Day 2 and already down 3 pounds

Yes, sobriety is important to me but so is my health. Has anyone lost a lot of weight with sobriety? If so how much? A part of my depression is the wine weight gain.


Thank you!

21 llbs in six months. I’m exercising way more and eating healthily.

I don’t really obsess over my weight and just weigh every few weeks and each time it’s becoming a pleasant surprise and I look and feel so much healthier.


Day 4 here and I haven’t weighed in but it would be nice if I was a few pounds down. I have no doubt that the alcohol contributes to my weight…not only calories from the booze itself but I always notice that I eat so much more unhealthy when I’m drinking and it hungover.


That’s awesome! Congrats on being healthier.

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:joy::joy::joy: that will do it.

Yes! I crave French fries for some weird reason the next day🙁 but I haven’t had any food cravings yet.

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I always crave a really cold soda and really any fried food :slight_smile:

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