Day 3 of soberness in the early stages is it hard to sleep cuz I'm not getting no sleep

I keep waking up like every 2 hours and then I can’t go back to sleep like 40 minutes and with the sweats I had somebody tell me to try melatonin I’m going to go buy some today if anybody tried it please give me feedback on that or another sleep aid


Melatonin will help. Also Benadryl. Nine days ago I was on about a month or more of little to no sleep. I would get a couple hours of passed out drunk sleep, then awake most if not all the the remainder of the evening with racing thoughts, spiked blood pressure and the inability to go back to sleep peacefully. Went through three nights of sweat but in those three nights was able to sleep better than I had when drinking. Each night since, it’s been a little better each night. I am still using Melatonin and Benadryl on a rotation each night. I also use meditative music to help with the racing thoughts as well as a fan for white noise. Recently discovered using frequency sounds that are used in chakra healing. If you have Spotify try this playlist.
It does get better. So don’t give up. Today wash your bedding and spray some lavender all over it before getting into bed. Make sure you’ve eaten well. Remind yourself that you’re going in the right direction by not drinking. Remind yourself that whatever might be bothering you and keeping you awake will still be there in the morning and that you don’t need to worry about it right now and that you will deal with it all better in the morning with a clear rested alcohol free brain. You can get throug this and it’s ok to use something to help you sleep especially when using natural ingredients like lavender, melatonin or valerian root. I look forward to when you tell us what a great night sleep you had.


Hi :wave: it takes at least 10 days for the alcohol (if this is your DOC) to get out of your system. Drink plenty of water and try and get some light exercise. A nice warm relaxing shower before bed. It will get better once you’re system is clear and you should hopefully be experiencing better sleep soon. :pray:t2::two_hearts:


Ride it out. I was like that for years and years. I’m 15 days sober today. Within a week my sleep improved majorly. Just keep goin to bed before 12am and if u wake up at 3 or 4 am. Just get up and get ready and stay awake till 10pm if u can force it… It honestly will help, today I feel amazing, best sleep iv ever had in 10 years. And because of this. I want alcohol but if I do… I’m back to the same stressful sleep your going through, don’t stress about it. Ul smash it


It gets better! A lot of us went thru this. If an urge hits…just remember this post…just another reason to stay sober.


I am having a terrible time sleeping. For so long I thought the alcohol was helping me sleep, but it’s not. I get an hour of sleep or so and then up all night in anxiety sweats. And when I’m sober I’m afraid of not getting sleep so it’s like a never ending cycle. Hoping to change something myself too. Hang in there.


I find magnesium supplements help me, I tried melatonin but had nightmares


Valerian tea might help, as might 5-htp. Maybe some light yoga and deep breathing. It will get easier with time


To answer your question. YES.

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Day three today for me sans alcohol. Last night I took 2 zzz pure z’s zzzquil. Worked somewhat but still woke up with tossing and turning and restless legs. I’m hoping it gets better as time goes on and I can sleep normally without anything. It’s been years for me of oodles of wine to make me sleep


I tried melatonin and i woke up every 2 hours. Now if i cant sleep i take advil pm. I always have a hard time sleeping or staying asleep. Good luck hope u gwt sleep


I have restless legs and i been sober for a month. I hate it. Its hard to get a solid 8 hrs of sleep. Im sorry ur going thru this.


If CBD is available to you its a godsend. Does not get you high. 300mg at night. Also took my shakes away the first day when I used it as needed. Effects similar neurotransmitters as say lorazepam but no high. Can decrease dose as you improve.


It was terrible, that first week of sobriety. I felt like I was up for days. But hang in there. I am now almost 7 months sober and I LOVE my sleep :sleeping: I get excited to lay in my comfy bed and snuggle up in the pillows. I thought I’d never be able to sleep without the wine. It’s another lie that alcohol tells you. Sending you some restful Zzzzs! :heart::pray:


I hear you guys day 4 of opiate withdrawal without meds. no sleep last night few nights, just rolling around feeling like an elastic band. A prison detox nurse once told me eventually the body clock will come out of shock and your sleep will improve slowly after you’ve hit peak withdrawal, she really cared about people. Good luck to all with their battle🙏


Hey @littlemisschatterbox I just got back from treatment in Florida. Legacy it is a great place . :blush: I tried to do it on my own but couldn’t. After my wife of 20years left me and my alcohol I got help. It’s a long road and this forum helps. First recovery. I take sleep meds to get sleep. The cold sweats sucked in detox , hang in there

There is meds for restless legs. Requip I believe it is called

Hypnosis for sleep helps on YouTube

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Melatonin helps a little

Exercise helps a little

Healthy diet helps a little

No electronics (phone, TV, computer etc) an hour before bed helps a little

Consistent bedtime/wakeup time helps a little

Meditation helps a little

It all adds up and does helps, but there is no magic bullet.

Time is the only thing that fixes it. Hang in there, beautiful sleep is on the horizon!


They put me on something called pregabalin for my restless legs but I took myself off them as I was fast becoming hooked on them. I basically have a highly addictive personality. I live in England and you have to pay so much to get in rehab. I’m a single dad so don’t have the money to get treatment. Also I’ve been told I can’t take my antipsychotics. That would be very bed if I don’t have them.