I’m very thankful for. I made an appointment with a psychiatrist so I can get back on meds, I’m not sure if that’s your thing or not but it’s helped me in the past.

I get physical anxiety like a racing heart, palpitations, clammy feeling, hot flashes, panic feeling in my chest as well as mental anxiety which consists mostly of catastrophic thinking and ruminating negative thoughts.

I try to do things to calm my body and distract my mind.

One day at a time.


Welcome! Be active here and be open!

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Welcome Hamish :green_heart: It will get better. Drink lots of water and rest. Just focus on today and don’t use your DOC today.

Feeling ok

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Ok I’m going to get by new year , then I’m aiming for march . Want to get some time under my belt


2022 is going to be different!!!


I am in the same boat as you, im on day one too and I actually had to leave work because my anxiety was so bad and I was shaking like crazy, im still shaking like crazy. I called my doctor and she prescribed me some meds to help with the anxiety. Maybe you could reach out to your doctor. Goodluck I hope it gets easier like everyone says cuz this sucks!!

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My anxiety is much better today Laura :+1:

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I was wrong anxiety is killing me in bed

Welcome. Hang on through the crappy feeling. It will get better.

7 days👍 glad I did it , still bit anxious, worst anxiety I’ve ever experienced

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Congratulations on 7days!
Today is day 2 for me and the ‘hangxiety’ is very real.
Very proud of you!

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I don t like new year resolution, how about thinking about it as a lifetime resolution just saying, congrats on the days sober you have its a start.

Just returned from another party I was only one who didn’t drink :muscle:


I’m feeling good . I’ve got a great mindset . I’ve decided I’m going to stop on my own terms now , not wait til I hve no choice or wait too late