Day 1 no alcohol

Day 1. No alcohol. How do you stay motivated when 75% of me doesn’t want to :expressionless:. I know I need to my priorities are all over.


Alcohol mastery on YouTube helped me big time in my first days. He has a lot of videos that are really helpful. I had to ‘grow into sobriety’ and am still learning, at the moment mostly on this forum. It will get easier!

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Thank you for your reply will check out the vids when the kids in bed!

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For me it was remembering the negative things about drunk me. How I acted, how I felt and the crappy things I did while drunk. I remembered why i wanted and needed to stop. And I chatted with people closest to me about becoming sober and hearing how happy they are about it made it seem even more worth it. Best of luck! You can absoloutely do this !


I wrote a list of what I will gain from not drinking and how I want to live my life…I keep it on my phone and in the early days read it a lot…

Wake up every day guilt and regret free and feeling good

No hangovers ever!!

Treating my husband with respect and no drunk fighting

Self respect gets a major boost

No more internal conflict about drinking and if/how can I cut down or stop

Restful restorative uninterrupted sleep!!!

Major pride in myself and all that I can accomplish

A sense of peace and calm every day…not anxious stomach and brain

No more embarrassment and shame because of my behavior

Forgiving myself for past mistakes and terrible judgement

No wondering what I did or how I hurt husband or others while drunk

No treating people I love, including myself, poorly while drunk

No drunk driving and possibly hurting self or others or jail

No upset stomach from drinking

No anxiety and near constant agitation when hungover

No dark suicidal thoughts

No shame around neighbors if I was loud and yelling or loud music

No blackouts ever

No overwhelming shame at my behavior

No oversharing with strangers while drunk or making plans I will need to cancel

Not having to check my phone in the middle of the night to delete social media posts - no drunk texting/emails/posts/calls

Not be bloated and puffy and look haggard

Clear skin and eyes

Be present and not hungover with family and friends

Be a good example for my grandson

Major pride in myself and a huge boost in self esteem

No hangovers ever again

No more excuses or lies

Peace of mind - a true sense of peace with myself and life

Pride in myself


Love your list Sassyrocks :blush:. I can totally identify with all of those. Another gain I have is not constantly stinking of booze the next day at work.


Thanks @mermaid, it has been helpful to me.

Great list. I totally identify.

Wow thankyou all! Gonna start a journal I think to project everything!


I am one of those ones that needed something like AA (in my case,AA). I coild do all the self-psychoanalyzing I wanted, all the pep talking, all the reflection. Nothing kept me going past a month or two.

It’s not AA, per se, but the fellowship and direction (which is what I get out of AA). I don’t think there’s one-ass way. I also know that I was the last person I should have been listening to🤣 I didn’t know what the hell to do.

Keep at it homie.
I think it’s a superb start to seek out some direction from those with stable, long term sobriety – wherever you can find them! – and better still if you can meet up with them in person, and better better cheddar still if you keep honest with them all of the time.

When I think of drinking, I ask myself what is to be gained. The cons far outnumber any pros. In fact, I never come across a good excuse to drink.


Does that work for you, long haul?

It has. I’m 138 days sober. I make sure to keep myself busy. I go to the gym and keep my mind occupied with online classes.

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First few days and weeks are the toughest but it gets so much better. I’m at day 50 and I feel better about myself. I’ve lost weight and I love not waking up on Sundays with a hangover. Just stay focused through the first few weeks the journey is well worth it

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Those are exactly the reasons to quit. I messed up and drank yesterday after 81 days and I absolutely HATE myself today!

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This is a really good idea. I’m almost 3 days into my sober journey and I think it could do me some good. Thank you for the idea!

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Right on! ODAAT+

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