Day 130 Update

Today is day 130 that I have been clean of all substances. I have a great foundation in my recovery. I am setting boundaries I never could do before. I have a great NA Sponsor. I had a Spiritual Awakening that has changed my life. I am using the tools I have to manage my anxiety better. I was in my best friend’s wedding on Saturday and had an absolutely amazing time. I am so grateful to be able to be present for my family and friends, to be building a relationship with my higher power, for my whole network in recovery, and just the overall feelings I have and can actually feel today. And thank you to everyone here who has been loving, encouraging, and supportive. You are all helping to save my life. <3


It’s always nice to read stories, messages like this one from you and congratulations, seems you have applied kind of systematic approach during your sober journey. If you don’t mind sharing… what are the tools to manage your anxiety? Thank you

Thank you! I am getting a lot better at impulse control, “first thought wrong thought.” I try to either shift my thinking by literally telling myself “No, that is not rational… try again” or the whole move a muscle, change a thought. I will get up, make some tea, read a book, pet the dog, reach out to a friend, etc. Friday night I was crippled with anxiety, tears running down my face for no real reason, but I knew I didn’t have to struggle and fight my feelings alone. I reached out to multiple people, some prayed with me, some chatting letting me know its okay to FEEL my feelings and continuously surrender. The fellowship of the programs I attend is what is really keeping me clean. Seeing other people grow and give me hope. I am starting to be able to combat my negative self talk, I journal and doodle a lot, I do mindfulness and self-love journals. I write positive affirmations and come up with recovery mantras. The biggest thing is just giving myself a break and realizing that I don’t have to suffer anymore, I can let go and let God, I can get out of my own way to allow for happiness to enter my life. For so long I let fear control me and little by little I’ve been able to replace that fear with Faith. Faith in my recovery. I am sorry this is all over the place, I am just really passionate and in a good place today. lol


No, it’s OK, I followed your thoughts thru from beginning till the end. Thank you for sharing and it makes perfect sense. Even Mike Tyson said sth like he does whatever it takes to have a strong mind (mindset), train it, so that his feelings do not take control over him.

way to go – 130 days and going strong is amazing! Keep going strong :muscle: