Day 12 not smoking / using weed

Hello strangers on the internet,
I would like to share my story about fighting my addiction.

Im 26 years old and started smoking weed at the age of 14. I had some ups and down periods but for the last 8 years I smoked almost everyday. At the start it didnt bother me, in my mind set / sport activities but the last few years it did. My cardio went down and my mindset became weak. Hanging out with friends always was about smoking weed instead of just being with each other and enjoying conversations / the company. No weed? No chilling for me. But it got worse. I started to love my own company more then hanging out with friends/family. So I isolated myself allot with weed and my pc. I did train but as soon I was done training in the gym the priority was smoking weed and play games or watch videos on youtube. I lost myself.
I always had goals like if I do this or I achieve that I will stop smoking. But I never stopped. And still achieved the things I wanted the most. Joining the elite forces. When I first started the course I was thinking “ I cannot smoke because then I wouldnt be able to finish this very hard course” so I stopped for a few weeks. But then after a hard week I tried some again, and again… in the weekends and then it all started over again. Now I am almost 2 weeks in being sober and havent fellt so good in years. Im happy, im fit and more stable in my mind. Im not so grumpy anymore and I can finnaly say I feel rested when I wake up at 5 for work. I couldnt imagine that a few months ago. I did lost my girlfriend in this progress because, I always battled with myself the voice in my head said stop smoking you dont need it. But the voice of my addiction always won. This resulted in depression/madness in my head all the time, we always smoked together and I had to shake my life up for myself and for my own progress. ( we also had quite allot of arguments and I couldnt handle that anymore. Normaly when things get hard I smoked it away. But not this time. I am where I want to be in my life and I wont get in that loophole again.

If someone is reading this. Stay hard, stay disciplined and watch some motivational videos. Try to meditate a little maybe not like buddha but just deep down and ask yourself where you want to be in life, think about your mind and body and take care of it. We can al conquer our inner demons. We just have to do it and win every day again.

If there are questions feel free to ask. I hope everyone could experience this mental state.

You are not alone. Never give up.



Congrats on nearing 2 weeks! That is awesome, keep up all the hard work!