Day 27 no oxy - you will not believe this tho

Its day 27 of no oxy. So the bad news first. You know what happens when you heavily abuse oxy for 6 months. Your immune system suffers. So if anyone has seen my previous posts i talked about doing well for 2 weeks, working out, eating healthy and then been hit with such fatigue and body aches and head pain out of no where to the point were a friend had to come over to help with dishes and cooking. I thought this was some late withdrawl symptoms. Gusse what. Its bloody shingles. A viral infection that comes on from your immune system going to hell that has symptoms of extreme fatigue and head pains and chills and everything that i was feeling. Had to tell my boss at my new job that i cant start rhis monday and ask to move my starting date to next week cuz ive never felt so weak and sick. Has anyone had this sort of rhing happen when they stoppwd drugs? Btw on the bright side i have had no craving for about 5 days. I think ive even forgotten what the feeling of being on the drugs felt like. So thats a huge bonus! My addiction stemed more from the isolationf from lockdown and lack of achievment, love and connection so being able to live again has made such a huge diference but those first few weeks were a nightmare but i think ive reached a point were i can put it in the past so yay to that!


I just want to compliment t you on getting g away from that stuff! 27 days is fantastic! Glad your desire has gone away! So happy for you!! How your shingles get better soon!!! :hugs:


My husband got shingles while he was using pain medication post surgery when he was in his early 40’s. We thought only older people get it. The doctor explained that opiods block the immune system’s ability to attack viral and bacterial infections. This was an eye opening experience for us. Of course he stopped them immediately and it still took a few weeks to heal. He found cold compresses and cool baths worked best. Hang in there @Brooks, it’s a bump in the road of a long journey.


I never got shingles, but I did develop peripheral neuropathy, possibly because of all the IV drug use. It causes burning and tingling in my feet and sometimes my calves, all the time.

I’m sorry to hear of your troubles and pain, I’ve heard about how awful shingles can be. :confused:


It’s the re-emergence of the virus that causes chicken pox. Anyone who’s had the chicken pox as a child, can get shingles. I’ve heard such horror stories about it that I went and got vaccinated.

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I’m glad you’re feeling better on your recovery side and I’m sorry you got shingles! Look after yourself, get tested and fantastic job on 27 days!!! Great work :+1::pray:t2::two_hearts: