Day 10 and starting over

I started taking Campral. It stops cravings and wow does it work. No side effects for me
20,days sober and found vodka that I had forgotten about. I was alone too. Just took the ,66, outside and told my hubby to get rid of it. No desire to drink
Something to think about. See can use all the help we can get. Good luck.


Hey I get you. I too have a good life and have no idea why I drink. I had to reset again and I’m tired of this merry go round. I’m tired of waking up and not remembering much of the night before. I want off this ride. I want to stop and stay sober. I guess I need to do some work to get there. I wish you well and let’s keep working toward our goal.


Good luck on your Journey. Wishing you the best.

Shut the voice down instantly, straight away “no”
If you let it reason with you or get any kind of foot hold, it’ll work it’s way in. You got to be strong with the instant no. It will get less frequent.

You could be drinking from boredom, try to find hobbies to do instead of drinking, spend the money on art supplies or try carving wood or something new, maybe an instrument? Knitting?? Anything.

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