Day 1 of no benzos

It’s day one for the 3rd dozen time. Does it ever get easier? Will i ever stop craving them? Can anyone help? I feel so hopeless


Welcome to the community :raising_hand_woman:
There are many people here going through the same journey as you.
You will find lots of support here just try to get through 1 day at a time.

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Welcome to Talking Sober Ethel! Hope you’ll find support here in your journey. I sure did! May I ask, did you get some medical advice before quitting? Benzos typically have to be tapered down to minimize the effects of quitting (like anxiety and insomnia). There’s protocols how to do that sensibly that will make the bad withdrawal effects less and the chance of a successful outcome much better. Wishing you all success!

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The cravings never go away you will always want it but you have to find the strength and reason to say no it’s not worth it one second at a time one minute at a time one one hour at a time one day at a time it’s hard but gets easier the more you say no make it a habit of saying no stay away from people and things that trigger you find things to keep yourself busy so your not thinking about it take a breather if your getting stressed don’t run to get high deal with the problem it’s only temporary and will pass talk to someone if needed you got this you can do it there’s many people supporting you and are proud of you God bless

Benzos are incredibly addictive. Ive been on them forever, just so i dont feel like i am constantly dying. I’ll probably be on them until the day i die, since i got prescribed them. When someone threatens to kill you with a gun and then discusses all sorts of ways they can dispose of your body and no one will find out, being held at gunpoint the whole time, just staring into the barrel…

Yeah it kind of shakes up the Etch a Sketch

Hopefully you don’t actually need them. If you want to quit them, you can do it.

It takes a lot of effort. I would be cutting the dosage gradually, if you stop cold turkey after taking them for a while, it can be life threatening

I went from 4mg clonazepam to 1.3mg clonazepam over the course of about 200 days, but my body could not handle 1.3mg without seizures

So i would just take it real slow

The cravings typically go away over time. I had to stay clean to become happy