Day 2 Sober lets try again


I am on my second morning sober. I screwed up pretty bad this week and scared if i dont make a change could/will ruin my business. It has been long over due, ruined so many relationships over last 3 years.

Im still pretty hungover from Fridays activities. I dont have any urge to drink now, but that 4 o clock comes around it might change. I will use this app as support.

As i write this i get invited to a social gathering tonight that i am scared to go too and drink. So there is that aspect im gonna miss. However, this group a majority people dont drink, however a couple do, i was always in the couple. Still early in the game to test myself.

However, i have to make this change. I think this app helps me see the other side.



So are you not going to the event tonight?

Welcome Grant to the forum! Glad to have u here. Sounds like ur ready to make some changes. U definitly wont regret it. Getting clean and sober was the best decision i ever made. Do u plan to go to this event tonight? Sounds like a slippery slope. Hope u stick around and stay connected to us here :slight_smile:

I know exactly how you feel!! I was invited out with friends friday. I didnt go. With less then a week in the temptation would have been too much. I woke up this morning day 8 and i felt crappy. Like down and sad. I cried most of my morning. I normally would have picked up a bottle but i had to go over the positive notes ive taken over thr week. About what ive achieved each day and it helped.


I skipped tons of stuff in the beginning. 5 years later, i couldnt tell you what i missed and no one remembers that I wasnt there. The emotions behind missing a social event last a very little time. The blessing of sobriety can last a life time.


Thanks everyone for the replies and support.

Nah not going to event. Even though this would probably be the safest and less tempted events i could go too, week has been whirlwind.

Its a bike ride, dog walk, and curry night.

Real work starts tomorrow. I am more of an after work happy hour blitz drinker. If that makes sense.


Hey Grant - welcome to the community!

Great job on working on your sobriety. I totally been on the roller coaster of waking up not wanting to drink and then by late afternoon / early evening the urges hit. I found that at the beginning i really needed to change up my routine(s). I also stayed away from social engagements till i felt strong enough to be out and order water, juices or mocktails.
You may need to change up your social circle as well. This is an amazing community to be a part of. I spend so much time here. It has been a godsent for me. The members are super supportive and these threads are filled with beautiful stories of struggles and triumphs. Take your time to read around and join in when you get a moment.

a great thread for accountability Checking in daily to maintain focus #57 - hope to see you around.

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