Day 2 - Feeling Positive

Today is day 2 and my goal is to take it slow and appreciate my mindset today. For me, I’m not celebrating the time between drinking so much, because I typically take a day or two in between drinking. Rather, I’m appreciating that, for at least today, I’m not battling with my usual cycle. I don’t have any cravings or desire to drink today, and I’m very content with that. That is my success today. I will continue to journal on here, because last time I took the time to journal privately, I was 35 days sober. I remember it got easier and it almost felt silly that I ever had a problem to begin with. Then something major happened and I relapsed, which reminded me how it got so bad in the first place. I’m glad I have that experience under my belt, because now I can focus on healthier coping skills and creating a plan instead of simply abstaining. Everyday I will focus on right now and leave tomorrow for tomorrow. Thank you all for your encouraging words. I’ve only been here a day and I feel really at home. Stay strong, lovlies. :muscle::green_heart:


So I started journaling my experience several days after I quit…and I was thinking JUST this morning that I wish I would have started on day one to go back and read and compare how far I’ve come.

Then, I had to write my daughter a note for school and went looking for some paper. I grabbed an old notebook and opened it, and I found where I had journaled every day last year when I did dry January … and I almost cried bc I completely forgot I did that and my experiences were very similar to this time, only now I’m not stopping at January. Life’s little gifts/surprises when we need them :black_heart:

Keep it up girl, proud of your early progress and determination


Keep us posted on your journey wish you well

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