Day 11. Feeling bored. Remind me why I'm here

Hello all! I am on day 11 and am feeling great but I’ve been watching movies for days and I’m extremely bored and feeling some cravings tonight. Someone please say something. I’m bored out of my tree. Lol


Sobriety is boring. :woman_shrugging:t5: Boring is a blessing for me. When I used to drink due to boredom, what I thought would be excitement turned into reckless behavior, impulsiveness to go out (leading to drinking and driving and spending money I didn’t really have to spend), promiscuity, blacking out, then waking up with anxiety/ panic attacks, depression, a hang over and feelings of overall shame.

In the early stages of my sobriety, boring sucked. Now after 2.5 years, boredom is a blessing. I’m comfortable with boredom, it means lounging about in cozy sleepwear, drinking cozy cups of tea, binge watching tv shows, prepping for my work week, budgeting, cleaning, catching up with old friends, being sober and alert should something come up. I’ll take stable boredom over exciting addiction anyday.

Welcome to the forum and congratulations on 11 days!


I feel ya on the boredom part :unamused: I too get bored and tired of the same thing day n day out lol me being in early recovery once again I need to learn how to have fun clean and sober and I have to learn what I enjoy and to maybe take up a new hobby. I didn’t pay any attention to my likes n dislikes while I used. So I had to learn about myself all over again. Keep things interesting. And the funny thing is tho is that using drugs for me was also very redundant. The same thing day n and day out. Differencw btwn the two tho is that using can cost me my life and has known to put me in terrible, life threatening situations. So when I look at it… being boring in recovery aint so bad sometimes. I was told once that addicts/alcoholics are like children of chaos. And I could relate. I tend to naturally like to stir the pot and create chaos cuz that’s what’s comfortable for me. And I usually don’t like sitting still or sitting quiet lol so ya early recovery may be abit boring but I feel like I’ll start to enjoy the simple, quiet, boring things in life soon enough. I’ve heard of many people begin to enjoy the simple basic things in life. That’s what I’m looking forward to :slight_smile:


Boredom is just an opportunity to do something. Not drinking or using frees up a lot of time. I rediscovered things I had forgotten I liked, such as reading and swimming. I also finally am doing things I thought I would like to do, like professional development.


I started challenging myself. I joined a band and played my first solo and sober gig tonight.

Is there something you’ve always wanted to but never did?



I’ve never understood boredom… (I think myself lucky, don’t get me wrong) I do understand having lack of motivation, lack of energy or tiredness.

If I have motivation and energy, I literally cannot fit all of the things I want to do in a day, there are too many things and I kind of skip between them manically trying to satisfy an urge to do them all… Between various crafts (sewing, painting, cosmetic making) keeping the house in order, gardening, outdoor persuits like walking, climbing, planning for those, visiting friends, playing an instrument, watching TV, DIY projects seeing the sun rise, swimming, working, phoning family playing with the cat and trying to get to bed at a reasonable time I can’t understand boredom there are not enough hours in each day.


I agree with @Badger. There aren’t enough hours in the day to do all the things I want to do.

Your here because you were having so much fun drinking that you wanted to quit, and found your way here.

Im glad you’re here. Our minds try and trick us back into our old habits we want to break. You shared about it and it sounds like your refocused. Good work!

Might be time to pick an old hobby back up and/or start a new one.


I know exactly what you are saying! I am on day 7 after a relapse and I swear our minds telling us we are bored is evil at work. I think we can all agree there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done, whether you want to or not sometimes. To help me with the “bored feeling”. I forced and continue to force myself on the stuff that HAS to be done and I am finding those things lead to more things and presto!! Not enough time to do it all :grin:. I will you well on your journey!!


Thanks all, I’m safely at day 12. I feel great and I appreciate the reminder. You are all right, I need to push myself to find new things to do. All this extra time is a luxury that I can fill with many other things…